SOE doesn't want PS2 to be a serious, tactical game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halcyon, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. MotionBlured

    I don't want a super cereal tacticool FPS, so kudos SOE, keep doin whatcha doin.
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  2. DrPapaPenguin

    I honestly think it's a good thing that PS2 is not trying to be a tactical shooter . There are a few reasons: 1) I hate the word tactical, as it is used far too often and for the wrong reasons and 2) Tactical shooters are far more entertaining on smaller maps with fewer people, or when you have bots to do the tedious menial tasks like guard duty and patrolling and 3) MMOs where you have huge bunches of complete strangers on the same team does not usually sit well with tactics.
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  3. Halcyon

    Yes. I do, and I see plenty of other players that can use C4 use it when the opportunity arises.
    You're lucky if it "never" happens to you. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen though.

    What developer quotes?
    It's a thread offering a viewpoint on the state of the know, since we're in the discussion forums discussing stuff.

    So basically opinions are failures because they're opinions?
    What a nice contribution you make to this thread. :rolleyes:

    While I agree with the resources being almost pointless, there is still plenty of tactics and strategy to go around. I think you just haven't really had a true planetside experience. Stalemates can be broken and not with just overwhelming numbers. There's a lot of timing, depth and a variety of plays that can be made to take a base. Everyone has access to these tools and you are only hurting yourself if you don't use them all.

    Sure the game has it's quirks but that doesn't stop me from having a good time finding a choice fight. From epic clutch defenses to sexy three ways with 96+ of pure unadulterated action. Now it's faster to get into a fight and much more accessible for newer players. And under the right leadership, you will know how this game is supposed to be played.
  5. KnightCole

    What was PS1 tactics? I dont recall it being much different. I would ghost around big zergs, it was tanks and BFRs on the ridge, Gal gunships(which were fun to gun for), flying around and a massive zerg on either side of the base doors until one side broke in....ofc, PS1 had the LLU return run, guess that is alot more then PS2 is, but still...stuff seemed to be the same really...aside from guns being 50 million times less accurate in PS1.
  6. Peg

    I think the main three things PS2 is missing is specialisation, empire loyalty and logistics/microprogression. All of which pretty much went out the window during development of the game and was possibly the biggest generic/bland kick in the bread tray this game will ever see.

    Specialisation in terms of limited certs, which causes self-balancing, individual player importance (can't hack the point because no hackers etc) and NOT being able to instantly adapt to be the best thing to kill the last thing that killed you.

    Empire loyalty in terms of one empire per sever or at the very least a reasonable cooldown timer before being able to jump ship. Rather than the current, always play the winning side.

    Redeploy and jump pads: Create a nice big map with loads of skermish points and fronts that have to be faught over to get somewhere and progress the front then bypass literally the whole thing by allowing insta-port and jump pads. Devs, are you on crack?
  7. DxAdder

    I never thought PS2 was a "Tactical Shooter" but then again when say this I'm thing you mean more along the lines of ARMA or a game with a much smaller scale neither of which I'm interested in playing.
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  8. Xamir

    Speaking as a new player - I probably spent more in the first month than I will spend in the next year, so that probably matches reality in terms of profit per player. I dropped $150 getting into the game initially (weapons, boost + sub), but I won't need anything beyond that unless I get into the camo stuff, which isn't something I ever buy in games.

    I expect spending that much money on a game to at least give me a year or two of enjoyment, but since I can't exactly get a refund, they could ignore issues affecting me going forward and be no worse off financially - except that I only got into the game because a friend helped me through the starting learning curve, and I wouldn't recruit people myself unless I was happy with the game.
  9. IrishPride

    C4 on an engineer only seems to be the most practical since IRL combat engineers or Sappers deal with heavy rigging charges the most (but engineers should also be able to use mines too). HA should just hold 2 grenades by default and no C4 since you can toss 2 AV nades by default and rocket launcher (if this was actual), LA maybe , medics? hah its too funny. And I think if this were the case it would be less spammy more role specific, would for sure change the resources use less dedicated to something specific and force players to do certain things but.. as it stands when out numbered it does help to be multi-talented so double edge there.
  10. Xasapis

    I agree. If they remove C4 from every class but one, that would be the engineer, for two reasons. The first, is that he is supposed to be the explosives expert in the game, even having a specialised armor module that complements it. In comparison, the HA has an armor module that increases the amount of available rockets. The second, is that the engineer does not have any combat ability and relies on utility to be useful and effective.
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  11. OldMaster80

    Basically SOE's marketing gurus decided tactical options is not what players want. PS2 has very little of a war simulation, it's much closer to a bigger version of CoD.

    That's quite sad actually.
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  12. Disconsented

    You're playing a SCI-FI game "realism" should be the least of your worries
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  13. iller

    Next time make a better thread. And that's telling you exactly what the Designers would tell you if you were in the same room with them BTW. Their actual opinions are just as critical as any critics are. Maybe if you knew that ahead of time you'd know what would be a more effective means of cornering them on their own standards.

    And yes, this is constructive criticism by the way. You may not like it, but it's informing you of an alternative you may not have conisdered
  14. Moz

    Tactics work great in this game. You just have to know what to do when and what the effects of your actions should achieve so you can actually measure your success.
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  15. Halcyon

    Dry humor or just a bad joke? Can't tell.
    SCI-FI isn't the antonym of "realism".
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  16. Halcyon

    1. Next time don't bother posting if all you're going to do is tell someone their opinion is "wrong". If the topic rubs you such the wrong way just stay out of it. Everyone benefits.

    2. You have zero clue what the designers would say, unless you happen to be one. What was that you said earlier about useless speculation?
    Sound familiar? Thought so.
  17. reydelchicken

    On the flip side, compared to the amount of effort it takes to kill infantry in a vehicle, C4 is probably not even strong enough. Maybe if there were less bases, and fights happened across more open areas, then C4 wouldn't be used as much.

    I fail to see how this is an issue at all?
    Besides, the strafe speed is already so slow, that even someone trying to be unpredictable is extremely easy to shoot at, even at mid to long range, depending on how predictable they are.
    Not to mention that flinch/screenshake already make it hard enough to fight back when you don't get the first shot on someone, nerfing ADAD, or turn speed would turn this into a "shoot first and win" game.

    Again don't see the problem with this, since pulling a vehicle will get you to your destination much faster anyways, and a flash is 50 nanites only. So there is no real reason to add yet another thing people have to be annoyed by.

    Double edged sword here... On the bad side, people who are extremely good at the game can spam their max suits, HE tanks, PPAs, and banshees.
    However, on the good side, the flat income makes it much less frustrating to try and get rid of some of the mlgpro tanks, and especially makes it much more fun to play when you're faction isn't on top (less pop, less zergs, less caps for your faction).

    I agree with this one, there are WAY too many bases, and they're so close together you can sit in a turret in base A, and shoot things in base B. This definitely needs to change.

    Also agree with this, while I believe the core classes should be available for everyone (infil, LA, engie, HA, medic), having some sort of specialization would give people the incentive to use teamwork to play this.
    It would even be nice if people would unlock things by playing the similar roles, such as, unlock more snipers by using the default sniper for a while (via directives). Same with vehicles, start with all the starter vehicles, and after unlocking a certain amount of "paths", you'd get locked from unlocking anything else, unless you re specced, or dropped one specific skill tree in favor of another.
  18. Demigan

    Ofcourse C4 is better than regen/medkits. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've never done C4 on every unit because of efficiency. Who's got the certs to pay 700 per character, when it's more a weapon of oppertunity rather than a useful item you'll be using all the time? I never bought it for my Engineer because I can throw tank mines with him, and when I really need to deliver that C4 package there's always the LA.
  19. DK22

    Try playing at 4AM, its all about tactics when your not over pop'd like crazy.
  20. Radh

    In my opinion the problem is that everything is on the borderline of fractions. I think on the continent should appear "something" (a bit like a snowman event) which would be necessary to find and transport to WG. That "something" will be on open space so c4 spam issue partially disappears.
    Add to this the vehicles that camouflage self and other vehicles, tools jamming minimap and other such clever things.

    Then remove redeployside problem (diminish spawn options). Then we get random fighting all over the map, you will see the strategy and tactics (though not yet so what I wanted), and in general it would be interesting.

    To this must limit the information on the map on the number of enemies in hex ​​(infiltrator would get a tool that will display for 10 minutes all in the fraction of information about hex).

    As a result, we get the war on wholly continent, the sense of the existence of scouts, options sneak behind enemy lines, escort missions, some extra profits for securing this "something".

    Or just forget about Planetside2 and wait for H1Z1​​.