So, this just happened on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Protios, May 2, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    I have to second this, although TR on Waterson are terrible at least they're not as hostile as Matherson TR are to their own faction fellows. These days when there's no TR zerg all I ever see are 2-3 solo players trying to take on platoons in a Mosquito.

    I'm also entertaining the thought of moving off Matherson, hopefully back to west coast (Connery lagged like crap for me before but seems better now).
  2. Eugenitor

    VS Connery has a similar guy. Milliondollarextreme does this everywhere (including cap points, back when we used to stand on those), and he gets teamkilled for it.
  3. Fned

    That MAX leading the conga line was getting straight funky.
  4. Phrygen

    not really. We get beaten up alot. good for farming though
  5. Sebyos

    Lol fun stuff.
  6. NaySayer

    If I could transfer a my main to there I would.
  7. Vetto

    I all way love how people try to turn this into a TR Matt hate thread, Just have some freaking fun for ones..

    As for the losing the Alert... given this video.. I do believe they are not mad... That should be a new thing.. Lose an Alert? Rock out at warp gate!
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  8. MilitiaMan

    Eeeh, VS and NC are better then the TR imo on Mattherson.
  9. holycaveman

    Kind of pissed I missed the party. Like......where was the invite?

  10. Littleman

    In what way did I indicate I had a "sit in your tower" standard? Reading comprehension: get some.

    ULTRA is, frankly, for show: they tell my CO they're all tied up and can't send any air support, except we have PLATOONS sitting at a base that only has "enemies detected" and a PLATOON at a tower with again, "enemies detected." So no, TR are no good at pretty much anything. From the lowliest peon to their CO's. I'll follow my orders even when that order has a squads worth ordered to drop into a platoons worth hacked base, but that doesn't mean I won't question the sanity of such a hopeless maneuver.

    Look, it's simple:

    Snipers need to prioritize killing snipers, not HA spewing rounds in their direction from 150m out.

    If our AMS is under attack, either go engi or assess the threat and equip properly to handle it. Don't run off like an imbecile engineer just to get killed.

    FFS, read the damn mini-map AND KILL THE MOFO THE RED DOT REPRESENTS before he bombs our sundy!

    Hear a shotgun? Look around, there's probably a hostile LA in our midst.

    For gosh sakes, you have AV as an HA, SHOOT THE F***ING TANKS. If it locks on, the aircraft too! Hell, everyone not currently shooting someone should be shooting low flying aircraft with their rifles.

    Basic $#!% only one in every 20 TR seem to know.

    And then for organization? See above. TE is the only outfit worth their salt, and I'm not even in it, and a lot of what they do is sheer numbers, but at least when the $#!% hits the fan somewhere and that somewhere needs reinforcements because it's critical, they show up.

    I'm not telling you how to play, I'm telling you our allies are playing poorly. Worse, they don't seem to be improving in the least. Our victories seem to largely come from overwhelming numbers. Never have I seen the TR win in a 50/50 ratio of numbers over a facility, always lose.
  11. Greenspore

    Yea Ya
    This as well as superior team work is what I like to see in planetside2!
  12. Greenspore

    By the way, this made my day.
  13. BloodRedWizard3

  14. Crayv

    A while back on Matterson we had a guy named "Threedog" playing music. Someone requested a song he didn't have so they decided to play it for him...

  15. xboxerdude

    I feel like a boy going into the girls bathroom for the first time, and seeing the couch and tv that i didnt believe they had....
  16. Plunkies

    For the longest time scientists had assumed that the TR brain is far to small to form a proper communication system. Yet in this footage we see the TR have seemingly developed some primitive form of crouch and jump based communication. Intriguing.
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  17. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Connery and Matherson are good servers for TR. got charcters on both.
  18. theholeyone

    Ain't no party like a lasher party!

    Gets good around 2 mins when the concs start flying :D
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  19. Pat Cleburne

    Yea, I'm sure the TR losing had nothing to do with NC and VS pushing straight north and barely fighting each other at all right? The entire TR line on all fronts were the only areas in Indar with enemy platoons. They were flashing like the 4th of july. Crickets were chirping in NC and VS territories that were clear of TR. Par for the course though.
  20. Imperium Assault

    Take it easy

    TR win a lot of alerts on Mattherson

    They used to be hapless outside of Enclave but, as with the NC, that started changing with the new year
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