SOE needs to have an Operation: Metagame to save PS2.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hamster, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Hamster

    Its getting to the point where I will soon know more people who have quit PS2 than still play it.

    I appreciate that you are working on optomizing the game and I look forward to a LOT more of that, but if you don't make us FEEL like the battles matter by incorporating MANY aspects of PS1 into PS2 and to come up with innovative things to make this game DIFFERENT than ALL of the other AAA shooters PS2's pops will eventually fade away.

    Also QUIT DUMBING DOWN THE GAME. One example: We can barely influence where drop pods land anymore. Please demote that designer/developer to somewhere where they can't harm the game any further.
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  2. Sen7rygun

    Lots of people like to say "metagame" but not that many people seem to know what it means.
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  3. whitupiggu

    Doesn't really matter considering it's not a real word.
  4. AzureKnight

    That being said, I see Magriders climbing hills every day that no other tank could even dream of, and even some Harassers and ATVs may be in awe of. That's kinda a meta game?

    I don't think even game devs know what a "meta game" is if you go by this description courtesy of the always right Wikipedia.

    Meta-game isn't what sets a game apart from the rest, it's more of what makes you WANT to waste hours on the game. It's the difference between having to buy every BF or CoD that comes out and still playing only one of the titles.

    I think the problem is the term Meta Game is kinda constantly changing. I myself always thought of it as stuff that's not important on its own, but utilized right can improve your game experience. Tactics, for example, are a major one. Though with Lattice existing in this game, Sun Tsu would have to re-write all his books...

    EDIT: If you want to focus on meta gaming, you need to add a huge level of depth past customization. You need to have things that make other players look at and say, "Oh my god I don't know how they did that, but I MUST try it!" A mutable world is more or less a must in such a system. If we could even have a simple "build your own" base system that platoons could utilize (even if it meant paying for the ability for X amount of time), that would greatly add to any meta game. But being in a "living" world is what I think is needed.
  5. AdmiralArcher

    yeah there was a thread on that, but you get the point, give us a game within the game that makes it seem like there is a point to playing the game in a team based and tactically sound way, currently, if your good enough you can influence the battle just as effectively as a 12 person squad can, albeit slower, but you still can, there is no incentive to run in an outfit and be active in the command channel, resources are gained automaticallly and if you need more just go to another conitnent, there needs to be something that promotes teamplay and unity in each faction to the point that each factions hate each other because of the rivalry created by the game, and there needs to be a sense of loyalty to your teammates, such as if some BR 94 jerk kills my buddy with a UBGL i will go out of my way to kill him and his buddies to get revenge and then continue with the objective instead of being mowed down by them trying to do somthing, that sense is lost because of lone wolfs
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  6. Emotitron

    Depth I think is the word most people mean when they use meta on this forum.
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  7. MasonSTL

    One Question: how is getting to a position with very little chance of getting shot a less "dumb" way to play? Sorry that you might have to shoot your way to a position and not just be plopped in that location. It's much better.
  8. MasonSTL

    Agreed. But back to the point, I think adding Hossin and battle islands with continental lattice and/or the resource revamp should be pushed in very soon, like no more than a month from now. Other than that, they have a plan for more depth and end game, but it's just a matter of when.
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  9. whitupiggu

    Depth is part of metagame.

    Not going to happen. I'd be surprised if the resource revamp is in before july.
  10. MikeJackson

    beacon (droppod) nerf and squad deploy removal (could've just nerfed the cooldown and made it availabe only if leader's body is still on the battlefield) were a really bad decision. organized play suffered a hard blow that day. no more attacking a point when outnumbered 1-2/1-3, which is some of the most exciting things in this game. kill the beacon, spam maxes and it's over. hooray to zergfits, lone wolves, and mediocrety.

    and yea, this game needs some "metagame". everyone soon will reach br100, and will have nothing relevant to put his certs into and will quit cause there's no point. there are no incentives to play as a team, or lead well. those that do, slowly burn out.
  11. Hamster

    Changing the spawn method was horrible and I still don't fathom why they did it.

    After people get to BR 100, they need to add more cosmetic levels...titles aren't needed but people always would like to get to higher levels but for some reason SOE doesn't understand that.

    Base capping needs to change. There needs to be a combination of a lattice system plus have capture times influenced by the number of people near a capture point. If a base is completely undefended a base should flip very rapidly.

    Once a base changes from one empire to another it should be locked from recapture for a set time which would be easily viewed on the map.

    Support classes need MUCH more experience to encourage teamplay and a large bonus for healing/repairing when it directly helps anyone in their current platoon.

    Gunners need to equally share the experience and kills they get with their pilots/drivers.

    We need more things to shoot at. When populations in the game are low, implement some sort of weak security robots and vehicles for us to at least give us some target practice on...perhaps they would be fragile and would only give us 10% experience on a kill (and not modify battle stats of any kind) but it would be better than a ghost town in off hours. Perhaps players could spend resources to spawn these automated units so they could blend in with them to an extent.

    There needs to be several very detailed tutorials for new players and when a player joins the game they should be placed into some sort of newbie outfit (akin to what is done with new players in Eve Online) --remember plajorism is the most sincere form of flattery.

    Quit listening to forum trolls crying for item changes in the game when you already know from your analysis that the items do not need to be changed. You are angering players and many people have already stopped playing due to various un-needed balance passes.

    Keep up on the good work of optomizing the client it is helping.

    And please strongly focus on anything you can do to make us really 'feel' like the battles matter. We throw around that word 'metagame' but what we really want is for this war to feel like battles really do make a difference that we will notice even across several play sessions.

    I deeply want Planetside 2 to become something amazing but I fear that it is getting dumbed down more and more for the masses. Give us complexity but at the same time when introducing new features make tutorials for the new folks or the people who are slow to catch on.

    Eventually SOMEBODY is going to finally do a MMO-FPS right and they will be looking at a mountain of profits that will make the cash Blizzard made on its peak years in World of Warcraft pale in comparison. SOE has a great head start but the people in charge really need to realize that they had a diamond in the rough when they made Planetside (1) and that they need to draw as much from that game as possible.

    (Many) More continents.

    (Many) More vehicles.

    (Many) More ways for us to customize our UI /maps /controls /hud /etc to our personal preferences.

    (Many) More ideas such as missions.

    (Many) More things that enhance metagame. Continent locking. Make warpgates mean something and require travel from continent to continent through them. Change the map console ingame to just a portal in and out of the VR.

    SOE I WANT you to profit. The more money you make on PS2 means the more enjoyable the experience it will be for all of it, but you MUST be thinking long term. Do not kill this potentially golden goose. Do not make the same mistakes many others have made just to make the investors happy this quarter.

    If anyone has ideas to help out SOE here other than the silly things like "x weapon/vehicle needs to be buffed or nerfed" PLEASE take your time to chime in.
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  12. Nerovox

    Meta game : I log into NC alt and spawn at a Sunderer while on TS with my TR outfit m8's giving its location to eliminate, Or deploy one intentionally in a TR set up ambush zone. Or about 2 million other ways to work against a group or faction anything from reporting locations and numbers, or even up to including causing drama and rifts in outfits over long period of time.

    I played EVE for 6-8 years.. their isn't enough soap and water in the world to make me clean.

    The term is used to loosely in PS2.
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  13. Ragmon

    Actually it is.

    I agree that PS2 needs something to spice up the endless "tug-o-rope", BUT I have to say, in a world where BF and COD consists of the same concept but in a structured manner, PS2 is free and much better then the 60$ games... we really can't complain about the "end game" cause other FPS-es offer far less in the way of "end game".
    COD or BF - You enter a match play a while obtain your objective or lose, gain some points, upgrade your gear, then repeat, on a larger scale it doesent matter jack-**** if you won on that map or not.
    PS2 - In PS2 you won on the "map" (in this case base or outpost) it will matter if you lost or won.
  14. asmodraxus

    SOE's metagame plan for players (other then release random stuff to sell)

    First) make vehicles able to use warp gates (may need an ability to resupply like infantry in the warpgate only so as to change pretty colors/camo).
    Second) Release 7 or 8 more continents (as well as 3 faction specific sanctuary continents with the possibility of being able to invade the outer parts but unable to breach a larger warpgate styled structure in the centre) with a global lattice.

    Relax as metagame of 0 base both other empire's develops during prime time.
  15. TheFamilyGhost

    Metagame is up to the players.

    What you are asking for is more content. Wanting more content is awesome, but insane. According to the forums, we can't hack what we have now.
  16. Rockit

    The main problem with this game from the start has been Matt Higby. His envisioned resource system is more of an aggravating barely relevant and poorly conceived and implemented game mechanic that could easily be equated by a simple acquisition timer. Do you guys remember Auraxium? You know from back in beta it was to be the primary in-game currency gained by acquiring key regions. Game turned into a bunch of AFK macroing farmers where it was more fun to TK them than play the game. Do you remember non-lattice or even adjacency? Where the game was a boring whack-a-mole ghost hack fest that if you found a decent battle once every couple hours you felt fortunate? Do you remember Gal-AMS? The invincible front line leaping flying spawn point? Totally eliminated combined arms from the game and it hung around a while until the community complained enough it was removed. Same as all the previous I mentioned. Matt's "creative" direction for game components on a large scale that were just a waste of time. Instead of thinking all this through before sending the devs on a wild goose chase of time wasting endeavors only to be removed later he pushed it forward and they are still trying to recover from all that lost time. MLG and competitive gaming has pretty much failed also. All momentum on that front is just dead. So fellas it is up to PS4 at this point because internally SOE is shifting focus to EQ:N. If SCE can't make something of PS2 then stick a fork in it, she's done.
  17. LordMondando

    Well meta literally means 'beyond', its usage actually comes into the English language from people naming one of Aristotle books metaphysics, because well. Its distinct from his book the 'physics' and well, its content is beyond physics. Its got the same real input as going 'EXTREME'.

    You also have radically different means in a lot of fashions, metaethics is the study of ethical language for example, metaphysics (today) is the study of what might be the logical structure/constraints of reality. Basically when you whack it in front of something, you basically saying 'this is some analysis of a thing on a abstract level' and its entirely contextual. So you get to have as many definitions of it as there are contexts.

    And in PS2's sense metagame just means, a more complex strategic whole - becuase its meant to be a big persistent war and currently it lacks in that.

    I agree entirely, furthermore I think there is a clear path to drastically improve the metagame which SOE has allready committed to in resource revamp and continent lattice.

    They just need to do it, soon. Link in my sig relevant.
  18. LordMondando

    Well everything in a PvP game is up to the players, it doesn't mean that mechanics that deepen the metagame are a bad idea does it?

    Its more than just content, its getting to the level of fundamental design direction really.

    There are mechanics lacking that would quite easily give they game a significantly greater level of immersion and complexity. So then, what really is the game, a persistant series of FPS TDM/Objective matches. Or is there more to it than that.

    And in virtue of being a sequel, it kinda commits itself to at least trying to be like PS1 in that there is supposed to be more to it than that (because lets face it, PS1 would have been a complete flop it had to stand on the strenghs of its FPS mechanics alone).

    So yeah, the FPS mechanics are tight now, up to and including the games performance and the general weapons balance. Need more than that now.
  19. TheFamilyGhost

    Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.
  20. LordMondando

    And Ps2 has its own term.

    Since tech test, and especially in the PS1 crowd, when people have been saying metagame, they mean what PS2 lacks in relation to PS1. Specifically things like cont locking or something. Which existed within the rule set.

    Specifically it refers to mechanics that abstract away from the individual fights, and allow for various lateral strategies. Even if it was just cyssorside by the end, people attacked and defended certain things, to affect the larger battlespace in certain ways, genholds for example.

    Again this is perfectly consistent with how 'meta' as a suffix works in academia. As I said, sticking meta onto a subject creates radically different fields of study which in the end of the day come down to 'this is a thing thats abstract, lets study that, what should we call it... bash meta on the front'.

    Tokens in language are rarely absolute, fail to see what the issue is here. I make a point of defining it every time I use it just in case. So Moba's use it that was, and someone made a wikipage. Really it comes down to "So what?", because 'meta' is an entirely contextual suffix and we are operating in a different context from them.

    Also another interesting example (and just to plug a game I like) how the developers of project zombiod use the term 'metagame' is to refer to a system they are working on that abstracts their gameworld and allows the A.I to navigate it in a way not entirely dissimilar to the 'director' in L4D and L4D2.
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