So after piloting a lib for the last week or so and having a blast, I had a few thoughts... I'll just start by saying that I am a PS1 vet and I've tried to take the role I loved so much in PS1 and apply it here in PS2. And the role I loved so much is being a dedicated driver/pilot. I didn't rack up massive amounts of kills, but I loved setting my gunners up for huge numbers. I've tried to reprise that role here in PS2 with a good amount of success. I think having dedicated support people enhance the combat aspect of the game because they learn their trade exceptionally well and, by the nature of being support, enhance the people around them. I think there could be some changes to lure more people into that role and to give those who play that role more tools to work with. So... with that being said, here are some thoughts: First and foremost, can we please get an assist counter for pilots? I know an assist stat is tracked, but it doesn't count the assists when you're a pilot. I drove a tank and piloted a Lib all the time in PS1 and I prided myself on the huge number of assists I racked up at the end of the day. I didn't get kills, but I could hang my hat on knowing how many kills I had a hand in dishing out. Right now, there's no way to see my success as a pilot. Would it be possible to get 50%-50% gunner/pilot XP split instead of 66%-33%? On of my gunners commented that the reason he's able to rack up so many kills is directly related to how well I fly the plane. I do the dirty work and he just aims and shoots. While I don't mind the XP split as it is now, a lot of the success lies with the pilot and his ability to set his/her gunner up for kills so I think this a valid point. Would there be a way to switch loadouts on a vehicle without having to spawn a new one? I've noticed that different loadouts work well for different situations. For instance, my normal loadout for my lib is flares, high-G frame, and a zephyr. However, a situation may come up where I would like to arm a dalton, grab afterburners, at have my high speed airframe. Having to respawn, start the CD timer over, and lose aerospace seems like a punishment, especially if I have been able to keep my Lib alive for the last hour or so. As conditions change, I would think that you would be able to change your load out to adapt. Also, if I've put 1000s of certs into my Lib to make it as versatile as possible, I feel that I should be able to switch my load out without a penalty. Can we put a direction indicator for gunners and pilots so that the crew knows which direction each other is looking. Even with VOiP, it is sometimes hard to articulate what each other sees or is doing because the sense of direction gets messed up. Ideally, when I'm a pilot, I would like to see in which direction the gunner is looking and for my gunner to always know which way the nose is pointing. Is there a way to add a camera for the pilot to look straight down... kinda a free look camera attached to the belly? Once on top of targets, it's impossible to assess situations. I've always had the theory that it's my gunners job to kill and mine to set him/her up for kills and watch for threats. I'm sure we all know that when shooting, we get that tunnel vision and it's hard to see beyond our target. Having a camera that looks down would allow me to spot targets/threats and play a more active role while in combat. Lastly, (this one deviates from the theme), can we have deployed sunderers show up as a different color on the minimap? Sometimes I feel like it's a game of hide and seek to find the 1 deployed sunderer in the sea of undeployed ones. That would just make things way easier. So those would be my suggestions for now. I think they would enhance the team play for those who fly/gun as a group. As my dedicated gunners and I grow as crew, I can see these things allowing us to be a stronger team and more efficient at what we do. I'm happy to entertain thoughts and suggestions. Thanks.