SOE and their refusal to do anything about

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SikVvVidiT, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Xae

    They didn't.

    NC on Markov had over 40% population for almost 2 years.

    People have massive rose colored glasses when looking back at PS1.
  2. tproter

    This game is about making SOE money, not gameplay balance. I thought you'd have learned that by now.
  3. SikVvVidiT

    If you meant at 1 am in the morning then yes you would be correct. You would also be correct if you stated that PS1 was more skilled based and outfits like Future Crew (VS) handled that pop advantage that NC had pretty damn well.

    BTW I like how suddenly I cannot edit some of my earlier post in this thread.... Interesting...
  4. StarBacon

    I've suggested a solution before:

    and it can be done quite easily with the population exp bonus mechanic already in the game. If there was a bounty bonus, it would be more rewarding EXP wise to attack the high population than to join them and get the alert exp bonus.
  5. Xae

    No, I mean in prime time. MC Markov sat at 40+% population for years.
  6. FateJH

    Yeah, there's a time limit before the option to edit a post you wrote goes away.
  7. TekTR

    As long as they remove the need to log into a character daily to collect the premium certs, I'm all for switch timers. But as it stands, I have to log into all of my characters every day in order to get my certs. That's the only reason I pay for membership, ques aren't an issue anymore. I, and I imagine many others, would just cancel membership if they added an empire switch timer without being able to collect certs. It seems like every month that goes on there's less and less reason for a sub.

    SOE won't do anything about same-server alts because limitations on alts interfere with the F2P business model. furthermore, new accounts are free and unlimited, so the 4th faction is pretty much unfixable.