SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. NoctD

    Buzz is just upset he can't get all the TR to fall in line with his orders and do whatever he wants except his brainwashed TE underlings. That's all there is to this really.
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  2. Tharrak

    I submit that your definition of ethics is complimentary limited in scope, since there is nothing honest about patching up a relationship by charging extra for it. Since you absolutely needed to go there. :p

  3. Copasetic

    Using one on a character should permanently equip a dunce hat. If they're interested in K/D that's fine by me, I just want to know who to shoot first.
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  4. xNPCx

    There are times I wish this forum had a "Thumbs Down" button.
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  5. turtlestation

    Then if it doesn't affect your outfit, why do you care so much? For pug zerg on zerg fights, people aren't trying to rack up KDR stats; they're farming certs. Removing KDR will do nothing to stop people from wanting certs.
  6. Excellentz

    LOLLLLLLL......Now I will go on to argue this over blown argument.

    K/D is not going to go away...It is foolish to even suggest a thing. Sadly, it is information that is important to people. It is information that says "something" about someone's skill level (not everything). Your title here, "SOE plans to monetize KDR" is not accurate. SOE is not making KDR purchaseable. They are making a reset possible. They are throwing us a bone and saying, instead of creating a brand new character to reset your stats, we will let you do it. When you reset your stats and are at 0, YOU still have to play and build those stats. They will STILL be a reflection of your performance. However, now you "current" performance will not be clouded by your "past" performance.

    Yes, I agree deaths and stats do influence a persons play style. You are making it sounds like these changes will make people be LESS risky? You make it sound like if they make this change of spot lighting KDR that it will make people less risk averse? However, I see this from the perspective that people will be MORE likely to risk their death because if they get it so bad, they can just reset it. So, I can see this as a thing that will make people more ballsy and not less...We all know the risk of death can be at the reward of killing like 6-10 people with a sunderer C-4 rush.

    In conclusion, its foolish to think that KDR and deaths do not have a place in an FPS. That is the very nature of the competition of FPS', counter-strike was the trail-blazer for that. However, I am also saying we all know that these numbers should be taken with a grain of salt. Leading a platoon (efficiently, effectively) greatly destroys your KDR and thats a fact. Too much time on the map. However, KDR is still a stat that is telling depending on your play style. It has a home here, and the fact that they let you reset it once you've matured in this game is not a bad thing. Maybe limit it to just once or twice or something like that.
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  7. Amrok1

    Ever seen a gaggle of medics doing group revives while they continuously get killed by the enemy? None of them care about "playing towards the objective" but just about that revive exp. Again, without context all stats are equally useless.

    If SOE were smart they'd have the token wipe all of the characters stats and just leave the BR.
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  8. smokemaker

    Bla bla bla
    I like my kill death ratio.
    If you dont like it, dont look at it.
    problem solved.
    vs. removing it.
    there is no way its ever going away.
  9. Cyridius

    No. The only "objective" KDR is encouraging is killing people. That is not an objective.
  10. Assist

    You disappoint me with this post BuzzCutPsycho.
    KDR is a meaningless stat to anyone who has the ability to use their brain. XP/Hr is far more of a driving force to playstyle and you should well know it. KDR and XP/Hr do not go hand in hand.
    If people are dumb enough to pay to reset a statistic in a game that is irrelevant not only to the game but also to any comparison to another player than you should be perfectly fine with it. People pay all day to buy camo to change their appeareance, this is no different.

    You want to change the player mentality in PS2? Start by looking at how players farm XP so fast, as that is more indicative of the lack of objective play than KDR is.
  11. Phaze

    It's like this...

    Most people DO care about it. They like to imagine the only reason that other people have a higher KDR is because they aren't playing the game "correctly" or "trying for objectives." It helps them feel better about themselves and their own gameplay.

    If I'm wrong... aside from a few support chars... find me some examples of people with bad KDR - but nice SPM... you know... the ones that everyone with a bad KDR thinks they are.

    If people REALLY wanted a game that didn't focus on score/KDR - then we could go back to the beta version where the resources (Auraxium) needed to purchase weapons/upgrades were only earned by controlling the major bases. Of course - that results in immediate complaints about the highest pop empires... and how the others can't earn at the same rate --- which is kind of the point.

    As much as people like to believe their empire is more skilled -- truth is, we're dealing with large samples -- overall, you're going to find 'skill' equal across empires and aside from gear imbalances - the side with the most people WOULD win more and earn more... and that would make large chunks of the population really sad in the pants.
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  12. Aegie

    I'm just wondering what the distance is between this tactic and simply letting us purchase our stats.

    Want a kdr of 10000/0? No problem, that will only cost you $20.

    Want a stat that says you have capped more bases then anyone else? Sure, $10 please.

    So basically, SOE wants to take a stat that is relatively meaningless in PS2 and make it completely meaningless. In this way it may be a benefit in disguise because if you can pay to pad the ratio then people who think kdr is an epeen will be that much more likely to be regarded as pathetic.

    Wait, wait, SOE wants to take this game competitive AND allow your wallet to influence your stats? Someone needs a dictionary.

    For those who say that if you do not care about kdr why care about this addition I say the following: I care because it makes SOE and PS2 look like a joke and that is liable to dissuade future players. Moreover, I also care because I have financially supported the game and generally get a bad feeling about supporting an enterprise that thinks such things are okay. Finally, if they add this item and it does sell well then that will only encourage SOE to focus more efforts on implementing this kind of junk rather than quality content that may be more demanding to produce.
  13. smokemaker

    You are completely wrong.
    It is my ONLY objective.
    I am here to kill you.
    Where is unimportant.
    How is unimportant.
    Why is unimportant.
    What is important is that you die and i live.
    Repeat over and over and over.
    I am not here for the team.
    I am not here for the base.
    I am here to kill as many people as I can without dying in the process.
  14. turtlestation

    If you consider it all, most stats in this game are worthless because the context isn't there.

    If you have an above average KDR, people will assume you're a vehicle ***** even if you spend most of your time as a combat engineer.

    If you have a low SPM, people will assume you're just hanging back in fights even if you spend most of your time leading a multi-platoon outfit or doing training sessions.

    It's all pointless, really.
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  15. NoctD

    That is the ULTIMATE objective in the game, period. Why do people play a shooter, if its not for the thrill of the kill?
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  16. lootandshoot

    I dont give a dam about my k-d i care about my cert gain and due to the weapon prices i saved up and farmed with HE i hate doing it but i have too. If $OE wants to make combat better and make me move from the spawn im shelling they have to make the cert gain higher and lower the SC price too
    i think they should give you 5 tokens when your reach BR 10 each one would be a free weapon unlock (im going to elaborate in in upcoming wall of text)
  17. Cl1mh4224rd

    A K/D wipe doesn't affect anyone else in any way. Let SOE make some money off the people who care. The rest of us can just nut up and keep playing the game the way we've always played it.

    Edit: I'm honestly a little surprise to see even BCP being a drama queen over such a meaningless thing.
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  18. m44v

    I don't see a problem with it, it doesn't change anything gameplay-wise. If SOE wants to sell KDR resets and people want to buy it I don't see why people should be opposed to it, you could argue that KDR is cosmetic stuff.
  19. ElCreepo

    I agree that K/D is unimportant, and is over-emphasized by a few. But I also think Buzz is being way too dramatic here, and I don't believe for a second that removing K/D tracking will change how the majority of people play the game.
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  20. Suroped

    First they come for them, then they will come for you...
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