So now everyone is playing TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jaktrobot, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    I'm unconvinced, dispite the odd person claiming to be able to do this regularly, I've never seen any video evidence (of anything but the odd luck shot on a hovering ESF) and never been able to hit any but the most stationary of ESFs myself (and ESFs that stationary are actually easier it hit with a dumbfire).
  2. Vixxing

    If you mean Phoenix ill be happy to record some kills for you... not easy but far from impossible
  3. Vixxing

    And alot easier than dualtap+ change an ESF with Lancer
  4. Goretzu

    It's not impossible, it is however highly unlikely unless there are some seriously bad pilots about, but even in that case you're still more likely to get a kill using a dumbfire, Annihilator, AA launcher or Striker (and yes probably Lancer).

    The Pheonix is basically fire it at 100 ESFs and you'll be lucky to kill 1 launcher (whilst you'll likely be killed by Air whilst doing so many times), that's not remotely effective as AA, even though it does result in the odd spectacular kill.
  5. Vixxing

    Id say ill get 2-3 of 10 air with Pheonix (when i try for them) 1-2 with dumbfire and 1 in 20 with Lancer (due to needing 2+ hits with Lancer)
    With Lancer you just ding them and get 22XP then they take off, so really unrewarding...
  6. TeknoBug

    lol I can even hit ESF's with dual Comets.
  7. Goretzu

    By all means if you can video you hitting 30% of ESFs you go for with an ESF I'd love to see it.

    My hit rate with the Pheonix is pretty high even for things like Harassers, but with ESFs their combination of their speed, distance and smallish size makes them hardly ever worth going for, for me (Libs are similar, but in that case it's not their speed or size but rather the distance they tend to operate on, at the very limit of Pheonix range, that and you tend to get a shredder or Dalton in the face).
  8. Vixxing

    I kill ALOT more ESF with phoenix than Lancer...