[Suggestion] Some additional "v"oice options

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aegie, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Aegie

    I would like to see some additional "v"oice options like the following:


    I know that we have a "confirm" option but I think it would be very useful to have a simple set of "Yes", "Yeah", "Yup" in addition so we can use them as quick responses without cluttering the voip with chatter.


    As far as I am aware there is no option for the equivalent of "No" and I think it would be very useful to have a simple set of "No", "Nope", "Nah".

    "Nice work"

    We have a taunt but we do not really have the opposite of a taunt and I think a way to congratulate other players, friend and foe alike, could help make the game more enjoyable and counter balance some of the typical vitriol.

    "Cover me"

    For all those times when you are trying to lead a charge into a base, flip a terminal, etc.

    "I'll cover you"

    For all those times when you want to quickly let others know that you have their back.

    "Push forward"

    When you are laying a smoke screen or trying to motivate people to surge the front line forward.


    An easy way to let nearby friendlies that an objective or position is lost and it would be wise to try another angle.

    "Its too quiet"

    Basically, a simple way to let others know that there do not seem to be any real enemy forces nearby.

    "We're surrounded"

    Basically, the opposite of "its too quiet" to let nearby friendlies know there are lots of enemies nearby.

    If anyone else has suggestions please add them- I just feel that some additional, practical, "v"oice options would be a nice way to cut down on voip chatter.
  2. DJPenguin

    Hack the Control Console.
    • Up x 1
  3. ManualReplica

    We only have 10 number keys, tho...
  4. Sossen

    Just use proximity chat.
  5. LowTechKiller

    Speaking of proximity chat, I've always wanted to see SOE disable prox chat for all players until they put a credit card on their account...lol. :p
  6. Tommyp2006