So TheInvisiableman who exactly is he?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    I found him again!
  2. LordMondando

    He sounds messy as ****.
  3. EagleGuardian

    That was one heck of a party.
  4. mrkeyboard

    I just had a game session with some friends. Had to Google his name (with the typo) to find this thread. Well, this guy's muted from day 1, but this time it was regular chat.

    Just now on Ceres, TR lost an alert to NC. Noticed him whining about it in the /leader chat, calling every TR player inferior, unable to follow orders, or whatever. I was stupid enough to say "I for one think we were great, gg" -- 20 minutes later, he was still spamming the chat about conspiracy theories and about how my life has very little meaning. Hah, at some point he asked me "who the hell are you anyway? never seen you around" to which I replied, "I have a job". He then said having a job means I'm a slave. Yeah actually that's when the conspiracy theories started.

    Right, I swear I thought he was trolling at first, but that guy has some serious issues. That, and A LOT of time on his hands.