So, does every sniper rifle come with a free bottle of jack?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kasuke06, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. kasuke06

    Seriously, dat sway. I'd be fine if it was something to encourage holding still or focusing on a target but it just never stops swaying. makes me feel like my soldier showed up to battle so drunk he may just puke up the mask and drown before the enemy can ever shoot at him.
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  2. FateJH

    To answer your question, scopes with 6x zoom levels and greater have sway. Crouching will reduce sway for a short time. There is an Implant that increases the crouching stability time.
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  3. Hatesphere

    infantry tend to only engage within 300m, so yeah, all the snipers have the lungs of a 8 year old and have been taking shots to make up for the fact all engagement ranges are compressed into 300 meters.
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  4. kasuke06

    Then is there an option for just putting irons on my rifle? I'd honestly prefer that to being the drunkest sniper on party day.
  5. FateJH

    If you are TR, that's called the TSAR-42 (bolt action) or the KSR-35 (semi-automatic).
    If you are NC, that's called the SAS-R (bolt action) or the Impetus (semi-automatic).
    If you are VS, that's called the Ghost (bolt action) or the Phantom VA23 (semi-automatic).

    Have 250/500 for the bolt actions, or 500/700 for the semi-automatics, ready when you go to the Depot. Recommend copious VR time first.

    You might also look into the Scout Rifles if you want smaller optics.
  6. z1967

    Use the CQC BASR for your faction (250 certs). Pretty much exactly what you want. Just note the 200m headshot OHK and slower velocity. You can mount 1x-4x scopes, making it 100% shake free.
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  7. Pokebreaker

    Seems like you are under the impression that it's easy to consistently hold a steady aim from an unsupported position. It's kinda silly that with lower optics (besides the HS/NV) don't have slight sway as well. I mean, what are we, Universal Soldiers?

    They should implement fatigue from running, like Arma 3 :D
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  8. kasuke06

    I just think it's silly that we have tech that makes you totally invisible, and can fully reanimate someone that just took a sniper round through the skull, that we don't have tech to allow one to hold a gun steady for 1-2 seconds at a time.
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  9. Pokebreaker

    Hold Breath Implants.

    Case closed! Bada Boom, Bada Bing.
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  10. Taemien

    You all do realize holding shift holds the breath and stops the sway for a few seconds right? This isn't the first game to have this mechanic. Its almost a decade old or more.

    As a bonus, it works with IR/NV scopes too. So its not just for snipers.

    And if that's not enough, there's the implant like others have said. The T2 and T3 ones are amazing and not hard to get.
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  11. CNR4806

    I just can't resist fixing this one for you.

    And that's the Hold Breath Implant you're describing as Pokebreaker has mentioned.
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  12. Yago

    This is bang on true, and possibly even a bit under real world.

    400mm focal length at 35mm eqiv, and the viewfinder is everywhere when stood up, and even when crouched and supported, you must either time with breathing , or hold breath (holding breath I found hit and miss).

    There is a technological answer, a tripod! :)
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  13. uhlan

    Well, while I sympathize with the Infi class a lot as they are the red-headed step-children of PS2, I can't imagine a game without some limitations to sniping.

    Sniping should be as difficult as possible even if the check to accuracy is such a ham-handed solution like sway.
  14. Scorponok

    shake free? until something blows up in the area...then its a full on earthquake
  15. JustBoo


    What if one is not a low-IQ implant slurp machine?
  16. ronjahn

    I really hope this isn't as simple as pressing shift.

    You do infact know that holding shift while ADS on a sniper scope steadies your aim for a brief period of time, correct?

    You can even increase the time that you can steady your aim with the Hold Breath implants.

    Not trying to be a dick if you already know this, but it wasn't mentioned in OP and no one has brought it up yet ;)
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  17. Jedesis

    I only respect CQC snipers like elusive and Mustarde.
  18. Pokebreaker

    Not really sure what you're trying to get at.

    The question wasn't on the ethics of using the implants, but on why we have all other technology in the game, but not an ability to hold a steady shot. Of which, the technology is Hold Breath, and of course the basic Hold-Shift.

    Such a random thing to drop in and say. As though your respect matters...o_O
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  19. ComradeHavoc

    Hehehe, kiddies would be very angry if I had a longer infantry render range....
  20. Jedesis

    As though your opinion matters...
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