SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. ThePackage

    Had planned...

    Doesn't really make it any better though. I didn't read about this until last night, and honestly, it disgusts me. Even though it's a relatively small thing, the fact someone thought that it was a good idea is shocking.
  2. Rycon

    Just get rid of K/D all together. Good post Buzz
  3. LordMondando

    Indeed, a plausible explanation for why someone would care so much about this, is that it undermines their K/D
  4. dough


    First, SOE must cater to their customer base. You obviously haven't accepted that many of their base come from games like BF3 and CoD.. and that those folks don't just bring their bodies, but their money (and their sensibilities). A reality of this game is that many players are in the under 20 crowd. Like it or not, that is the true reality. For many of them K/D is meaningful. And hence, I completely support both K/D's existence, and any improvements SOE wants to make on that front.

    I'd like to see SOE keep a large enough budget to keep improving/changing this game. I welcome that under 20 crowd.. for a number of reasons I won't get into here..

    I truly get that you don't like this reality (I see this attitude in many of your posts). My answer: too bad. Get over it.. or at worst get used to it.
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  5. Xil

    Get rid of kills, get rid of deaths.... focus on Score and score per minute. Totally agree. (Least then we may get some more transporters out there god only knows I would have to ALWAYS to the transport runs if someone else would take the helm not and then :()
  6. vastaitku

    It's starting to look like the people who talk about KDR the most are the ones ******** about its existence. This consumable will in no way impact my gameplay experience, so I don't care.
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  7. LonelyTerran

    Really $OE?

  8. ThundaHawkPS

    Bet you 80% or more of the PS2 pop that has spent significant $$ are PS1 Veterans. You're probably like totally wrong.
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  9. BuzzCutPsycho

    Really? Last I checked that customer base left about 1 month after launch.

    This game's population has proven who the fans are and what their market is.
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  10. DaninTexas

    I would pay SOE $20 to remove tracking and reporting of my K/D ratio on all in game screens and on websites.

    As much as I don't care about K/D ratio - I honestly can't help but look it up and get frustrated when I don't have a positive K/D ratio.
  11. Riftmaker

    This game is not supposed to be CoD or BF3. It's supposed to be planetside. I'm actually really curious how many people from those games actually sticked with planetside and didn't return to CoD/BF. If this game plans to become CoD or BF they could at least tell us now. Then i would know not to waste my time and money on it.
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  12. Loegi

    All this will do is devalue K/D since you can clear it at any time now anyway. So people will care even less about "achievements" like that.

    And SOE makes some money on idiots, like always.
  13. JeanLucPicard

    I know for a fact what I am about to mention has been stated all over these forums, reddit and twitter.

    How come we don't get medals, achievements, etc or any kind of reward (similar to Auraxium medals) for gal drops, # of revives, amount healed, # of times you resupplied people with ammo, etc etc. The list could go on. What currently is happening is SOE is really going full on with the MLG, BF/CoD stat emphasis of KDR it is really sad.
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  14. TintaBux

    +1 Just like most of the community knows, KDR stat ruins allot the game and it needs to be removed, to many guys making them self look good with KDR and focusing on that only, this is not battlefield.
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  15. Hosp

    Agreed. They can bring their money and support SOE. This little item doesn't affect the game in the least and is more or less cosmetic anyway.
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  16. Sh0xy

    Lol KD resets are fine. Instead of looking at someones KD and expecting their 'overall KD for the history of the entire time they played' you're looking at their 'average' kill->death ratio, which imo can be far more accurate.

    When I played HoN I would occasionally reset my KD ratio simply for the fact that it was a fun personal goal to try and have a better average upon resetting. There is a purpose for it, though i wouldn't pay to use it in this game where stats don't matter all that much. Or more to the point, it's not particularly immersive statistic log.
  17. GalacticBulge

    A complete non-issue in my opinion. The K/D crowd is already the K/D crowd and they'll always be that way. Providing a stat reset mechanism for them won't change much aside from their perceived self-worth. If SoE can cash in on their e-ego's to help tidy up the game, I'm all for it.
  18. Gustavo M

    Well, that would render (even more) useless the KDR, and every 12 year old mentioning about how his KDR Is as big as his ignorance would be automatically flagged as ******.
    So I say "Why, not?Go ahead, let the 12 year old kids brag about such meaningless stat while SOE gets his fair share."
  19. Kaeldian

    Can't believe some moron played the "cater to the under 20" card. Seriously... that crowd left a long *** time ago. They're already on the next gun-wank game.

    K/D barely had any merit in Battlefield... it has zero merit in Planetside 2.
  20. ThundaHawkPS

    You're probably one of those people who don't know how to play support/ suicide lane and have crappy KDA but its ok because hur hur I play carry Scout and KS errrvyone on me team.
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