SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. Zaves

    /golfclap go stand in DMZ at the 38th parallel.
  2. USD

    Can't stand k/d. You make a solid point on the forums about legitimate game issues, and COD scrubbies come out of the woodwork with that "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU TALKIN BOUT YOU x/y K/D LOSER!"

    It's detrimental to the game and to the community, imo.
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  3. Hosp

    I hear you there. But this particular issue, of the slew of more important issues, won't make or break the game.
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  4. Spartan 117

    I generally agree with you Buzz but completely disagree on this

    If K/D doesn't mean anything, nor does overall score. Overall score simply says "I've invested more time into Planetside 2 than you". Also score is effected by boosters. A free to play player could be the best player in the world but has a low score. Does that makes him a lesser player? I can earn more points per hour flying around killing turrets on empty continents than most battles reward. Is that a measure of skill? Hardly. While I am opposed to this particular consumable, K/D is a useful tool to measure a players combat effectiveness.
  5. Radec594

    ITT people who do care about their KDR say "let them waste the money on it!". :p
  6. Riftmaker

    Well i for one am pissed that i spent money on the game if this is what they're using my money for. I supported them and now they want to implement a disgusting thing like this ? If they go through with it they won't see any more money from me. And i know more people feel the same way i do.
  7. Naterian

    I understand they need to make money but there are other ways that would be healthier to generate income. Paid name change...Server transfer...**** even gender change.

    It is some slippery slope that will lead to more ridiculous schemes down the road, have you not been paying attention? Compare gaming to 8 years ago. Compare Battlefield 2 to Battlefield 3 and then tell me which game did people enjoy more? Ever heard of Call of Duty? I HEARD IT'S DONE WONDERFUL THINGS FOR THE INDUSTRY. It's not as simple as just closing my wallet, another step needs to be taken - speaking out against it.

    Greed is no case is it a good thing.
  8. GalacticBulge

    I fail to see how K/D ratios affect game balance in any meaningful sense. Nor do I see how buffing the vehicle kill XP is meant to encourage sales of the new launchers. When I joined this game in December I always thought vehicle kill XP rewards should be far higher than what they were, so raising them makes sense. Granted, your point on the timing of that change is rather interesting, I still see it as a coincidence.

    Again, SoE is a business. Of course they will come up with ways to increase revenue, that's their JOB. Demonizing them for wanting to make more money is a very naive and closed minded point of view especially when you aren't forced to partake in the new schemes.
  9. StormStrafe

    BCP gets it right yet again.
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  10. dough

    You'd have to ask SOE, but I'm sure they wouldn't tell.. since all this info is under the 'competitive information' portion of their business, which all businesses guard like hawks. Based on their actions, they are trying to keep a portion of the BF3/CoD community involved here. Success? Hard to say. SOE has certainly had the normal post-launch burn off that all games go through.. now the question is will there be growth or at least a sustained user-pop. Time is the only factor here, and we must all wait for that to play out.

    Its clear that any FPS maker must at least make a nod to that crowd, otherwise it has difficulties. My point in this thread is that the tactical shooter crowd (which likes games like PS1/PS2 a lot and want them even MORE team oriented, and which I count myself as a member of) are the polar opposite to much of the FPS community. But I don't see that group being large enough to sustain an FPS game maker with real dollars. Maybe I'm wrong.. only SOE and EA and Activision could comment on this, and they ain't talking (I know, I follow the press regarding FPS a LOT).
  11. Ash87

    I see people's points on KDR, but honestly, if someone is so shallow they want to waste their money on this, fine.

    That said, make it so you can toggle it on.

    I did downvote it though, because as much as I personally support SOE, this is an obvious cash grab (Mind you, so is Recerting, name change, and server transfers, but we're suppose to ignore that, because people actually want those, remember?), and should be noted as such by the community.
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  12. Cowboyhomer

    K/D is dont care about it...then dont pay it. I care about it but it doesnt change the way I play at all. I wouldnt buy a wipe for it because I am not that vain. I know I contribute to the effort. I also know how many people I kill doesnt always make me the best soldier.
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  13. Osskscosco

    Wall of text nerd rage.
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  14. TheRev

    Dumbest idea I've ever heard of. This along with the indefinite delay to server transfers, cert reset and the release of OHK shotguns has turned my stomach.
    Where is the promised tuning pass for some of the **** weapons you are selling?

    I have supported you here I have supported by word of mouth and I have supported at reddit PSU etc etc. Not anymore.
  15. NoctD

    Last night, they camped out in Sungrey. Only problem was we didn't have a single tech plant and there was a ton of NC holding Heyoka from us plus a large fight there too. Buzz just tried to get more people to move to Sungrey instead. Why, is far beyond me... other than Sungrey possibly being much more of an infantry battle in a prolonged battle.
  16. MaxDamage

    The "community" has not been asking for its removal. Far from it.

    The vast majority are either indifferent or in favour of the stat being provided for them.
    It is a legitimate and appropriate means of measuring increasing efficiency in the game. The people whining about it are trying to impinge on others fun, or like Buzz feel insecure, even though he is number one and possibly the best player and leader in the game, that someone still has a higher K/D than them.
    It's a case of a very small vocal handful of elitists that want to minimise the ways that other people can claim to be more efficient than them.

    Do not pander to these people, please.

    They do not represent the bulk of players at all. We don't need some carebear intervention in what has been and will continue to be, a classic feature of fps and combat games.
    I don't use my K/D to brag as I use MAXes almost exclusively and it's still megabad. But I enjoy watching it rise as I become more proficient, it's for my concern and not anyone elses.

    It is a statistic.

    It does not force anyone to do anything. This idea that everyone but you is simply an unthinking statwhore is not only a further example of the size of this man's ego, but complete and utter ********.

    I am absolutely opposed to some kind of nanny-state interference on the grounds that people need saving from themselves.
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  17. Phaze

    Nobody will read this...

    BUT - isn't KDR about the only thing keeping the game from turning into a total zerg/respawn-fest? If there are no consequences to dying... even statistical... aren't we just looking at endless suicide rushes to capture bases that don't mean much and switch ownership 100 times per day?
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  18. AuntLou42

    I don't players should be allowed to reset their k/d however I do think it has it's place in the game. If you don't like the stat then maybe you should learn to ignore it. Be a big boy you can do it.
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  19. Yago

    There are more efficient ways of reaching you goal .
  20. Javabe

    I started playing this game because I loved CoD and Battlefield, although I only played them in Campaign mode; any time I tried multiplayer I was owned so badly that I couldn't even move 10 feet without being killed. The last time I tried CoD multiplayer, I spawned and ran straight for a place to hide, ducked down and tried figure out what to do and was then killed. I immediately swore off any FPS multiplayer games.

    Then came Planetside2. I tried it because I got a free beta key and have not been able to put it down since. I absolutely love this game and the camaraderie I get when playing with my Outfit. The problem that K/D presents to someone like me is just as BuzzCut stated.

    I was constantly comparing my K/D ratio to the players around me and felt worthless to my outfit because it was 0.127 and getting worse every day. One of my teammates told me to ignore K/D and just play the game; if it gets down to 0.001 it wouldn't matter because he liked having me on the team and thought that the support I gave made up for the horrible kill ratio. And if I was having fun, so what? I kept on playing anyway and doing what my Outfit wanted me to do regardless of what that number showed, even though it was always there, like a sickness (I came very close to quitting the game because my K/D ratio was so bad!).

    When I finally started getting better and my K/D ratio began going up I began to feel better about the game (beyond my Outfit) and happy to be contributing to enemy deaths. Then I realized that I began to change my playing style just a bit; holding back so I wasn't the first one taking enemy fire, choosing not to do something my Outfit wanted me to because it might hurt my now-growing KDR. I had to make a conscious effort to ignore K/D, but I would still see it every once in a while and feel it pop up in the back of my thoughts as something to worry about.

    I agree that K/D should be removed from this game. Not to placate people, or make the game different than CoD, but to make the game more fun for it's players. Remove it for people like myself who cannot get K/D out of their heads completely, and who's play style is being hindered by that stat. As stated, PS2 is about objectives and organized gameplay between multiple players and KDR acts like a cancer making people think about themselves when they should be thinking about their Outfit and making choices that will help the collective rather than how it will effect a statistic.

    If it's not removed completely, then it should at least be taken out of the limelight and buried where it can only be found by those who truly want to see it so that it does not negatively affect the gameplay of those who cannot ignore it. Providing the ability to reset it will turn it into a useless stat and furthermore enhance the negative effect it has on people who want it to remain high.
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