So SOE, you went and did it anyway

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bindlestiff, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Bindlestiff

    The tank changes are going through, with no consideration for anything that was discussed. Colour me surprised, or not as the case is and no doubt with others.

    Why ask for feedback when you ignore it? Do you print the feedback out and make paper coasters out of it so that the guys on the H1N1 team don't dirty their desks?

    The Magrider is being hit hardest of all with ridiculous changes, and rather than being given additional bonuses to balance the fact everyone now gets the stabilisation and enhanced mobility with rotational turret, we still get speed decreases and gravity increases on our already molasses slow, fixed forward firing weapons and absolutely no bonus to strafe. What you are forcing tanks to do, get closer, does NOT work for the Magrider in its current guise and you are doing absolutely nothing to balance it out.

    Give yourselves a golf clap, because very few people will be queueing up to do it on your behalf.
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  2. a-koo-chee-moya

    Their are already 3 threads about this lol. If SOE keeps its nerf mechanic, the Maggy will get some sort of buff.
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  3. Mastachief

    Much like the lib changes and look how well that turned out.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    I vote give it wings..

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  5. a-koo-chee-moya

    So, a Scythe with an immobile Dalton mounted on it?
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    Also they are buffing HE rounds and are going to make it so people are more inclined to use them!

    while also nerfing HEAT and AP rounds.

    this is going to be very very bad for the infantry & for the tanks.

    I mean like this is enraging and crazy.
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  7. Elrobochanco

    To the PTS. There is no tank changes going to live next week as far as anyone knows.

    I agree on the whole throwing the magrider into a ditch stuff, but it's not live, it's not going immediately to live, there are no changes "going through" right now. We're looking at first pass of all the super simple stuff to tweak (literally 1-2 values on a bunch of weapons mostly) to test.
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  8. Mekeji

    I want to clarify before I say what I am about to say. I am mainly a medic on TR and I don't spend much time tanking. I only know about tanks due to VR and some random goofing off with tanks. As far as faction exclusive stuff I only know from my alts that I use in VR to learn about enemy weapons.

    Now that that is through I find the magrider is extremely slow when it comes to movement and aiming. I think what SOE has to do to make these changes fair is to let the magrider spin around like Garen on crack. Not only would it make magriders less predictable and harder to avoid, it would also allow drivers to react quickly to hits on their back armor. It would make maggies into close combat quick reaction tanks which is what SOE is trying to do with all the tanks.

    I always see vanguards actively push and cover an assault. I have seen prowler line ups firing at bases and clearing them out. It seems the only thing I ever see maggies do is explode or sit on a hill farming spawn while part of a zerg.
  9. Necron

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  10. Gammit

    While I'm not a big fan of the proposed changes, the Magrider can still strafe. At distance, it's pretty unstoppable due to it's ability to watch slow-firing incoming shells and simply press a or d to survive.
  11. gigastar

    You are aware those are only PTS patch notes, arent you?

    Also if youve been paying attention to Redditside then Higgles apparently has a few non-terrible ideas for Liberators.
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  12. Bindlestiff

    There hasn't exactly been a positive history with PTS patches changing for the better when moved to live. If they go to PTS and then there are weeks of analysis and tweaking then fair enough. But let's be realistic, that isn't going to happen.
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  13. Bindlestiff

    Fully aware these are PTS notes. But as I have said above, track record of change is not good, and given the level of feedback they have already had and ignored then I'm not holding my breath.
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  14. NinjaKirby

    They'll revert some of the changes soon afterwards, don't worry. Once the SC Cash Grab has played out.

    Like the Harasser, and the Liberator, and ZOE Max, and Shotguns, etc~~~
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  15. Pikachu

    How are they buffing HE cannons? I dont remembet reading thT.
  16. Pikachu

    Still nerfing my shredder by removing splash because some people suddenly decided to complain after 18 months of laughing at the weapon. :(
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  17. Mekeji

    Honestly if you are saying that in a negative fashion as if it is a scam I don't mind them scamming bad players who use the most recently buffed stuff and pay real money for it.

    Now I don't condone random drastic swings in balance but honestly I find it funny the people who pay real money for something that they get because people say it is OP and then are surprised when it is nerfed.

    I recently had to choose between nabbing a SABR or a TORQ. I trialed both and I loved the TORQ because it was great at everything. However it is relatively new and I went with the SABR as it has been around for a while and isn't good in CQC. Where as the TORQ was great at CQC and then it could turn around and blow someone away from across a base.

    I also am the type of player who when playing LoL I had the original Trundle that everyone called weak before his redesign. I dominated with him and could tank while killing the carries. Then when they buffed him and people played as him I faced other Trundles and I ripped their head off and the people tended to rage. I got Kha'Zix and when he was OP I stopped playing him till he was nerfed and I continued to dominate with him.

    Player skill almost always trumps nerfing. If you are good with something you should be just fine when it gets nerfed as long as the function stays the same.
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  18. Phyr

    They did take into consideration player feedback. Too bad most player feedback is just whiny ranting about a nerf that may or may not even happen, and hasn't been tested at all by anyone. Ignoring feedback doesn't mean they didn't listen to it.
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  19. libbmaster

    Even if it goes in, it won't be that huge of a difference.

    Honestly, it will be like all of the other patches which were supposed to "destroy the game!" because "SOE never listens to us!". The patch will drop, and then a week later everyone will be complaining about the next thing.

    ... Though I do think the Mag would be very nice if they just buffed it's speed... oh well.
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  20. Mekeji

    Yeah. Now that all tanks will get cannon stabilization the maggie needs a buff in movement and turning speed. Small movement buff large turning buff.

    With the cannon stabilization the prowler is going to be a bit OP now.
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