[BUG] So... no hotfix for Striker in today`s hotfix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Zlodey-, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. MNO

    Am I? Because I'm English - so much for me being the ignorant one, you just assumed I was american.

    It's nothing like McDonalds only working in PST time - that's the worst comparison I've ever heard, ever.

    Again - stop acting like a bratt.
  2. -Zlodey-

    I`m feel Wargaming looking at any SOE fails carefully, and may release something that kills PS2 someday.

    Then why you typing noncense about 3am PST here? Where is logic? Who are you protecting? Why you are acting here as ignorant one?
  3. Cryptek

    It took them what, 5 months to finally fix the blueshift? even though unlike this bug it was just some stats that needed to be switched meanwhile they told people to buy the cosmos because that was the accurate gun. Only to now finally fix it, leaving a ton of people with a super inaccurate Cosmos. (keep in mind, no one got refunds for the blueshift, despite false advertisement. And you can bet no one is getting a refund for the cosmos)

    Cry me a river and learn some damn patience.
  4. -Zlodey-

    With such attitude, you will be patiently cry river alone - on empty servers.
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  5. Pie Chasm

    SoE has pretty much tied the noose around the games neck and it gets tighter with every patch.... and it's standing on a baby chair.

    Killing PS2 isn't hard. Killing it before it kills itself might be challenging though.
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  6. IamSalvation

    OFC you CAN fly OVER it.. you jsut can´t do **** in that Area!
    You can Flar, then you have 5 Seconds... to run befor the next lock comes.
    Alos i fly Lib most of the time, so i can´t just dive nose down to get rid of them.

    I never used Flares on ESF or Lib, allways just evaded them... but with the Striker its just hell, even with Flares...
    It no Problem with ONE striker... but 2 Strikers just instant kill ESF and nearly kill a Lib...
    Can´t count how often i was falling back from combat with my Lib, then i hear Lock on Sounds and bam, dead... 2 skillless striker heavys somewhere in the middle of nowhere... GREAT!
  7. -Zlodey-

    Wait, you want to tell me here what? Its ok when ESL not making any damage with half of shots? Its ok, when ESL cant resupply ammo?
    Okay, then lets make Lancer and Phoenix have similar bugs.
    When all three factions will throw away their ESL, it will be ok for me.

    Argument "its ok, because this ESL OP" completely invalid.
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  8. MGP

    Someone's using their empire specific rocket launcher, makes him skilless?
    Thanks for that correct and totally unbiased assumption. Are you expect what anyone can take you seriously after this message?
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  9. Gary

    Kind of the point of the striker, denies you access to the area and punishes you if you choose to ignore it. Yes it has the highest DPS of any launcher in the game. Getting that DPS out is incredibly rare since it is rare that 4 or 5 rockets hit the target unless they are an idiot in an ESF hoverspamming infantry.
  10. MGP

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  11. WaRadius

    Does the Striker still have greater ground lock-on range than Annihilator?
  12. MGP

    Striker lockon range was always the same as Annihilator, which is 500 meters.
  13. WaRadius

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  14. MGP

  15. SgtCheese

    I use the Striker so much that I have gotten use to doing the trick to preventing the zero damage bug hahah. I would still use it even if I had to do that forever. Also, to new tracking freedom makes the Striker (and other locks) much funner to use and even adds a bit of skill to operation. :)
  16. JDS999

    im sure when they fix the vanguard shiled bug they will fix the stiker bug
  17. loleator

    Striker is by far the worst empire specific launcher. It did ZERO damage before (flares, terrain, afterburners etc) but now even in the rare situation in which it hits, it does zero damage.
  18. jake6491

    i dont see what you are talking about, i die more to strikers in my lib than anything else
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  19. Phazaar

    Vanguard shield has been bugged since game launch, to the point it's simply worthless in 90% of encounters, and possibly 100% of encounters against TR.

    Reaver gun offset might as well be a bug and has been ****** since game launch.

    Falcons offset makes them less reliable than trying to use a Prowler from behind a brick wall.

    Loadouts revert every time you exit the VR.

    Pulling a vehicle from outside of the warpgate has a 1/4 chance of not equipping a Racer frame; in there since launch.

    Phoenix doesn't give you the camera 1 in 2 times you fire it during large battles. Sometimes 3 in 4. It's been that way since launch; they've done 3 balance passes on the weapon and still haven't addressed it.

    Bursters don't give hitmarkers for dozens of minutes at a time when the servers are under load, making it impossible to judge if you are leading properly. Has been this way since launch.

    This isn't some global conspiracy against the TR. One of your toys is broken (it's actually far more reliable than you claim, as an FYI. Don't trust the VR; use a second account. I blew up -every- one of my NC+VS character's vehicles with the striker and only one lock didn't do damage. It probably took me 20 clips? 5% bug? Cry more.)...There's a Justin Timberlake song that I was going to quote to end this sentence... Can anyone remind me what it's called?
  20. NoctD

    Give everyone with a Striker a free Grounder/SKEP then? Or certs to those who bought a Grounder/SKEP cause those stupid Strikers they sold us are now useless paperweights?
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