SOE maybe ETA on next Infantry balance update any time soon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Surmise, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Surmise

    you are funny, Orion is free as in = 0 certs can be used by BR1
    All those other weapons you listed are bought and few are 1000 certs which for free player is like on average is like until br35 or so.
    These are real stats
    For almost same number of uniques

    Orion 29.87 KPH -4815 uniques
    T9-CARV 22.91 KPH -4539 uniques
    NC6 GAUSS SAW 20.42 KPH -4851 uniques
  2. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Only the Anchor and SVA-88 are 1000 certs. All the others are either 100, 250, or 500.

    Also, your exact quote was the following:

    Which has been proven to be false. Yes it is the best starter LMG in the game, the TR have the best starter AR and the NC have the best starter Carbine.
  3. Surmise

    yes as i said, 'few', also those who are 100,250 and 500 logically have more people using it than those of 1k but much much less than what is 0 certs, so you cant compare inflated stats, but just Default free weapons, only fair thing to do. So by those default weapon stats, Orion is over performing in kills per hour/per min= means more effective.
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Why are you only concerned about 0 cert weapons? Other weapons will be better than other weapons, and if they cost certs to unlock them what's the big deal? The fact is that the Orion is perfectly balanced since statistically there are several other weapons in the game that outperforms it in it's weapon class, which is the definition of a weapon not being OP.
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  5. Surmise

    CARV has the same ROF and double the magazine, still gets that low KPH, the stats aren't there for nothing.
    Gauss saw is horrible and inferior to both, stats show that obv.

    If you can find same number of uniques that are same br of all 3 factions and put Orion in there and get the stats, do it if you cannot then dont talk about unfair and illogical pair of stats such is low amount of users vs huuge amount of users and claim that low amount of users of sme weapon outperform huge amount of users. makes no sense.

    What even makes less sense is that those lower amounts of users are actually more experienced and potentially skilled which makes things even more without sense.

    also on DAS anfall.stats WEBSITE there are like at least 10 people who have 2+ total kph/min and +10kdr while playing only orion
    while there are no NC anchor or TR MSWR players who do that, not even one with 10+kdr and 2+kpmin.

    that also says something.
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The CARV also has better accuracy stats than the Orion while it's universally accepted that the SAW is a horrible choice for a starter weapon.

    That's why averages work the way they do. Not to mention you really should be looking at only the most recent stats / users since the Orion has been nerfed like 3-4 times before and overall stats don't reflect that.

    And? You're talking about either cheaters or some of the best players in the world? That's like complaining that your Vett lost a street race to a Jetta when the Jetta was being driven by Mario Andretti. Not to mention those are overall stats, not ones taken in the last 30 or so days which would give you a much better picture on how weapons actually perform in their current post-nerf state.
  7. Surmise

    So this is SOE's actual stance on Orion it seems?
  8. Xasapis

    What do you expect them to do? The alternative CQC LMGs of the other factions already outperform the Orion. The only thing going for the Orion right now is that it is free.
  9. DQCraze

    After reading through your other posts seems you have an issue with VS weapon systems. So to sum it up, you are looking for COD like gaming qualtiy in a PS2 environment. You guys still dont get it...everytime someone complains about a game mechanic on the forums i see the logic totally destroyed in game. The only thing i argree with you on is the redeployside.
  10. Surmise

    I don't have issue with all weapons for VS, just 2,we'll 3 but Orion and Betlejuice are basicaly the same + SVA88.
    What logic are you talking about, you aren't clear there sorry.

    If you think this game has NO problems, then you must be -<18 year old or mega casual player, also CoD is completely different game and not even close to this one, there you die from 3-4shots herey you die from 7-12 plus move speed is much slower and weapons actually have a recoil, you must be new if you have that thinking or you are just ignorant?
  11. T0x1s

    Give TR back their accuracy!!
  12. DQCraze

    I know the game has problems, i guess my take on all this balancing stuff is we should get the game bugs out first before we start with balancing, there are so many bugs that have gone unchecked that the balancing stuff doesnt concern me. Lets get the game to run smooth for everyone before we start into the balancing issues.

    ~ fix the respawn issue where it sends me to a complete opposite location or even another continent then the place i chose.
    ~ fix the ground clipping where I spawn underneath the ground under the sunderer.
    ~ fix galaxy bulldogs being able to clip through biolabs.
    ~ fix chat...i think it might be this time.
    ~ fix memory leaks
    ~ fix my drop pod shooting off into outerspace when i hit something.
    ~ fix galaxies when you drop and skim the galaxy you die on impact.
    ~ fix Esamir night vision.

    Just a few but there are more, I would hope that someday these things will be fixed.
  13. TriumphantJelly

    Actually, My mistake:

    ZOE-->Comets-->Saron-->PPA-->Orion/Pulsar C

    And no, the Saron hasn't made "so many players" quit: That'd be the lockdown-P220's job.
    Toned down with justice and reason? Nonono...
    ZOE: Justice? A reduction was just, and well reasoned. What it is now is the polar opposite of the result of such a sensible thought process.
    Comets: Toned down with justice and reason, for being too ood at AI. And yet the Pounders are still doing what they do. Where's th justice and reason there?
    Saron: Enforcer, man. The splash was something nice and *sort of* balanced, but it has been reduced anyway, taking prority over things such as the Banshee: justice maybe, but reason? Hell naw dawg.
    PPA: Useless on the Harasser, situational on the Magrider. The Canister is less versatile in some ways but much more in others. The Marauder is quite a nice weapon. Justice? Definitely. Reason? [Insert "nope".gif]
    Orion: Doesn't need a nerf.
    Pulsar C: Doesn't need one either.

    Some things, however, that need buffing ( Radical thinking, I know):

    • The G40-F Ranger
    • The MR1Fractures
    • The Vortices VM21
    • Burst weapons in general
    • The VS ARs.
    • The TR SMGs
    • MAX abilities (fix Aegis, increase Lockdown, revamp ZOE)
    • Maaaaaybe MAX slugs
    • Vulcan/Marauder role reversal
    • PPA
    • Maybe Canister
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  14. Axehilt

    If they're designed to be overpowered, they're designed wrong.
    • Outdoors infantry are trash but this is okay because a variety of vehicles are competitively viable. (And if some are too strong or weak, those imbalances should be addressed.)
    • Indoors infantry are also trash, and this isn't okay because combat just revolves around MAX use. MAXes should be balanced.
    If all indoor playstyles were balanced, the game would be far deeper. The enemy would field 50% MAXes, so you'd respawn as mostly MAX-counters (a loadout which is strong enough to beat a MAX 1:1), which would in turn make you weak against infantry loadouts (because the loadout which beats MAXes would lose to non-MAXes.)
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  15. SpaceZeal0t

    I never said they are designed to be OP, don't put words in my mouth I said they are designed to be durable enough to take punishment and dish it back. Right now maxes are weak as hell, a single c4 and anti tank nades will destroy a cluster of maxes in seconds, if they are using flak they can easily destroyed with small arms fire and turrets and if they use nanoweave they are just being plain stupid and will get screwed over at both ends.

    A max is really easy to take down. They are slow and end up getting killed by explosives and a gang of players in small arms fire. Charge, no matter how hard you defend it being OP is in no way OP, the max gets a short burst of speed and becomes harder to control because of it. And the cooldown is awfully long on it so chances are if you are smart he would have ran into a trap and be picked off like any other form of infantry.

    Issue here is people are trying to take on maxes like they should be a run and gun experience like all infantry, because people are too stupid to adapt and learn how to outsmart and easily get rid of a max even with the options right in their faces.
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  16. Axehilt

    What I'd love to see in a balance patch:
    • Level playing field
      • All players start with a max-rank item in every slot, for every class.
    • MAXes balanced
      • MAX counters added to all classes (or repurposed from existing anti-MAX weapons.)
      • These weapons give you the hitting power to regularly win 1:1 fights against same-skill MAXes (not just really bad MAXes), but leave you vulnerable to non-MAX classes.
    • Revive balanced
      • Spawn with 5 revive charges
      • If you have a charge, revives are instant (MAXes take 3 sec) and consume a charge.
      • If you don't, revives are 8 long secs (MAXes 12 secs).
      • One charge regenerates every 45 sec, up to the cap.
    • Light assaults become more useful
      • Passive movement speed increase
      • Something to make them more useful in typical squad play (a grappling hook that lets you attach to ceilings? A rocklet rifle that lets you strongly counter MAXes but be weak against infantry? Who knows, the possibilities are wide open!)
    • Fill weapons gaps, like a new VS carbine with high damage/magazine.
  17. Drasilov

    How about we leave the game as is for 5 minutes?

    Nothing is unkillable in this game.
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  18. Axehilt

    Calling MAXes "weak as hell" is wrong. Objective weapon stats show MAX weapons having KPH as high as the best infantry weapons, and K/Ds that are significantly higher. Player stats reflect this as well; after pulling ~26 players' stats the average is that a player's MAX K/D is double their next-best class. Sometimes it's higher (my own is like 2.8x or something), but even for bad players the double-K/D remains consistent (the worst player I looked at had a 1.0 MAX K/D and a 0.48 K/D with his next-best class.)

    So, objectively, they are significantly stronger than infantry.

    Certainly if you want to tell us all your character name(s) I can add your own data to those 26 players (many of those 26 players are people who tried to argue with me that MAXes weren't overpowered -- while their own MAX K/D was double their next-best class. Not to mention the jokers where MAXes were like 80-90% of their playtime.)

    So the objective data shows them to be overpowered in spite of the "counters" (because those aren't actually counters -- if I beat ~3 "counter"-using players on average in each MAX life, they aren't countering me. I'm countering them.)
  19. SpaceZeal0t

    So what happens when people main Infil/LA or HA you gonna complain that they are OP too? Maxes are easy to deal with, I don't care how many kills some doofus got because people were to dumb to plant C4 or use nades or even unload bullets into him and instead decided to play hide and seek.

    They are stronger than infantry because they are infantry/vehicle hybrids. They are pocket tanks made for indoor use. And like tanks they die instantly by C4 and get beaten to hell with rockets and anti tank nades. If they are using flak, guess what? They don't take long to kill by turrets either.

    Why do you think maxes in biolab spawns can't just storm a choke point and get rid of those choking him within seconds? Because they know if they go out there they will get ripped to shreds easily, like all infantry.

    If you can't take down a MAX with the options you have available you shouldn't be really playing a game about large scale open warfare with vehicles and air based vehicles. If you want an infantry only game there is a ton available, however Planetside 2 is not one of those games.

    I am now seeing this is less about nerfing maxes because they are OP and more about nerfing maxes because people are too lazy to use the options given to them to instantly deal with a max.

    Any smart infantry player would know when they see a max the first thing to do is use C4 or anti tank nades and by doing so the max gets blown up by the C4 and instantly dies or gets a tank nade and dies/tries escaping with what little health he has left (which by then you can chase him down and kill him).

    As for other infantry players or dealing with a flak max, since he has only his stock kinetic resistance all you need to do is unload bullets into him. Congrats you defeated a max!

    However if you are trying to take on a max like you take on any other infantry you deserve to die. Maxes are not infantry you just run into guns blazing like some idiot who just came out forma CoD deathmatch. You keep your distance and you harass them unless you have explosives.

    I bet it hasn't even crossed you mind to buff infantry resistances instead of nerfing maxes down to being useless at even saving your butt from esf or vehicle spam.
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  20. Shanther

    I am 24, BR100, have a 2.51 KD, play with DA, and I don't think this game has nearly as many problems as people try to say it does.