SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. Yago

    It's worse than that Mondanondadoodaaah , I hear that it is a cunning plan that has spread to other parts of the economy ..... like a conspiracy .
    They are secretly operating this machine that manipulates the travel of paper between hands and lands.

    To be fair to Hedge Fund Psyco , he could be onto something ...... not sure if I want to know what it is though :p
  2. Cl1mh4224rd

    That doesn't make sense in this context.
  3. Cyridius

    There's a difference between a fundamental element of a genre and a key gameplay component. PlanetSide 2 is a shooter. That means it does have killing and killing is the core component of the game. We all agree with this. PlanetSide 2 however is intended to be much more than that. A game with strategy, depth, scale. Shooting is not what the devs want people to remember this game for. The shooter mechanics don't stack up to COD or BF3 - both games which are based entirely on shooting and killing.

    They aren't MMOs, they don't have persistent battles and bases that flip hands, they don't have resource systems or factions. This makes PS2 fundamentally different, in that it is a shooter, but it is also intended to have much, much, MUCH more depth than a traditional shooter game. KDR is getting in the way of that, because it confuses this game's identity with that of the traditional shooter genre, in that it detracts from the depth of what this game is supposed to be.

    In short, this game cannot achieve the depth it needs to stay not only enjoyable compared to other shooters, but to stay financially competitive in the shooter market by having this strategic niche, as long as KDR is present in this game, because ultimately it heavily detracts from that.

    People underestimate the power of statistics, especially when we have so few.
  4. Riftmaker

    Hide to kids,hide yo wife...
  5. randalthorr

    I'll admit to being one of these guys most of you forum posters 'apparently' hate so much. I take care of my KDR and will not take risks until I can achieve a certain minimum, after which I tend to take a little more risks until it drops back to the minimum I'd like to maintain, at which point I go all defensive and focus on farming rather than pressing objectives, and so on.

    If the KDR stat is completely removed, I promise, I'd always ALWAYS be the first one to storm an enemy fortification. Don't ask me why I choose to focus on something that no one besides myself cares about, it simply is how I play. I guess Ive been programmed to paying attention to KDR after a decade or so of FPS gaming.

    That KDR stat is cancerous to how this game was meant to be played.
  6. xNPCx

  7. r1stormrider

  8. Hodo

    I think Buzz spends all of his time thinking of ways to get more "likes" on the forum then he does on his day to day life choices.

    This is another hot topic brought to you by someone with too much time on their hands.
  9. Riftmaker

    This is what most people are talking about. I don't stop myself from taking certain risks but if i look at my K/D and it's lower than what i usually get i am frustrated. And all that just because i am the one taking the initiative and trying to play the actual goals
  10. PsychoBat

    I just opened this thread and read through the OP. Interesting but not too big of a problem, but ... 53 likes? Took me a while before I checked his name.

    Nice personality cult you have going there.
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  11. Pharotek

    Give me legitimate things to pay for, like cert resets, or weapon reskins. This kind of stat reset fosters shallow game play and is a terrible direction to take with the game, as well as incredibly greedy.

    Create features that cater to a team play oriented game, instead of taxing them for not being MLG high K/D professionals.
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  12. Goretzu

    K/D is meaningless, however them monetizing it is a pretty bad precendent for a lot of reason including some gameplay ones.

    Sounds a LOT like something EA would do to be honest. :(
  13. SenEvason

    Don't care about KDR, so I'm okay with them implementing it. If people want to spend money on making themselves feel warm and fuzzy on the inside by having a high KDR, go ahead. It doesn't affect me. There would still be people that play for their KDR even if this wasn't implemented, and the rest will not care. At least if they add this, they help fund the game.
  14. Paltry Porridge

    I generally agree with your posts, but I find this one to just be bad.

    Why? K/D R is a cosmetic stat for people who want to play this game like a TDM.

    The implications for behavior (that you pointed out) only affect the ******* who don't want to play PS2, but CoD in space. It's no different from some ridiculous pink camo, vehicle horn, or anything else that really has absolutely no bearing on game play.

    THIS is the kind of stuff that they should be selling, along with cert respecs (and no I wouldn't buy one, or take it for free).

    Selling convenience and cosmetics is the best method for preserving quality gameplay, which right now only occurs between a select few platoons on each server as it is.

    Currently they are selling power, nerfing power, the obsoleting it for money. I'd much rather the game be a tax on the parents of kids, or people who base their self worth on a meaningless stat than a pay to win title that exploits peoples' expectations of in-game variables.
  15. Mylon

    What is going on here? If people want to buy a pointless vanity item and help support the development of this game, let them.
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  16. NoctD

    Yet you fail to describe what the game is supposed to be. Perhaps because when its all said and done, there really is NONE!

    Its as simple as this - gain certs, kill others and have fun. Use certs to unlock stuff that helps you kill more often. While you're at it, play capture the flag. So what if you have more flags, it changes all the time, all those resources and flags encourage only one thing... battles, and KILLING.

    Killing is the essence of the game, cert gains and unlocks to help you kill better is the formula for its monetization and longevity.

    The only strategy that KDR gets in the way of as far as I can see is brute force attacks where people mindlessly throw themselves at the enemy and constantly respawn... some strategy that is really, its a terribly blunt sword you're using.

    KDR actually promotes thinking before you act, which is a good thing, because instead of lemmings, you actually start seeing some real strategy and thought put into the gameplay. Not the mindless silly stuff that happens all the time because people in the game aren't thinking before they act.
  17. Jellypig

    I honestly thought this was going to be a joke thread when I read the title. It's not. Why SOE? What a shame.
  18. Badgered

    Been saying this for a long time. Kill KDR in PS2. At best it is useful for internal balancing efforts and should be hidden from the public.
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  19. xvader

    Sadly quoting myself:
  20. Excellentz

    It is a first person shooter buddy. The by-product of every objective IS killing people. Removing KDR would be completely and utterly stupid. SC2 tried to not show the amount of losses you have in their ladder system. It was stupid as hell, just showed wins (who cares). However, in HOTS (heart of swarm) they added it back in....These types of stats are telling. I guess if it isnt the fear of actually dying, then maybe this fake fear of dying (ruining your KDR) is a good thing since this is a WAR game..It kind of makes things follow along with real war tactics. Although very, very loosely connected.

    If you are sitting here and saying that there should be no caution taken in this game to prevent deaths, you are just utterly (fill in word). As a tactical shooter, deaths should be something that people don't want. How cool would the game be if everybody just threw bodies all over the place without a concern of actually dying? IDK sounds like a massive mindless zerg to me...In an FPS/WAR GAME there should be concerns for deaths and dying, and not just because you have to respawn..

    The game is a giant competition, like it or not. That is what FPS' are. Trying to not die is a tiny part of the larger competition here.

    I agree though, K/D is largely UNIMPORTANT. I am just saying that it is being WAY over-emphasized here. It is just a stat, I would much rather know the stat than not know it... I don't believe the MAJORITY of players are going to change their playstyle due to this change.
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