So I'm recently using the Magrider, but I'm doing it solo... Solo as in, my friends don't play PS2 and I don't use voice chat with randoms (stranger danger D8), but I'm more then happy to have a blueberry to mount my cannons (unless he goes AFK or starts slapping around our own Sundies etc) I've a Sauron and Aphellion. Personaly I prefer the Aphellion, due to the sound and I've somewhat imagined that it's quite good at vehicles, but since the skill may vary quite alot between my fellow occupants I belive that the Sauron is good enough for both the MLG prostuff and newcomers to slap around stuff with So yeah, the big question is, would a Sauron or Aphellion suit me better? The minor question is, I've understood that the Sauron is quite decent at range (I've slapped a Thermal on mine, a big nono?) and the Aphellion is... Well I just bought it an hour ago, so I haven't had the chance to try, so, a Thermal or a x1.75 optic on it? And yes, I'll start certing out my Aphellion (My Sauron already have optic, maxed reload and a few ammo upgrades) anyway, so should I get Reload speed or Magazine size on it? Maybe a different top gun would fit my preference more? I've heard about the Ranger being good for solo:ing purposes, but air in PS4 isn't too much of a threat, and if they are I usualy try my luck with my Skyguard...
I don't play the PS4 version so I cannot say whether this applies but i've got very many hours in the Magrdier so as long as it is very similar, the following should apply. 1. Never go solo in a Magrider. The main gun is relatively weak and you really need the extra oomph of the secondary gunner, randomer is better than nothing. 2. You really need to take notice of #1 ! 3. If you really really want to go Solo - it will depend on your play style and what kills you the most. - Saron will give you long range accuracy but it's not going to kill anything any time soon so although a good option for randomers, may not be best for you - Aphelion is good for closer range scatter gun approach - useful against Harassers but a Vulcan is still going to be tricky - Walker is generally the preferred AA but Ranger can help scare them off quicker due to the flack Anyway this is merely a best guess as I would never go solo in a Magrider so YMMV.
hands down, all the way.... HALBERD. Its a 1 shot sucker punch that auto reloads after you fire. So you fire your front gun and let the reload circle get about half way done then you switch to Halberd and fire your 1 shot and wait for reload circle to halfway reload. Then switch back to front gun and keep doing the same thing. Or if you are using the armor piercing front gun FPC it can be hard to shoot infantry so if infantry is giving you trouble you might want a Saron up top. But I love Halberd for solo so I can do the 1 shot, reload, switch, 1 shot, reload, switch, 1 shot, reload, switch.
The Sauron can be good, unless the throw a certain ring into Mount Doom. Seriously though the Saron or Halberd are your best choice for solo AT. Otherwise some AI or AA wouldn't hurt.
Saron is easier for plebs to use as aphelion actually takes a small degree of intellect to use efficiently.
I have quite a bit of time spent inside a mag, and alot of that time i'm solo, so i'll give you my two cents on the weapon situation. Firstly, top gun is going to be largely dependant on who is using it. I used to run halberd all the time, but lately i've found using the aphelian is great for dealing with rogue infantry. The wave hits pretty hard and makes it easy. That being said , if i have a random jump into the turret, well, every gun can be amazing or every gun can be poor. Really, put up what you are comfortable working with and go from there. Better you have a second go to gun you can use in a pinch, then setting up for a random gunner who may or may not show up. The other main point that influences your gun choice is what your doing in the tank. I run stealth, and actively jump behind enemy lines to find tanks and vehicles. in that case aphelion is not a good choice. You want maximum damage, as your generally surprising people who will have an advantage over you in a straight up fight. Think, shield vangaurd, or 2/2 tanks. in this case, halberd seems to work the best. one shot, with good damage, hop to driver seat, hit with main gun. Now you have the decided advantage. If you are working infantry ( I hate this job myself, but we all do it at one point) aphelian, or sauron, heck even the basilisk can work well here. Air wise, i've never had any luck using the walker. It ***** you against other ground vehicles and infantry and most planes will hover out of range and wait for you to engage a harrasser, then hit you anyway. The last point, do what is fun. The mag is the one tank where you can blow of steam by tossing it up a mountain, or wagon wheeling through the same mountain. If your frustrated try something crazy. Toss it off hills and try to take out planes with the tank. ( absolutely hilarious when it happens). Think crazy. The mag may have low dps, but it can do a lot of the crazy things you want it to do and this usually catches people completely offgaurd, for great results, regardless of which top gun you have. Hope this helps
Thanks for all the tips, I'm running it with Stealth, and in my mind I´m trying to sneak up on them from behind. I'll try out the Halberd with the reload thingie, it sounds like it's up my alley.
when i solo the one and only option is Walker, you can't really utilize an AV top gun solo, i've tried firing and switching seats during reloads, but half of the time it will bugg out and when you switch back it starts reloading again. (if this is just me being stupid somehow ignore this XD) you're best off sticking to your main gun, plonking a walker ontop keeps you safe from ESFs looking to prey on unsuspecting tanks. edit: on second thoughts, being PS4, Ranger might be better than Walker, depending how easy it is to aim wiht a controller
I semi-understand the use of the Walker, but when I use it (I've one on my Sundy), it feels like it's too hard for me to use. I miss about 80% of the magazine :} I've no idea how the Walker is though, I've never used it myself, is it equal to the Skyguard? I would assume it's at best, half the power of a Skyguard, and then it would be a quite big nono for me :B
yeah i can imagine it being really tough to aim walker with a controller, ranger works similar to skyguard but it is a lot weaker, its flak though so you just shoot in the general direction and it works
Halberd is good if you want two anti-vehicle guns and want to increase your dps by hot-switching. But it's a lot of trouble and means you can't really maneuver, so it might be better in most situations to just rely on your main gun. The alternative is to pick something that lets you specialize in two roles. I.e. take the AP main cannon for anti-vehicle, and then a PPA/Kobalt or a Walker/Ranger for either anti-infantry or anti-air. Or take the HE main cannon for anti-infantry, and take an anti-vehicle or anti-air top gun. That way you've given yourself some extra flexibility. Either way, you should probably reconsider being either a solo tanker or being Vanu. The Magrider is the weakest solo tank by a significant margin. If you really want to be a solo tanker, consider going TR (massive DPS on the main AP gun, plus lockdown, means you can often just turn and outshoot a 2/2 Magrider even if it sneaks up behind you, provided you react quickly) or NC (shield lets you just bumrush and kill 2/2 Magriders if you get close enough to deny them cover first). The Magrider can be good, but only when fully manned.
Use Saron when hunting sunderers. FPC-Saron clip-Saron clip-FPC is how you quickly ruin them with solo Mag. FPC will be loaded after you shoot both clips BUT if you switch back after one, it will break a reload cycle and you'll need to wait for a full reload. Use Halberd if staying quiet/stealthy matters.
Ridiculous statement that doesn't take into consideration any context whatsoever. You can survive in a half certed anything for hours solo, provided that the engagements are favourable. If you come up against any form of enemy that has power and / or sustained damage, you will not last long at all solo in a Magrider - and if that is the case it will not matter what you have as your top gun either.