So I heard the TR wanted an audio pass... I'll give you an audio pass

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SturmovikDrakon, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    Technically, you're completely wrong.

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  2. FrontTowardEnemy

    He could have replaced the sounds in the game files... I've done this numerous times with other games.

    Just get one of your SMGs and slap a silencer on it. These are the only guns in the game that are literally unhearable when you're on the receiving end which is a massive advantage in my book.
  4. Villanuk

    They do for me apart from the ram.
  5. EliteEskimo

    I'm glad I'm not the only making threads to refurbish the TR, I'll add a link to your thread from my Ultimate TR Refurbishment Thread in the near future.

    Good Job StrumovikDrakon, you are a credit to the Terran Republic. :cool:

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  6. Dingus148

    And the hiss of the gas feeding the projectile...although that may just be railguns. Even so, it makes sense to use it in a compressed gas accelerator type setup as opposed to accelerating the projectile from standstill.

    From a gameplay perspective it would be kind of lame though...I don't want silent weaponry unless I put a silencer on my weapon. I want to feel like I'm god when my weapon opens up...that slight "sensory overload" feeling you get from firing real weapons.
  7. Lucidius134

    I don't think they could legally take IP from another game, just saying.

    Forgelight also doesn't have 1/10th of the sound engine Frostbite does to add half of these effects into the firing sound without sounding god awful at distances or while transitioning between indoors/outdoors.

    Secondly, yall got new lmg sounds and sound like traditional fire arms already. If anything, NC would be up next since alot of their silenced sounds sound like royalty free silenced pistol sounds that are slightly modified.
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  8. XRIST0

  9. Malacovics

    Oh man, sounds in BFBC2 weren't realistic but they sounded like. GUNS. DAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKA.
    If they add this I'm going TR lol.
  10. Malacovics

    TR definately needs fixes.
    The reload is out of sync with the animation, repeater's bolt goes forward before even touching the release lever (when the mag is fully empty), repeater ejects rifle rounds, and shooting then immediately sprinting the spent casings will follow the weapon's movements...
    Oh and TR sniper rifles still have the old reload animation.

    They NEED a revamp. Even if not audio wise.
  11. Ripshaft

    Some of them are just ... typical? ... the others sound like they took regular sounds and then exaggerated them to appeal to mms youths (REAL GUN FEEL HOORAH 69.95$ BUY TODAY DLC IN A WEEK).

    Anyways, nice job putting the vid together regardless, makes me glad that we have the sounds that we do and not overdone jive like that. My understanding was that the VS sounds were changed in order to bring them more in line with the tr and nc, which people seemed to be generally happy with. I didn't have a problem with the old audio myself, but cant say I mind the new stuff either. If they do an equally good job with the nc and tr stuff well that's fine I suppose, so long as everyone's happy with it.

    If anything in this game ever sounds much like a real gun, I'd be very very disappointed. Nanites and space magic ftw.
  12. Cinnamon

    The only really loud sound there is a sonic boom so I don't see how you have proven him wrong at all.


    As for TR sounds, I don't know. I kind of prefer the weedier, cleaner sounding Lynx even. These are supposed to be refined future weapons. It makes sense to me that they would make less mechanical noise.
  13. XRIST0

    TR use bullets bro

    Vanu use space magic , just like these guys ..

  14. HadesR

    Can't argue with the weapons sounding more dakka dakka .. Big improvement over the current ones ...

    For TR

    I'd love for them to differentiate the sound effects between factions more and give NC more meaty sounding guns.

    IE: NC bolties should sound like the Barrett 50. cal :p

  15. XRIST0

    I find that sounds way too generic ..

    I dunno I cant make my mind up , sounds pretty good I guess .
  16. HadesR

    Was just really an example .. When I think of the 3 factions I get a certain image of how they should sound ..

    VS ofc being pew pew lazorz, Sci - Fi

    TR I imagine being modern, efficient, engineered

    While NC are meaty, metallic, industrial revolution
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  17. Sordid

    Yep. Then all we'd need is a complete remodel of all the guns to make them not look like plastic guns too and we'd be set.
    Too bad it ain't gonna happen.
  18. XRIST0

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  19. KenDelta

    As much as I love the Dakka dakka dakka sounds from TR weaponry the MCG , TAR and snipers must be changed , now.
  20. FrontTowardEnemy

    No, that's not a sonic boom. That's the muzzle blast from the massive jet of plasma leaving the end of the barrel. Basically, it appears that very few people "around here" know anything at all about electromagnetically propelled projectile weapons, including yourself.