SOE: Are you trying to lose customers and kill this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Raichu

    These new implants are ridiculous. It is stuff like this that drive players away from the game. Implants change game-play. And give an advantage to players willing to spend money to have them. Nothing that changes gameplay or gives an advantage should be monetized like this. The only things that you guys should be monetizing are cosmetics and weapons since the price of 1000 certs is fair. This is going to hurt an already possibly dieing game. You guys are heading in the right direction too. With the new esamier and continental conquest on the way. It is a shame to see stupid stuff like implants added in the game. Implants should be permanent replace the suit ability spot and should have pricing similar to weapons they should not only be able to be used for a few hours nobody is going to shovel thier certs for it. And I am not crying because I will not be able to aford these implants. I have shoveled away 300 dollars on this game already but even I dont believe in a pay 2 win model.
    • Up x 4
  2. KlyptoK

    I can't take this thread seriously until they are at least available for testing.
  3. Edenwolf

    Again and again, you can buy with certs.
  4. Raichu

    Have you read the pacth notes?
  5. Raichu

    Thats a problem I have no problem saving certs for a day or two to get an implant permanently but when you introduce something that is only available for a limited amount of time. It is stupid.
  6. jihon83

    I concur. This move will both drive off a lot of veterans who were drawn to this game because they believed in the promise of an MMO that, ultimately, relied on the player's skill, rather than number crunching and a random number generator. With implants, that skill element is being harmed by allowing players to pay for cheat codes, which does strike at the basic appeal of this game and a big part of why Planetside 2 was a critic's darling. With the new implants, there will now be an even bigger gulf between "pubbies" and players who have invested in the game, and with the "sidegrade" weapons (with an evil eye towards the SMG) and high system requirements to run the game, PS2 is already struggling to find and keep an audience. It's a bad idea, both now, where it risks alienating a lot of players and in the forthcoming months, with driving off future players.
  7. MrK281

    Here is the relevant statement about how you get the Implants:

    "Implants will have relatively short durations (Measured in hours, not days) and low costs. Like weapons, they'll be available to purchase for both Certification Points and Station Cash. We're still finalizing the durations and costs for these items, but we'd love to hear feedback on the system."

    Mr. K
  8. ent|ty

    You shouldn't have made your argument regarding money, it should just be the pure stupidity of having anyone and everyone running around with built in Scout, that the rest of us certed for.

    But yes, it is definitely Pay2Win, if I put money to having an implant, and those that don't get owned.

    It also negates my award-winning base defense tactics too, as if me having to blow up Scout-enabled vehicles before I can flank and ambush the enemy isn't enough..
    Now I'll REALLY think everyone is hacking.
  9. KenDelta

    My gosh , implants aren't already out..
    tho they should be for 1k each , permanently.
  10. HerpTheDerp

    And not be able to afford anything else.

    Unless you pay for a subscription or a boost, of course.
  11. MrK281

    I don't mind being killed by somebody that has spent a lot of money to upgrade their Player, but getting killed by somebody at 25 levels lower than my Free-To-Play Player, when I see them 1st, and shoot them 1st, and they still kill me with 2 or 3 hits from some 1000 SC gun, I am disappointed in the game.

    Mr. K
  12. KlyptoK

    Considering that certs are virtually infinite and can be obtained just about anywhere by doing anything, I don't see the problem with a renewable cert sink.

    I guess it might be different for other people. I mean, I have nothing left that I really want to spend certs on so my perspective on it is largely unaffected by the cost.
  13. TheBlindFreak

    I don't have a subscription and I have only ever gotten a boost once. I never have trouble saving up certs. You know what the difference is? I'm not a whiny entitled ***** who thinks I should have everything I want exactly when I want it. Even without the cert boosts, the cert rate is fine and plenty rewarding.

    About the only thing I can say that certs are needed for gameplay styles are things like c4 and mine certing. Everything else stock will serve you just fine.

    Edit: protip - medics in big fights get certs out the wazoo.
  14. HerpTheDerp

    You have no idea what you're talking about?

    Go to your stats and check how much certs you've got. Divide that number by the amount of hours played. Post the result here and I'll prove how much of an apologist you are.
  15. Sprintfox

    ^ T H I S ^
  16. PS2Freak

    my biggest problem with implants - is that soe try to sell them with SC too... and thats exactly what higby said they never will do....

    Certs for implants - ok. SC for implants - not ok.

    It will be bad publicity/****-storm for soe ..
  17. DanGadelha

    Please everyone be ready for your TSA (Terran Security Agency) implants, where we will monitor your location, communications, etc... for your safety.
  18. jihon83

    So PS2 will be coming to the XBone, then? :p
  19. TheBlindFreak

    I get what you are trying to say. You are trying to say that non-supplemented cert gain will not be enough to buy implants and current certifications. Implying that both are required for the game to be enjoyable. Implants will not provide a big advantage (barring the awareness implant which I expect that to change before it goes live). Plus, they will be cheap.

    My point is that cert gain is fine without paying, and the certs that you can buy, with the exception of c4, med kits, and mines, do not affect gameplay enough for you to whine about it. And if they did affect gameplay enough to whine about not having enough certs, new players wouldn't play because they would be outclassed by people who have been playing longer.
  20. HerpTheDerp

    Enjoyable? Try competetive maybe? Veteran players as infantry have 25% more health, medkits, specialist grenades(some of which are useless, but some of which are ridiculous), their weapon attachments make their fire more accurate/damaging, or they just have better guns in the first place, like "PLOP YOU'RE DEAD" shotguns.

    The disparity is even bigger when it comes to vehicles.

    Veterans in this game are ALREADY ENJOYING BIG ADVANTAGES when compared to low-ranked players, the implants will have a multiplicative effect on this advantage because it's the veterans who have certs to burn, not new players who need about ten thousand certs to be competetive.

    Awareness? Awareness is a joke, only the baddiest of bads will pick that. How about Sensor Shield which is basically a free silencer on your weapon without any of the penalties? Yeah, that's "not a big advantage"

    Yeah, that's why you're wrong.