SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. USD

    KDR is bad. Score per minute is good.
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  2. Cyridius

    Regardless of KDR, people wont want to spend half their gameplay staring at the respawn screen. KDR encourages people not to play the objective, that is the issue here.
  3. Amrok1

    K/d, score per minute, score per hour, bases attacked, bases defended; these are all just data points. And like data points, without context they don't tell a person the full story. You look at someone who has a high K/D and think, well they're either a sniper, or vehicle driver/pilot, or really good at combat. Any one of those can be true. You look at someone with a high score per hour/minute and think, they're either a medic or an engineer healing/repairing at a base, or they are off stat padding, or they contribute to meaningful battles. Again, any one of those can be true. High base attack/defended stats? Could be fighting at the crown 24/7, or could be ghostcapping on an empty continent, or hang out in th Zerg rushes, or works with an organized outfit. Any of those options could be true as well.

    So what does this mean? It means that ALL stats without context are meaningless! How do you get context? PLAY WITH THE PERSON! That's it. That's the only way you can determine if their play style fits yours and is therefore subjectively useful to you, even if it may not be objectively useful to everyone. So in short, if K/D is a stat you refuse to look at, then don't look at it. You want to takethe importance away from K/D, and any other stats for that matter, then the next time someone says "Well my score per minute/KD/Base Capture/Defended/HealsRezesRepairs/babiesmadefromclay is X" your response should be "So what? Let's play and seemif what we both think is important meshes".
  4. dough

    Wow.. where to start..

    "Allowing companies to get away with money grabs."

    Companies don't 'get away with money grabs'! No one is forced to buy anything here. Its all optional and our choice. You are talking likes its forced on people, not voluntary. Companies that truly try to force things on their customer base end up going out of business. Last time I checked there are still people playing this game. Which means what SOE is doing with the F2P model is working. How well is difficult to tell, since we are only just now entering the mature portion of game lifetime curve, and FPS communities are extremely fickle and difficult to pin down. It IS clear that BF3/CoD has a huge following.. and SOE has to respect that as a baseline.

    "Whether or not you think KDR is valuable there are tons of people who do and those lott of people will play accordingly to increase their KDR."

    This is an assumption, not a fact. Folks might have other reasons for not coming out of spawn or living in their liberators (maybe milking the pop for CERTS, and they like libs?). You are judging purely from your own priorities, without taking into account differences in play/opinion.

    "Stop thinking about yourselves for one moment and think about the overall health of the game"

    Stop being arrogant. We are all posting because we care about the game and are thinking about the future of it. Making this statement in a post isn't fair to the other interested parties here, and certainly doesn't represent the reality I see.
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  5. Amrok1

    Without context, one is as useless as the other. Stat padders have high score per minute.
  6. dough

    I fail to see how ethics comes into it.. Ethics is about honesty in relationships and meeting your commitments. That is IT. Not once have I seen SOE lie about what they are planning or doing. They've always seemed above board regarding the game and where its going. I submit your understanding of the word 'ethics' is flawed.
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  7. Spartan 117

    Except that a free to play player will earn less than a player using boosters. Both stats are irrelevant.
  8. Astealoth

    who cares if SOE wants to sell stat resets? if you don't want them, don't buy them. i know i'm not going to bother. i display my 1.1 KDR proudly, as i feel this stat doesn't represent anything. i am perfectly capable of going on nice killstreaks, but more often i find myself playing extremely dangerous or desperate ploys to attack or defend and objectives. i don't think about my kdr and if i die 20 times trying to clear an objective then so be it.

    you must think of the payment model this game has. SOE has to use every option at their disposal to keep this game profitable. the more money they can pull in the better development budget they will have over time. stat resets are just another cosmetic they can sell, and this has no effect on those who don't care for them. for those who consider stat resets desirable, that's more money being put into the game you love. don't resist something as trivial as this...
  9. Loegi

    Well this escalated quickly.
  10. USD

    stat padders should be banned, but since it's SOE...

    score per minute appeals to playing objectives, supporting teammates, and playing to win. KDR appeals to vehicle spamming, sniping, and running away.
  11. xvader

    Dear Devs:

    Please get rid of K/D ratio. You shouldn't care about your death if you completed your objective, be it:

    1- Killing that sunderer.
    2- Blowing up that pesky tank.
    3- Sacrificing yourself for objective.
    4- Repairing / Stabilizing that SCU.
    5- Playing as a team and many many others.

    Having that K/D stat, even though I completed the objective and took one for the team, feels like a permanent remainder that "I failed" even though I didn't. Basically I feel like SoE is penalizing me for doing the right thing!
  12. turtlestation

    KDR is a horrible stat in a game like PS2 and it encourages people to use cheesy methods to get kills and disregard teamplay. I agree with BuzzCut entirely on this.

    However, the flip side of it is that if KDR really does encourage people not to play the objective, then removing it will only serve to benefit large zergfits like The Enclave. The game already places far too much emphasis on numbers.

    I'm sure most of us here agree with the OP's general sentiments, but if you even disagree a tiny bit prepare to be mangled by Buzz's army of sycophants and cockriders.
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  13. USD

    not hard to give you the boosted xp, but only count the unboosted towards your score. all in the name of staying away from "pay to win."

    And, turtlestation, it won't change organized outfits playstyles. we already play the objectives and support our teammates.
  14. NoctD

    That should be rephrased - KDR encourages people not to play your and Buzz's objectives.

    Not everyone has the same objective in the game as you or Buzz.
  15. Hosp

    :D , just like Jesse jackson (I mentioned in the first or 2nd page.) +1 sir, +1.
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  16. Yago

    Yes , people with less between their ears than their legs are keen to make "logical" points about a non-issue .

    Funny isn't it ? :)
  17. Spartan 117

    I am amazed at the amount of rage coming from the existence of a meaningless stat. Why are so many people upset about it? The only way it impacts your gameplay is it YOU choose for it to do so. I am completely opposed to its removal. After k/d it will be score/hour. After that bases captured/defended, after that overall score...etc etc etc.

    People need to just get over it
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  18. Yago

    As I just said Hosp , it gets funny with these "keyboard" generals/game devs .
  19. Vastly

    I wouldn't say it's the only thing, but it probably has a certain influence. Personally, I just hate dieing, especially in a situation where the only way to win was not to play, so I'm still not going to rush outside a camped spawnroom regardless of K/D and I'm still going to sit inside and farm free certs to customise my loadouts from attackers stupid enough to let me.

    However, the irony of people supporting K/D removal to encourage the rush/die/rush/die gameplay they sneer at isn't lost on me at all.
  20. LordMondando

    Where I wonder, was the outrage at monetizing server transfers?
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