So in Reality the MCG got a huge NERF, Thanks TR Forumside users for begging for more RoF!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by G.O.A.T, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. TheBloodEagle

    Now this is very much the truth...sadness.
  2. Ronin Oni

    Hold up...

    you do realize that the CoF doesn't bloom AT ALL while ADS now right?

    Hip-fire max CoF bloom was also reduced.

    Full-auto accuracy is MUCH higher now than it used to be

    The MCG was NOT working right before. The best way to use it was to tap fire 2 rounds at a time. That's NOT a chaingun.
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  3. G.O.A.T

    Exactly the gun is extremely unaccurate now.
  4. G.O.A.T

    What do u mean it doesn't bloom?

    I zoom in ADS and shoot, the reticule gets bigger if I hold the mouse.

    If the accuracy improved in hip-fire is not by much and you still can't choose laser sight if u want higher RoF, so not a great buff IMO.
  5. Ronin Oni

    If CoF is blooming while in ADS then that would be a bug... it very clearly is not supposed to.
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  6. G.O.A.T

    Your right, still that isn't a buff lol.

    You can't hit anything at all even if the bloom doesn't get bigger while ADS, it's just inaccurate from the get go.
  7. WarmasterRaptor

    If the reticule gets bigger in ADS either it's a bug or they stole us at the last minute, again.

    Like the oh so awesome Striker "buff".
  8. Kaegix

    It's more because they had an underperforming MG and asked for a buff, and in return got it's redeeming accuracy taken away and replaced with a meager spool time decrease and an attachment that sacrifices 2 other attachments that it really needs to be useful.
  9. iller

    I agree, this subject line alone is an Eye-sore of sensationalism and needless QQ'ing in the wrong forum.
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  10. Stigma

    I kind of agree with the "role-change" of the gun in the sense that it never made much sense for the MCG to be very accurate at medium-long range (albeit at low DPS). The idea of a MCG feels like it should have limited accuracy at range, but have very high RPM to make up for it, and thus be extremely dangerous at close range as well as have a fair amount of ammo for clearing a room. Basically it should be the most dangerous thing you could encounter in CQC aside from a shotgun (can't beat instakill) but have a slight bit more effective range and a large magazine to compensate. It would make it a viable weapon for a typical towerfight, and while a jackhammer would still have the upper hand in most 1v1 fights the MCG would have a greater ability to suppress and/or to deal with large clumps of enemies (such as when they try to rush the tower stairs).

    That's why I won't complain about the accuracy-nerf, but I don't feel that what it got in return for it was too little and does seem like more of an overall nerf. The FART probably needs to either be standard to the gun (or moved to barrel slot, which amounts to much the same thing as there is nothing significant there to replace) because as far as I can see it, without the FART the MCG loses it's role because any other fast-fire LMG can compete with the DPS at that point and not have the limited ADS accuracy while doing so. Lasersight or extended magazine remains a good choice for the player to have to make. Without the FART you might as well just grab your T9 CARV and have a gun that can do the same role as well - if not better, and you don't end up gimping yourself at longer ranges while you are at it.

  11. Wobberjockey

    i had a well thought out reply worked up...

    but then i realized that this is a G.O.A.T thread, and that it was pointless.

    enjoy your suppression weapon that is actually useful TR. you now have something that is a worthy rival of the jackhammer

    the VS will be over here with our disco party in a can.
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  12. Golconda

    I know on paper the update may seem a nerf, and I opened a thread too saying this, but once I tried the "new" mcg I must say I found myself winning a lot more 1 vs 1 encounters than before, it's like the increased starting RoF filled the gap the gun had with other weapons, and that even without equipping the brrt.
    using the gun at medium/long distance with short bursts was not -as said already- so "chaingun related", the ADS cone of fire is now locked and tinier than the tiniest shotgun's cone (a bit larger than jackhammer's), so you can still use the gun to hit from medium range since bullets are a lot and the cone is not to big, and you can fire continuosly without the need of stopping the fart noise we love to reset the cone. you will find yourself hearing that a lot more than before if you don't equip the BRRT.
    I feel the new mcg fits perfectly what i want from a gun, it is a close range weapon with a lot of suppression power @ medium range :)
  13. Posse

    Is this thread a joke? The MCG at CQC is extremely powerful right now, I NEVER (literally, never) lost a 1v1 against a MCG... until today.
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  14. KnightCole

    OMFG, the MCG is a Total PoS now.....I literally do not notice the BRRT attachment.....I do notice the lack of 100 rounds and horrific CoF it has now...

    So..yeah, MCG, shelf it, bury it, forget it exists, its useless now.
  15. 9Fingers

    You all must be using a different MCG to the one I am because I think it's a beast now! I found it to be an annoying gun before (having to burst fire a chaingun to keep the COF in check? wtf?) and had no reason to use it instead of an LMG. Now it actually works more like a chaingun. Out to about 30m it shreds everything. Beyond that range use an LMG. I love it.
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  16. minhalexus

    Show me proof of the greater CoF while in ADS.
    I noticed no such thing.
  17. Apples

    I played with it yesterday after the patch and it seemed to be still quite effective at short to medium and a little longer ranges taking out multiple targets. You're also forgetting that there is also no spread increase as you continue to fire so your cone wont get really big if you just spray spray spray anymore. Sure it's a bit of a nerf but it's also a buff on the other side of the spectrum. What you have now is honestly a stronger weapon than you had before.
  18. DevDevBooday

    Welp pretty much we can spend 1100 certs for a TRV without ADV laser, scopes, foregrips or proper ADS.

    Remember guys that when you want to pull your MCG, take a pause, think to yourself and then pull your Barrage instead because its more accurate and has half the DPS at close range and is free.

    MCG is now just the Jackhammer that only fires one pellet at a time.
  19. Takoita

    While I'm loathe to replace extended magazine with the new attachement, a bit quicker spin up and much better cof made MCG much more effective than it was before. Don't listen to OP and try it out for yourselves.
  20. ackerx

    Don't buy BRRT. Your MCG will become a beast between 0 ~ 50m with ADS on.
    If you bought BRRT. Better hope enemy don't stay front of you at 30m or you will die. Or use it in Biolab for PENTA kill.