So whats about the cerberus now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Clay, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Clay

    It was garbage before the buff. What about now? Did anyone tested it yet? 10 rounds of 250 damage shots with a decent accuracy doesnt seem very bad, and it fires much faster than the underboss.
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  2. Clay

    So it should be more "forgivable" if your target is moving and you only hit 3-4 or underboss 6 mag.
  3. Prudentia

    I bought it in the sale.
    Tried it
    put it on one loadout:
    Solstice SF with UBSG and Tankmines
    i use this loadout for vehicle driving (the UBSG can insta detonate a Tankmine, or all of them with the current iteration)
    i hope i don't have to use it more than once a day.
  4. Clay

    I will probably use it for my infiltrator loadouts because the supressor is a big plus
  5. libbmaster

    You got a like for your sig.

    I have not tried it beyond the VR, but that was because of the inaccuracy and the small mag.

    I can see how having a suppressed high damage pistol would be useful to an Infl
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  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    still four shots to kill someone without nanoweave at shortrange. not competitive for me.

    i'd rather stick to my manticore, 200dmg closerange, 15rounds per magazine, less bloom per shot and almost similar accuracy to the cerberus