So SOE, you went and did it anyway

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bindlestiff, Jun 14, 2014.


    well, they nerfed it too..
    Racer makes it go 60Kph instead of 65.
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    I hope they nerf the magrider. Thenn buff it a week later to be the Pre-nerf ZOE of MBTs. I don't see why they are nerfing the magrider. If anything it should get a buff and the rest should get a nerf.
  3. Typhoeus

    It's kind of sad because they used to actually respond to player feedback and outright cancel stuff if people were vocal enough about their displeasure. Seems like they are getting more and more out of touch with every nerf patch they come up with :(
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  4. Kunavi

    You want a buff because the rest of us are getting our turrets stabilized? Only if with it, come serious buffs(Or considerable changes so that they are viable and FUN TO USE) to Marauder, Vulcan, Vulcan H, MAX Lock-Down, possibly even to Anchor Mode, Fracture, Striker, Mercies and probably the MCG which is still lacking. And no you should not get SPEED, that's the last of the fabled TR traits we got left. Now that I think of it you shouldn't get NOTHING because more strafing is going to be OP basically.

    Sorry for having our turrets stabilized so we can compete OK? I'm sure you'll find other FPSs with dominant farming tools out there, this part of this FPS is getting ironed out. Time to jump off if you feel this is going to end you.
  5. ironeddie

    I don't particularly agree with these change but. Why do you that think because the devs ask for feedback they then have to act on it?

    It's their game can they can ignore us and do what they think is best.
  6. FieldMarshall

    Then again, SOE does it anyway, always.
  7. Tbone

    Stabilisation is a WW2 thing.It the future now.
  8. Paqu

    Ok lets see what are the main strenghts of the MBT's.

    Prowler: Fast firerate (especially on lockdown) and highest DPS by a good margin.

    Vanguard: Strongest armor + shield to make it even tougher.

    Magrider: Being able to move and make accurate shots.

    Now that the Magriders main strenght is being given to other tanks it really needs buffs. Either on mobility or damage output. I mean it would be the same as giving shield to Magrider without making any changes to Vanguard or giving Mag the Prowlers main cannon without compensating it anyway.

    You want stabilized turrets to be able to compete? What? The current tank balance is very good. If you now cant beat Magriders with your Prowler it has nothing to do with Magrider being OP.. And why did you bring those other weapons into the discussion?
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  9. FPSRelic


    These tank changes are all about trying to get tankers to take greater risks with their tanks, as opposed to staying back way away from the fight and spamming tank shells at distant targets. With changes like these (such as with the MAX abilities) there will be balance issues that will need to be sorted out, perhaps with the Magrider, maybe the Prowler (think how good a target a deployed prowler will make at close range) , and maybe even the Vanguard.

    I would suggest the best course of action roll with the changes, and let the stats speak for themselves. If buffs or nerfs are required, the numbers will show it, and the devs will act accordingly. Numbers will win the debate better than any angry post on the forums will. Remember that this is an ever evolving game, things are not set in stone forever.
  10. Nody

    No the best action as VS is to stop playing as VS and roll NC / TR depending on which faction you prefer for style; that at least will send the message louder then anything else and you actually get proper guns to play with...
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  11. RemusVentanus

    That guy has no idea what he is talking about any Prowler and Vanguard user worth his salt has no problem killing a Magrider. It is quiet annoying how many infantry guys with barely any time in a tank think they know anything about tank vs tank.
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  12. Sebastien

    What are tanks spamming at?
  13. TheFamilyGhost

    Because most of it is ridiculous

    and overly emotional.
  14. RemusVentanus

    And why would any tanker want that? is it so fun to wait for your resources to fill up till you can pull another tank? oh wait you barely played in a prowler... or any vehicle.

    Roll with this changes and get stuck with a Catapult for tank vs tank instead of a tank? hell no. Giving TR and NC stabilised turrets is ok if the Mag gets a compensation for that. The nerf to velocity and more drop to the cannons is outright BS and every tank who knows what he is doing should know that. Tanks arcross all faction say this is a bad change (and no doubt it will be) to tank vs tank and in general but SOE will go with it either way i my guess.

    If at all any tank gun should get more gravity and less velocity it would be HE as it is the farming gun.
  15. Jetlag

    For your consideration;
  16. maxkeiser

    The funny thing about these changes is that they will GUARANTEE that magriders stay even further from the main battle.

    I will need to keep even more distance now from enemy tanks. I will fight at longer ranges and even more elusively as I will need the extra time and advantage to get away.

    Far from closing the range, this will lead to magriders fighting at even further ranges - just to stay alive.
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  17. Bindlestiff

    I think you'll find the vast majority of those posts touched upon the same concerns.

    As for being emotional, some people like to enjoy the games they play to a greater extent than others. If that qualifies as getting emotional, I see no harm in it.
  18. Bindlestiff

    Sure thing. Just the same as it's the players choice to play the game or not. Players have been concerned that these tank changes will cripple tank combat (which isn't exactly in a brilliant place right now), and have let SOE know. If a huge number of voiced concerns are not enough to get them to consider alternatives in their meetings, then I say again: What is the point of asking for it in the first place?
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  19. lothbrook

    Velocity is an irrelevant stat on HE rounds, infantry don't render past 300m and they move so slow that you barely have to lead them at max range even with 175 m/s, lol. HEAT is and will still be the best AI option for the VG due to having only .5m less blast radius, and .75 second faster reload, there theres the other benefits like 1 shotting ESFs and not hitting like a complete wet noodle against other vehicles, if they want to buff HE they'd remove the reload nerf and increast the blast radius by another .5m.

    Real issue with these changes is the complete lack of buffing against infantry AV weapons, getting closer just means you will die faster against infantry and its completely stupid.
  20. Peter Daniel

    Highby, SOE or whatever do not know their own game, that is the problem, they should spend more time playing it and less time breaking it...