SOE, are you upgrading the miller server or lowering continent pop cap?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AnotherNoob, May 31, 2013.

  1. AnotherNoob

    Would really love to get an official answer to this, because you really need to do either, the lag (repair/heal/resupply/delay) is really game breaking. Or are you just sitting on your ***** hoping people will get used to it? And please don't say "We are working on optimizing it, be patient", it has been like 7 months since launch, and it is still not fixed.
  2. QRLegion

    Yes Miller Indar has always been bad with that problem. But it's much worse now, especially once an Alert starts.

    Repair is broken (took me 14 full heat/cool cycles to repair one turret with a maxed out repair tool)
    Ammo packs delaying up to 30 secs before you get one click of ammo from them.
    Medic repair not working.
    Phoneix rocket takes about 5 seconds to go into camera mode making it even more difficult to control.
    Kills showing up about 5 seconds after you actually killed them

    Basically unplayable.
    SOE's attempt to focus the fight onto the continent with the alert is not going to work if nobody wants/can't fight there.

    As the man said, either fix the problem if possible, or just admit that it cannot cope with the current numbers and cap it accordingly.
  3. LumaOfWar

    Connery Indar (and Esamir occasionally) is like this too.
  4. AnotherNoob

  5. AnotherNoob

  6. tigerchips

    I think that is a dysync problem. I can replicate that exact bug by overclocking my CPU slightly.
  7. AnotherNoob

    Well, that is not the issue I am talking about :(
  8. tigerchips

    These all sound like the dysync bug to me...

    ...although the main thing about the dysync bug is that you can't hit anything and sometimes it has severe warping. If the symptoms get much worse after you overclock your CPU then that is what it will be... maybe.
  9. AnotherNoob

    You are correct that it is some kind of desync bug, but it is caused by heavy server load and not personal hardware, as it is directly tied to when there are many people on one continent, i.e. alerts.
  10. Athanasius

    Indeed the described problems invariably crop up for just about everyone when a server/continent/map zone are full of too many players. It feels like the server just can't keep up with all the network packets (remember, PS2 uses UDP, not TCP, so packets can simply 'get lost') it needs to receive and send. Thus, your client can think you did something (some repair), and display as if you had, but the packet never gets to the server/is processed by it, and thus when you stop and start again (causing a resync) you end up losing some of what you did.

    If I'm right then it is indeed a server load/capacity issue. Whether it can be solved only the future will tell. Maybe SOE are just trying to push the available tech. too hard and the only real solution is to reduce continent pop caps and/or have some means of lowering populations within a specific map area (like, say, rate-limit spawning per possible spawn location).