So if the Vulcan was OP whats the Aphelion??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Villanuk, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Villanuk

    Well its to some extent quite irrelevant. Paired with a MBT, the initial damage is was the damage is done combined with the MBT, so the later 2 seconds would have counted for nothing as the sunny would already be blown up.
  2. Flag

    Irrelevant? You really don't seem to know much about vehicles and their guns.
  3. Villanuk

    yes your right, you win, have a beer wave some flags.
    • Up x 1
  4. xxx-reaper

    The Aphellion is OP, it's more effective then the Saron at both close and long ranges in the right hands, due to the Sarons extreme bloom and slow reload.
  5. xxx-reaper

    Lol, that is funny. It has the highest kill potential with shots landed, but it's so damn inaccurate even at point blank you'll still miss. It's like an anti skill weapon, the worse you are at using a turret the better the weapon is.
  6. Diggsano

    Yes and the funny part is: they do it on every weapon so far :D
  7. Imp C Bravo