So my infiltrator friends....what is the most satisfying moments for you?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Mr.Seacucumber, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Mr.Seacucumber

    For the passed few weeks I have been playing infiltrator and I started playing with a sniper rifle jumping forward in the simple wars that Briggs has and attempting to cripple the gens before the zerg would arrive and just roll in there with not a single thanks to be given.

    But anyway I then found the SMG, oh your gorges PDW with your Suppressor, Lazar and night vision :)

    Which come to the most satisfying moment for me, when you are running around a large base and you start to get chased and one by one you find them all and make their lives hell and that magic moment

    when you uncloak behind someone and scream to yourself SURPRISE MOF^%&*%^!! as you gun them down like Carl

    So infils what is the most satisfying moments for you?
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  2. drNovikov

    Destroying a stupid TR tank zerg by flanking them, hacking turrets and shooting them in the back.
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  3. CraftKing


    - I kill moving targets.
    - I get HS on moving targets.
    - Doing the first two mentioned above on a very long range engagement.
    - I kill enemy Infiltrator who's using SMG with my Impetus at close range.
    - I kill enemy who has click and spray weapon designed for CQC with my Impetus.
    - Similar to the last two mentioned above but with my Pistol (any).
    - Counter sniping without dying. Usually, getting all enemy's snipers.
    - Suppressing enemy's front line.
    - Flanking and able my team/friendlies to advance.
    - Hacking turrets and getting juicy kills from behind.
    - Infiltrating w/o being detected.
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  4. Mr.Seacucumber

    How oh how do you hack a turret and turn around in time not to get shot by the guy in their who seems to always have a shotgun?
  5. Astraka

    Walk around the front & avoid them altogether. 95% of the time they can't do squat aside from ineffectually shooting the turret with rifle fire. Downside to this is that in theory you're more likely to get TKd by tanks/rockets while hacking, but I can count on one hand how often that has happened to me.

    Also in the event they fix the current hacking bug, you can spin around while hacking so that you're already aimed at where they get shunted out. However I would not recommend hacking from the back until they fixed the aforementioned bug.
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  6. Timeraider

    you can turn 360 degrees while hacking without breaking the hacking channel.. so you can hack a turret and then turn 180 degrees and already aim at the guys head before hes even out.
  7. Mr.Seacucumber

    I just had one of those "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moments, why did I not think of that, Cheers :)
  8. Astraka

    I hadn't thought of it either until I watched Ztiller do it, so don't beat yourself up too much. ;)
  9. Timeraider

    my fav. moment.. hmm.. my friends were shooting a VS lib, he flew away with some health left. I used my wraithcloak to get past all the enemies (actually killed some by accidentally driving over them :p) and behind some rocks i found the lib and some engin repairing it.
    So i used wraith cloak to sneak up very slowly behind the back and was like "surprise!" .. unloaded my entire Fury magazine on them.. making the lib exploded and kill everyone near.
    I would have loved some Jaws music when i did that, slowly coming closer :p
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  10. DemoniWaari

    Headshotting a moving medic who's running to rez a pal.
  11. Rudette

    Moment 1:
    You decided to equip your factions semi-auto rifle to auraxium it, or maybe just for the lulz. This ensues:

    You and an enemy infiltrator both creep around the same corner cloaked.
    You both decloak, he brandishes his SMG, you brandish your Semi-Auto.
    You proceed to hop around and spam lmb, no scoping him to death.
    You lul, and proceed to engage heavies as though you have a battle rifle equipped.

    Moment 2:
    You decided to purchase your low zoom optic, lower velocity, but faster re-chambering CQC bolt action. You then:

    Cert reflex sights and silencer
    Find an occupied point.
    Corner peek and kill the first guy guarding it, watch the next guy panic.
    Down the second guy with two body shots.
    Proceed to repeat this cycle, having the most intense and rewading gunfights in your career as an infiltrator.

    Moment 3:
    You decided to run with your standard sniping load out, no tricks/no gimics. This happens:

    You have your pistol and your primary sheathed, you're in doors.
    A shotgunner see's you, but his first shot lands way to the left.
    You leap to the left, his shot misses and lands far to the right.
    Meanwhile, you are shooting him the face with your pistol.
    You swing your knife in frantic desperation to land the final blow.
    You receive hate tells when he dies and accusations that you are a hacker.
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  12. Rift23

    Anytime I kill a HA with long-range LMG that is better than my sniper rifle in every way. Also, blowing up tanks/sundies with hacked turrets and tank mines/rockets/C4 via terminal hack and swap feels good too. It feels like how the infiltrator is supposed to work even if we don't have anti-vehicle explosives on our own.
  13. Dragonblood

    Hacking a hostile turret and destroying sunderers, tanks and infantry, before they know what hit them. When heroic HAs try to shoot your turret from afar, climb out and give them a nice headshot with your sniper rifle.
  14. drNovikov

    Now I just immediately jump inside the turret.
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  15. Zerran

    By far when I solo a group of enemies by flanking them with my smg. Just feels so great, standing there amidst the corpses of a whole group as my allies finally show up. :p
  16. isiy

    Clearing out a ridgeline of snipers, rocket spamming HA + Engineers is always satisfying.
  17. Mustarde

    Today I hacked a vehicle turret, fired a shot at the back of a wounded vanguard, got the kill and immediately jumped out before the c4 on my turret blew. Survived, found the LA at the top floor of the tower and tap-tap-knifed him.

    Overall, moving headshots and knife kills are the most satisfying. It makes me want to light a cigar and pour a glass of scotch after a good run :)
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  18. zizeff

    Hosing down shotgun heavy's with my smg
  19. AnuErebus

    So many things.

    Running out of ammo on a bolt action because I've shot too many people in the head.
    Generally sitting right next to the enemy front line getting free easy headshots without the enemy noticing me.
    Outgunning shielded heavies with my lowly semi-auto scout.
    Bolt-action + knife combo kills on unaware enemies.
    Long range headshots on moving targets.
    Headshotting people at close range before they even have a chance to register that the guy who just came around the corner ahead of them is an enemy.
    Using wraith cloak to sneak up behind a group of enemies before laying them all to waste with the flash mounted fury.

    But as great as those all are one of my greatest moments was seeing a Reaver flying low over the treetops about 100 or so meters away and for the hell of it deciding I want to hit the things with my bolt action. First shot hits, Reaver Kill. I wish I could have seen that pilot's face.
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  20. Valena

    More of a surprise than a satisfying moment, though there was a feeling of satisfaction afterwords.

    During a double experience weekend, I saw a random Prowler out on Indar, parked and burning. Two people were in it, and for some reason no one was going to repair them. Maybe no one noticed.
    I took a random shot at the tank with my Parallax, knowing I couldn't possibly damage it. It was more for fun, really. My shot hit home - because really, who can't hit a parked tank? - and a few seconds later the tank burned down, exploding and granting me not only credit for killing the driver and the gunner, but a huge chunk of experience for the tank as well.
    I stared at my screen for a few seconds, thinking to myself, "...wut?"

    Another great moment was near the game's release, my boyfriend and I were both playing infiltrators, harassing an outpost near the NC warpgate. I'll never forget these two NC soldiers doing absolutely everything they could to flush us out, and failing every time. Eventually they left, but not before I saw one of the funniest things to date in this game.

    My boyfriend was playing an SMG infiltrator, I was a bolt action camped out on the ridge. I was feeding him information about the enemy's movements and picking a few off here and there. We were unstoppable. But eventually the NC got wise to what we were doing and started hunting me.
    One of them got in a Reaver, the other got a Sunderer and parked it across the canyon on top of another ridge level with me and started using its guns against me while the guy in the Reaver took shots at me from the air. It wasn't easy dodging both the Reaver and the Sunderer, but I had a feeling I could outsmart the pilot. I stood under him, taking shots at the belly of the Reaver with my pistol and he started to sweat.
    He began to circle me, trying to come at me from another angle, so I moved with him. I kept firing and moving with the Reaver, leading him slowly back towards an outcropping of rock that I was counting on him to crash into. Sure enough, I was able to get him to smash right into it and what was left of him fell down the canyon in a fiery wreck of twisted metal.
    I can't lie, I laughed. But that wasn't the best part. I tried to say to my boyfriend, 'Now it's time to deal with that Sunderer,' but I never finished getting the word 'Sunderer' out. I looked across the canyon towards the gunner that had been pelting the area with shots from his walker just in time to see the Sunderer creep towards the edge of the canyon, tip over, and with the poor walker gunner flailing around in his turret trying to understand what was happening, fall over the edge to join his friend in oblivion.

    They didn't come back after that.
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