SOE Shut down Spawn Points

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    The "game objective" is to suck money out of me.

    "MY" objective is to get certs.

    The "zerg's objective" is to suck money out of me? HEY! :mad:
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  2. MasterCheef

    Spawn rooms should be defendable.

    I would propose a way for spawn rooms to release a flash or concussion blast to disable enemies too close and trying to camp. This way a rallying force could at least make an honest charge out of the spawn room without guns pointing at them. Hopefully this would encourage more people to try and guard the capture points instead of camp.

    to regulate this feature i would make it have a cool down and cost resources to activate. I think it could encourage people to leave a spawn room in an organized tactical rush and also help prevent some of the camping.

    IMO, i would also disable certs gain from inside a spawn room and disable cert gain from killing someone 5 sec after they leave a spawn room. This too can entice players to protect the points over camping a spawn doorway.
  3. andy_m

    Nowhere do SOE say that shooting through spawn room shields is an exploit dood. That there is an unfair acccusation, that we are exploiting an aspect of the game. Is that not a bannable offense, to take advantage of an exploit?

    As far as I was aware, an exploit was an unintended glitch within a game that someone stumbled across and could be used to their advantage.

    It is quite plain, that the developers of PS2 deliberately designed some shields that can be shot through, by the owning faction. And there are some shields that cannot be shot through, by anyone.

    Why would they do that if it was not deliberate intent?

    The fact is, SOE have not stepped in here to clear this up. Does this not imply that there is no exploit here?

    And you're irritated about this behaviour? Why? It is just a game... Why can you not ignore what others are doing and get on with the game in your own way, with your own squad/platoon/outfit? Notice that I am not suggesting anything, to anyone here dood, "simply" posing a few questions.
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  4. Shinrah

    It doesn´t matter wether it´s a bug or a "working" game mechanic. But if you prefer, I can use the word "abuse" if that suits you better. The fact remains that alot of people abuse this mechanic in unintended ways.
    SOE´s intention was to give people a way to battle their way out of a spawn. In reality they just gave people a reason to not do that. Why fight your way out when you can safely get EXP from within. Why not sit behind that chummy shield when it allows you to snipe people in another HEX because the positioning of the spawn conveniently allows for it?

    But shielded spawns are just the result of previously bad base design. Most bases on Indar aren´t defensible. So you spent alot of time camping spawns, thats boring. Amerish design took care of alot of issues related to that, now it´s time to get rid of shields that prevent people from going outside and taking back that capture point.
  5. andy_m

    Yeah, it sometimes gets boring, at which point I go elsewhere and do something else. I don't spend all of my time camping in doomed spawn rooms...

    But what I am saying is, can't we all just do what we want to? Why does everyone have to do the same thing? Why do spawn room heroes annoy you? They do not stop you from going out and capping the point yourself. Or pulling a Sundy a base or two back to see if you can counter the Zerg. Go right ahead, you do what you want, and I'll do what I want.

    You, and the faction against spawn room heroes, don't seem to want to accept that we all have a choice in this game. Why should we all play how you want us to? If I was in your platoon I would obey orders. But when I'm on my own I will do what I want. End of.

    What can't you understand about that?
  6. Tuco

    Doesn't matter how the base is designed when the attackers overpop the defenders by 50%, 100%, 200%, 500%, etc.
  7. Boomotang

    I can understand that people don't always want to be super serious playing the objective. I get it. I play that way a lot. But unless I'm in VR, there's always some sort of risk of being killed. Even if the risk is very small, it's still there.

    We don't all have to play the same. But most people can agree that there are certain very specific ways of playing that are, how shall I put it, distasteful. It kind of goes against everything that an open world, objective based, team game is meant to be. If you're killing people from the other team, it should either be in an effort to further the objective or if not, in the bare minimum there should be some chance of being killed. Stat padding and cert gaining should not have immunity. One would think that this is common sense.

    That doesn't mean that you can't sit out on a mountain top sniping. Or enjoy a Harasser race. Go ahead and camp someone's warpgate with a few squads. Or go and ghost cap if that's your thing. You probably aren't influencing any objectives in most of those scenarios, but you aren't immune at the same time either.

    A hopeful side effect of eliminating this behaviour would be more people having a possible affect on the objective. For example, someone who can no longer snipe while gaining XP from inside the spawn room may now find a sniping position that is actually affecting the area around the objective. Or maybe someone who would normally be content staying in the spawn will now actually spawn at the Sunderer that has been pulled from a separate base in an attempt to flank the attackers.

    Disclaimer: I do not agree with the OP suggestion. I only advocate not handing out XP and "kill stats" for kills made within the spawn rooms. I think being able to kill people from within the spawn rooms should stay the same.
  8. Keiichi25

    Yes, I am well aware of the defenders of the Alamo were brutally murderer. At the same time, it was the actions of the Alamo that bought time for Texas to stem the Spanish Army from annexing most of Texas in the process as well.

    The other thing you also neglected to take into account was that it was because the defenders held steadfast against a force, same with the Spartans at Thermopylae and also the Allied forces in Bastonge, which you ignored as I pointed out as a BETTER example of where instead of 'surrendering', they held their position.

    Furthermore, thank you for once again, like many others ignoring the point originally made where in this case, Planetside 2, where there is no 'death', the means of tying up a group of attacking idiots to focus more on trying to kill you also means less eyes looking OUTWARD for a counterattack.
  9. Keiichi25

    Actually, sniping from within a spawn room or sniping somewhere else does not really 'improve' the situation in most cases. Even with a OHK, a sniper will only accomplish as much as any other person inside or outside the spawn room and hardly anything for the objective, even more so in the situation of reducing attacking spawn points. A cloaker with an objectively minded focus would not be sniping, but working with a group and sounding off where certain things are, but tactically, sniping a person at a time at an objective point especially in the situation where the spawn room is camped, is as useful as sniping inside the spawn room. This argument still does not validate not giving people in a spawn room the XP for killing people while in the spawn room or clearing the way. If someone is stupid enough to be in LOS of people in the Spawnroom, the ones killing them deserve as much credit as the people getting killed running into an obvious kill field of someone else spamming the door with HE/HEAT rounds.
  10. Boomotang

    You're right. But the point you replied to wasn't intended to validate my suggestion. It was a possible positive side effect. And not the only one that could happen either.

    The validation of not giving out XP is in the fact that they are immune. How else can players kill enemies while gaining XP with immunity?
  11. VoidMagic

    Fallback, regroup, pull vehicles, attack the base being taken. You never give up the base... sure the enemy will borrow bases sometimes on your continent.. go get them back..

    In a game you are playing to win, you win as hard as you can. If the idea is to keep the enemy away from the point, you hit them so hard they go play warcraft, you don't play footsie with them, you don't let them out of their spawn room, you don't count from 10 to 0 with your back turned to them and you take THE MOST effective weapon system legal in the game to where they are, point it at them, and keep pulling the trigger, till they stop. Anything else is treason to your empire. Let SOE handle what's "fair", you....

    just keep shooting...


    If you find another way to play that suits you... like hiding in a spawn room... thanks, you make my life easier and full of victory. /salute
  12. Hiding in VR

    Because the whole point of this thread and every other thread like it is to make people play the game the way some other people want. Sad but true.
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  13. Hiding in VR

    No. That's your ego talking.
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  14. Boomotang

    In an online racing game, do you not think most people would find it annoying if someone drove around the track backwards? It isn't ego. It's common sense.
  15. Hiding in VR

    That's a far better approach. They are making your life easier, so why care?
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  16. Hiding in VR

    That you think your metaphor is in any way appropriate to this situation shows exactly how much it is Ego. You find Spawn Campers annoying and so believe everyone else finds them annoying.

    Unlike people driving the wrong way round a race track, Spawn Campers do not disrupt the flow of the game.

    There are also a very many players out there that do not care that there are spawn campers. In fact I would not be surprised if it was the greatest majority.
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  17. ElTovar

    Yep, and I don't care. In fact, the more the better. There is less chance of me being killed guarding a capture point or generator if they stay in the spawn room. I don't go near enemy spawn rooms.
  18. WarmasterRaptor

    The lack of perspective, the lack of vision... it's astounding... it's... incredible...

    Why is it SO bothersome to be killed by people inside a spawnroom? HAHAHA XD GOD!
    Calm down your bruised EGOS damn, and get out of their LoS!
    The pinned defenders won't get NO XP! :D magical isn't? "This isn't rocket science BRO" :cool:
    And if defenders don't SEE anybody, they go OUT to get people and even consider taking the point BACK.
    Crazy eh?
    "This isn't rocket science BRO"
    END OF DISCUSSION. The posts made here... so useless...

    So much ********... so much... too much!

    Let me suggest something crazy then! No XP for stuck defenders?
    Get the self damaging mechanic from prop-hunt and all the crazy spam random shooting on the spawnrooms will slow the F down.
    People will have to aim only for the people going out of the SR instead of pressing a button like a brainless zombie and hitting "something". Hitting the SR will harm you for being careless as you are as "abusing a broken mechanic" as the defenders are.

    Oh, or reduce XP for people overpoping the territory! Defending pop VS Attacking pop. 1 v 1 ratio would always be the ideal! :)
    Those scrubs shouldn't come all together and have easier fights by outgunning people! Ah? it's a tactic? well skrew that!

    You should play like I WANT. With pillows and oiled rubber wands.
  19. WarmasterRaptor

    Man, if the drives around backward, then you should know his actions are NOT to win the game then. :) it's easier for YOU to win, no?
    And if there is damages in the racing game, the fact that he might push you out of the track or break your car is a viable strategy to help him win.

    Either way, he PLAYS to have his fun. As you should play to have your fun. He's not dictating you to do anything except to dodge his weird driving pattern
  20. Andy79

    I am okay with no longer being able to fire out of spawnrooms, however

    anything hitting a spawnroom shield from outside should fly right back to its origin, super reflection shields kinda
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