So sony is patented a way to detect lag switching on their network

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gen.Drake61, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Gen.Drake61

    So some news i caught wind of yesterday,and although its rare on the console(as far as i can tell,dont know if it happens in the ps4 version of planetside 2 or not) but i support this,my only concern is if this will help the game or not on ps4 as a deterrent against players that may or may not already be doing it on psn and ps4 or any future players that do start doing this on psn and planetside 2(again not sure if it happens or not on console),you can read about it here:
  2. iPervy

    Hmm I always personally notice lag switching the most during fighting games for any system. Can't say I notice it in PS2 to much to be troublesome (PC anyways) as usually lag in a peer to server game usually is a disadvantage as appose to peer to peer.

    Good to know though as theres plenty of other games this will apply to besides PS2.