So it's okay to nerf jumpjets?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niller, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. Niller

    It's the only reason to pick LA, now the only place a LA can be usefull is at really large fights, anywhere else, people will notice you when trying to flank them (the only thing LA was good at)

    But it's not okay to nerf HA? They got a shield with no downside, that make them tank almost all damage, i even shot one with all 6 of my underboss bullet, and he survived. They got rocketlaunchers that are good at killing aircrafts and tanks, they even got an LMG...

    Good job, lets just nerf the the things that aren't overused. Now all you HA don't even have to look around anymore, just listen for the explosions of the LA jumpjet.

    I hope this is the last nerf to LA.
  2. Niller

    Nevermind, seems like most people are deaf in this game anyway, tunnel vision and hearing. I have only met one who turned around because if my JJ.
  3. Gary

    With all the shooting and explosions a Jump Jet sound is very quiet still...
  4. MarlboroMan-E

    I went home at lunch and tried it. Really not that bad. A real play test tonight will tell the story, I'll cautiously optimistic
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  5. xNPCx

    Just wanted to mention HA's shield has a movement debuff and you glow in your faction specific color. Also resist shield no longer stacks with flak armor as per the GU07 patch notes.

    But I do have a question is the new Jump Jet sound faction specific or universal? I haven't been in-game since the patch.
  6. PurpleOtter


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  7. Niller

    It's not specific, HA is still the easiest class to use, when a good player uses it, it becomes the best class in my opinion. Also the stats shows that that most people play HA and the average HA gets more XP, so then i ask why nerf LA? Just because of a ****** pump action shotgun i don't even use?

    No the nerf isn't that bad, it's just the concept behind it.
  8. RadarX

    Please feel free to use one of the existing topics in the Light Assault to discuss this. Thanks for helping us consolidate feedback!
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