So, I played some NC on Miller today, and it's quite the joke when it comes to Alerts. I noticed several players from VS playing NC manipulating the flow of battle with /orders while another outfit Zergfitted only TR.. Now I know NC generally don't care for Alerts, and would prefer to Farm TR.. but the joke is wearing thin now. Are players unaware of this, I don't actually care as long as their KD goes up? There's only so much manipulation and double teaming I can deal with before certain players egos get too big for their own shoes.. EDIT: Welp, missed the C out of Once.. I'm sure someone will clock on to that shortly..
Surely DBG will take action against this kind of ridiculous behaviour with some sort of suspension or ban. Ah who am I kidding lol.
I didnt know but honestly dont really mind as long as the fight is good and it doesent involve VS. Let them ghost cap for miniscule xp while stroking eachother in /y, while NC/TR have both fun and profit. I personally dont play to win alerts. A good fight is worth 10 alerts in terms of rewards alone. I mainly play to have fun, and playing against VS is not fun. Good thing winning alerts and zerging bases isnt rewarding at all, or i may have been bothered. I dont mind fighting VS in general, but hate the attitudes of some of them. A little smacktalk in online gaming is to be expected, but some of the hodor stuff they spew is so ridiculous that it makes me embarrased on their behalf. It wasent like this before the Woodman merge. Then there is the whining. Whine when they loose whine when they win. I have seen whining when they were zerging bases with +85% And its always the same guys from the same zergfit that does it. I have ofcourse ignored all of them, but unfortunetly randoms start joining in once the "hardcore trollers" flood the chat. TLDR: Didnt know about the manipulation but might have expected it because it was also rampant in PS1. But dont really mind as long as they dont ruin (what i consider) fun.
I'm not really worried about the manipulation because tbh most NC don't follow any of the /orders given to them. (Speaking as someone who's been playing mostly NC for the past 6 months)
That's pretty weak if it is true, especially as Miller VS tend to have Zergfits on most of the day anyway and hardly need to try stuff like that. On the other hand I don't know that it would be particularly effective, as from day 1 on Miller the NC general population has basically fought whatever was in front of it, often with riduclously stubboness and to its general detriment Alerts/territory-wise.
You can spend your two hours gaming time doing the alert, or you can try to find good fights instead. Rarely do the two overlap. The prevailing attitude is that there's pretty much always an alert on. Winning them is meaningless.
i play mostly TR on miller and its true ... NC barely fighting VS during alerts and focus 90% of their forces on TR
Is there actually proof of this? If it really is true, its pretty low. Might as well have players join another faction just to TK intentionally to breach a base, join outfits, listen in on communications and feed information. Oh wait.... Being TR on miller i generally don't care much for the alerts, we don't win them and i never get on the servers anyway.
That would be an effective strategy if Miller NC actually cared about /orders, they don't. VS win alerts and NC/TR fight each other because anybody who actually wants to spend 2 hours zerging and camping spawn shacks now plays VS, everyone else just wants fun fights.
You can always trust VS to ruin a good fight by dumping a 96+ to ghostcap a facility defended by 1-12 NC/TR players...
So fun fight is infinite see-saw between some bases without any win conditions? Ppl play alerts to have a goal and it actually makes for good fights, when territory matters ppl fight desperately for it, throw bodies at CC, dont waste time in spawnroom, keep track of nanites (because time is limited and you need to abandon veh/MAX at redeploy), and, oh, the horror, occasionally stop shooting and look at map. When players dont care about alerts we get everything bad we used to complain about: farm, statpadding, spawnroom warriors, abuse of dumb nanites system, complete disregard to useless territory, eternal meaningless fights etc. And these complaints about VS are just sore losers talk: you farm and statpad like crazy but game declare somebody else a winner. What losers usually say? "I dont care about that competition, I had super fun, increasing my very meaningful KDR and SPM. Nobody won in that fight but my e-pen is 0.01 microns longer now and dont you dare to say that someone had more fun AND actually won something, hearing that would make my e-pen shrink to the size of my real one."
Play NC or just look at the hex population and add them up, except for the odd occasion where NC gets locked and obsessed with a fight (usually a biolab and it can be TR or VS opposition) then NC are usually fighting 50/50, although equally I would guess (as with TR) given an absoultely free choice most would rather avoid Miller VS simply because of their 24/7 Zergfits. Usually the issues on Miller (which has been the case from Day 1) is TR and VS not fighting each other (or at least 60-80% fighting NC), it is just that now TR has lost the Zergfits and VS gained them after the merge.