[BUG] Solstice SF Medal Kill Count

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    At the time of this posting I have 1177 kills with the Solstice SF. It takes around 1149 to get an Auraxium medal, but due to a long-standing bug none of my kills were going towards that total. It appears to be fixed but not in any way that makes sense. You are not giving players credit for the kills they have already made, so I now need to kill another 1130 or so people to get my Auraxium medal with a weapon I dislike.

    I would like to be awarded the medal that I have rightfully earned along with the 200 certifications that come with it. Thanks.
    • Up x 1
  2. Lyrencropt

    I agree, but they didn't do this for the hacksaw or any of the other stuff. It's pretty terrible.
  3. Badgered

    They ought to do this for every weapon that was bugged. I'm owed 200 certs and I bet a lot of other people (especially hacksaw users) are owed a lot more than that.