So TheInvisiableman who exactly is he?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Jur270

    There are other servers equivalent of this guy
  2. MrMurdok

    Oh, young blood. You will learn, you will learn...

    EDIT: There was once a man on the land of the Mother's Son, he was known for having an army-like hairstyle and a mental illness, he resembled our Invisiableman by a great deal, only he was able to do everyhing our Invisableman says.
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  3. Pikachu

    I have seen him too several times. I think hes a ceres terran. Is he special?
  4. MrMurdok

    It's one of those things you have to be a TR with access to Command Channel to understand. Don't understand, don't ever, ever, EVER understand.
  5. KAHR-Alpha

    Always sit in the warpgate streaming music and dancing, and sometimes say stuff we can't comprehend in the orders channel.
  6. Lazaruz

    I remember him, and his lectures on humanity at the warpgate.
    Since I started playing on Woodman, I kinda miss them...
  7. Simferion

    I saw him playing sometimes, but perhaps I could have been dreaming o_O
  8. Mxiter

    Often muted because of spamming annoying music.
    He also have an NC char on ceres!
  9. TommyXXL

  10. Izriul

    He's the reason I found my mute button.
  11. DramaticExit

    He has an NC alt yanno. I understand.

    We also have our very own version in the form of Slippyfist69. He has his moments where he's pretty cool, but he's damned loud, and sometimes incredibly abrasive to boot.
  12. TerryTenMen

    Had to finally mute the clown the other day, had some woman screaming very loudly through his prox chat!

    He probably took a trip down to his cellar...
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  13. Pikachu

    Is this relevant?

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  14. TommyXXL

    hahaha, today he was... let's say he forgot to take the pills, i was in a hurry to take a mosquito from warpgate to counter an enemy liberator.. of course theinvisiableman blocked the exit with a turret :mad: and i had to listen something that sounded like chris rock.
  15. P4NJ

    I know that guy, from my muted list...
  16. Lucidius134

    Who remembers

  17. Kaale

    In my 1st week.....
  18. Ned

    I have footage of him playing hardcore **** in command chat, I should really upload it sometime
  19. t31os

    No idea, but i'm ashamed to say he's British, as i am myself.

    Annoying(though to be fair, that's open to opinion), loud, disrespectful and inappropriate would be words i'd use to describe him. To say anything more would just be nasty, but what i've said thus far is accurately factual and thus just a statement of fact.

    He's the only TR player i know of who is likely muted by over half his own team, shame there's no ingame rewards for such a thing.

    I wonder if anyone has pointed out the typo in his name yet, assuming he does indeed mean "invisible"...
  20. EagleGuardian

    He's become an icon of Ceres. Love him or hate him, but you can't deny he's become one of the most (in)famous characters on the server.