So, cobalt just crashed ~15 minutes before an alert ended..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kadney, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. kadney

    I've seen some awesome Nanites, but well, this tops it by far. :D

    It went up to ~50 Seconds a moment later and then the server crashed. We need moar Hamsters. :p
  2. Radioactive Bomba

    Baaah. My record is 68k ms :p It reminded me of how unplayable the game was yesterday *Shivers*
  3. JudgeDeath

    Hate when that happens :(

    Yesterday evening on a biolab alert, we got a crash on the esamir continent 16min before the end of the alert. That caused some scrambling on all sides.
  4. Nocturnal7x

    Its a good game.