So tell me...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrimsonEclipse5, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. CrimsonEclipse5

    Why should anyone play any class other than HA?

    They have the best weapons, as well as the best survivability, and the most easily accessed AA/AV, with absolutely no concessions being made in order to achieve these things.
  2. FateJH

    Other Heavy Assaults can't revive you if you die and it'd be a long walk.
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  3. LaughingDead

    1. Not best weapons, larger mag weapons. Their dps will almost always be under or equal to the standard damage tier for that faction.
    2. Best survivability in an engagement, completely true.
    3. Best AV...Yep. Also probably best AA, people are just too stupid to team up 95% of the time. Actually not even 1/20 of my pilot deaths are heavies that pay attention, more like 1/30.

    If you are a perfectionist in the game, resist shields give you 1666 HP, if you never lose shields so you spare a medkit, this goes to 1166 effective shields, stuff that you don't need a medic for, as for ammo, godsaw generally kills people in 3-7 hits depending on headshots, 500 bullets, lotta dudes, battlegoose doesn't even use ammo. Good awareness and combat sense and knowledge of the base you're fighting on gives a good indication of flank routes and where to be prepared.

    To be frank, yes, heavy is stupidly designed, at the same time alright designed. You have a shield that keeps you laning, a rocket for air and ammo, the thing is they have a ****ton of surplus. Ammo being a big offender here, 400 bullets in reserve, 100 in mag, not counting ammo belt; this is pretty friggin ridiculous amounts of ammo considering whate else you're carrying. 5 rockets, sure, happens that you need that last rocket, but tbh that's a ton that most heavies will never use, for some reason. It gives splash, direct 1 shots, ton of armor damage, etc, then there's 4 medkits, aka your literal pocket medic.

    If you are built to destroy everything why should you be built to last forever?
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  4. customer548

    I way prefer to play my Infi than playing HA.

    Radar for me and my random teammates.Ability at identifying chokepoints (Radar). Ability at evading / rushing. Ability at cleaning AI-AV mines, opponents' radar, Engi turrets in a quick way (EMP). Ability at firing at short (smgs), Med or Long ranges (sniping) in a quick way. High outdoor mobility, ability at erasing outdoor Maxes and Infantry (Wraith Flash). Hacking is.more or less ... useless atm.

    You'l quickly notice skilled Medics during Med-Large fight. Good Medics make a hudge difference.

    How to defend a point or a Gen if you don't have enough Amnos ? Engies are here to provide amnos.

    As long as you aim for heads only, HAs are not a real problem anymore. Thanks to Devs.
  5. BartasRS

    Personally, I enjoy infil way more than any other class. Maybe I played infil for too long (till I Auraxed it ^^) but every time I try to play something else my K/D goes down to hell as well as my enjoyment. Well I do enjoy playing other classes when ther si an opportunity to utilise their full potential but Infil is and will be for a long time my fav class to play.
    On topic, I do not feel that HA has much more survability these days, maybe I am too reckless but seems like every class can chain HS perfectly well recently.
  6. FieldMarshall

    Im currently doing the LMG directive, and i constantly find myself in situations where i would have performed better as a LA.
    HA is amazing in smaller 1v1 head-on fights. I found that the larger the fight the less important 1v1 survivability becomes and the more important flanking and positioning becomes.
    (Note: Not useless but less important.) HA isnt a bad class at all but there are tons of reasons not to play HA in certain situations.

    When it comes to straigt up combat, the only class that doesent have anything special on par with the others is Engineer.
    But i suppose being a cert machine with utility, unlimited ammo, the best anti-zerg grenade and being the best tank driver had to have a tradeoff.

    Also, ARs are arguably better than LMGs. Especially if you are TR.
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  7. entity009

    I prefer LA or infil. Sure a heavy can take extra dmg but big whoop. LA and infil counter heavies easily by suprise and flanking. Both LA and Infil have much more killing potential.

    Everyone complains constantly about heavies being OP. They are not, they are exactly what they should be HEAVY. Flank or surprise them. If you are playing any other class and you are going toe to toe with a heavy you SHOULD lose. Flank and ambush them. If you are medic or eng stay with your teammates and support them.
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    There is no argument that HA is the most popular class and that it is super-powerful in it's role.

    I played HA exclusively when I was new, for the added protection and big mags on the LMGs. But now I almost never play it except when a bit of A2G seems necessary because I find it a bit uninsipiring (run, shield, shoot, repeat).

    It's all down to preference, I guess. I prefer the variety that other classes offer now. Things I particularly like include:
    • infil hacking stuff then mining it for when the opposition comes to undo my work
    • Anything involving carbines (love those things in CQC including the much better hipfire cone of fire than LMGs, as well as the super accurate burst carbines for longer range)
    • LA being able to vault over obstacles and get into inconvenient or inaccesible high places and............Rocklet fun gun!!
    • Medic AR for ranged combat beats the average LMG in my view and the revive 'nade..........a cert bomb!
    • Engie laying ambush mines, never running out of ammo, earning wads of repair and resupply certs - sheer variety of things to do (and, I suspect, preferred class for top gunning in vehicles due to battlefield repairing when needed)
    It's fine with me if someone really only wants to play one class but there is so much to sample in the game.....and that is with just playing infantry.
  9. Hegeteus

    Light assault can at times be more effective, but with bigger risks you'll likely have worse KDR and I believe that's twhy most people play as HA. Whatever skills you use as infiltrator or LA don't go away when you switch to HA, which leaves the question how easily you'll be able to actually flank as LA or infiltrator. Usually not very easily considering bases are filled with motion spotters and campers all around, ready to spot the one dude who went with jetpack instead of shield
  10. Valenz

    You're not clarifying the size of the fight any of this criteria meets to be true. As you say, Heavies do have their pros but in certain situations they don't outweigh the cons making other classes more likely options.
  11. stalkish

    What makes me laugh about HAs is when they send you a hate tell after you kill them with a shotgun.

    Apparantly having more damage per shot than your opponent is cheesemode no skill crap, but having more health than your opponent and enough bullets to ensure you never reload in a 1v1 is the pinnacle of awesomesauce mlg leetmode skillz.

    Excuse my confusion there...
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  12. Slamz

    I actually frown on heavies as being less useful than they probably should be. They're just kinda sloppy and their overshield doesn't make up for it. In a game that's mostly about "who can headshot the best", I find the heavy with his generally sloppy LMGs to be less competitive than they should be.

    Medic rez is super useful. As a heavy maybe you kill 3 dudes and then die. As a medic you kill a dude, rez someone, he kills 2 dudes then you kill another dude and die, so you basically generated 4 kills rather than 3. On average I'm sure medics lead to more total kills than heavies. (Plus, at least for the TR, the medics have the best guns in terms of accuracy + firepower.)

    Infiltrators just do things you can't do any other way. They are especially useful for taking out and generally harassing player built bases. (I think sniping is mostly dumb but there's usually no other way to sneak in to a player base and kill an AI module to shut down their turrets.)

    Engineers are nearly mandatory for driving vehicles. I also find that whenever I run into some "pros" who are suspiciously good at headshots, they also tend to be suspiciously stupid at normal gameplay and will repeatedly run right into my claymores. (The claymore is actually my top weapon... by a pretty wide margin.)

    Enemy ground vehicle problems? You should be light infantry. While a mass of heavies can kill tanks usually they just get shot in the face by the tank and then the tank goes off to repair whatever damage the heavy managed to do. "C4 fairies" are the way to kill ground vehicles. C4 is also the preferred way to kill a MAX.

    I guess the only really unique thing heavies bring to the field that non-MAX infantry can't do is that they can make aircraft run away for short periods of time. Their rockets are okay for fighting MAX in close quarters but C4 is still usually better.

    The overshield is supposed to be their superpower but when you run up against headshotters, that shield hardly makes a difference.
  13. Liewec123

    if i'm holding a point i'd much rather be on my engi.

    a HA's ability is to simply takes a few more shots from your 500RPM weapons,
    sure its nice, but engi has way more perks imho.

    engi can set up:
    1. an autoturret that will a. soak up bullets, b. supplement your damage. (and usually get revenge if you die) c. alert you when an enemy comes into sight of it.
    2. an AI turret which they man which gives them LMG levels of damage, with no recoil and a shield that makes 90% of your front invulnerable.

    engi also gets AI mines to cover the doors with,

    plus now engies also get 2 second faster shield recharge,

    also sticky nades are utterly devastating when there is a zergfight over a chokepoint, stick someone and watch them scurry back to their zerg XD

    and then ofcourse there is resupplying your team, which also works solo for giving you infinite ammo with something like recon darts on crossbow giving you radar coverage of the base.

    i love having mines at every entrance, a spitfire guarding the doors, recon darts spammed all over so i know exactly where the enemy will enter and a trusty pump action shotty :D

    i much prefer engi than heavy :)
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  14. Money

    With the addition of the rocket rifle, LA is my go to attack/defend class. Being able to quickly get the advantage of position counts for a lot unless it's a huge battle. Add in the rocket rifle ridiculous time to kill on non-shielded sunderers? Not much of a choice anymore
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  15. No0T

    Absolutely truth statements. if vve all had a 1 shoot kill vveapon like them it vvould be just fine.
  16. No0T

    You play heavy and are the vvorst player in the vvorld so you are obviously asking for more povver. You are so obliviusly stupid vvritting dovvn all this crap man... Only imagining to be this byasedly stupid makes me vvant to kill myself.
  17. Necron

    The only thing about HA that is OP is the "I win butto..." I mean shield. Other than that they are fine. The shield IS a major crutch, to an otherwise fairly balanced class. What to DO with the shield, I have no idea.
  18. BrbImAFK

    Honestly, I personally think that the problem with the shield is it's relative availability. Heavies should not be able to pop shield in virtually every 1v1 they run across and still have it available for pushing a point, then holding the point, then... etc. etc.

    I think the heavy should have it's hard strike role enhanced, at the cost of it's (pretty extreme) overall utility. The shield should give much more health or resists at the cost of being available much less often. It'll be absolutely perfect for do-or-die point-pushes, or breaking entrenched lines alongside MAX's, but will only be average outside of that. You'll actually have to decide when is a good time to use your shield, as opposed to using it almost all the time.

    Further to emphasising that role, I think Heavies should be restricted to melee weapons, sidearms, heavy guns, shotguns and SMG's. MAYBE carbines as well. Right now there's an LMG for almost every range and that's just silly. I think that the LMG should be an engineer tool (i.e. engy can select a turret or an LMG) and should focus on mid-range support/suppression.
  19. Eternaloptimist

    Not sure I totally agree. I've never earned a shedload xp by overloading a generator or crept up on someone to knife him in the guts as an HA. My LA certainly faces more risks, partly by being a bit more alone when flanking, or more visible to a larger audience when flying. But then LA is the only class I find that can go any distance in a straight line (especially on Hossin) or get to fight amongst the rocks in the high hills, hunt snipers up there and drop C4 from rooftops, trees etc.

    Like I say though, I've nothing against HA except maybe their overshield triggered in CQC being a very useful counter to my tailored, CQC fighting carbine.
  20. Demigan

    Not to mention that using a weapon in its ideal conditions, and having the most limited ideal conditions in the game by a large margin, should simply be rewarded, especially against the one-size-fits-all LMG's of which the weaknesses are compensated by a 45% instant extra health.
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