So are we ever going to do away with talking to enemies through yell spam?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Doom721, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Doom721

    This is just detracting from gameplay and downright annoying seriously. The constant stream of babble over yell chat, especially from enemies. I want to hear yell chat, I do, because region chat does not work and people have to use yell for call outs since the chat is basically broken.

    But why... why in a competitive environment do we have two teams constantly bickering and trolling. This adds no value to the game, unless a spammy chatroom is what you are looking for. Really what does /yell spam from enemy factions add to the game in terms of value? I can understand tells, I have private conversations at times with people from other factions but its downright annoying because these people are borderline harassing everyone through text non-stop every god damn fight. I can't ignore these people entirely can I?
  2. siiix

    LOL .... and again ... LOL ... your funny
  3. Pockets

    Hey now... I compete to be the one to perforate the enemy with bullets all the time.
    • Up x 1
  4. hawken is better

    There needs to be some sort of area-wide, faction-only chat. I know that's not the subject of the thread, but it's slightly related. /region has been bugged forever and will work maybe 1/10 times, it's ridiculous.
  5. Jrv

    Cross-faction banter adds another dimension of immersion, similar to the Alliance/Horde rivalry in WoW. It's fun to role play as sworn enemies battling to the death. Stop being so uptight and enjoy yourself, it's a video game. If you really want a competitive environment, join a clan that uses teamspeak.
  6. siiix

    you must be the only one here , all i care about is certificates
  7. Doom721

    I want better chat options. Oh and for the trolls out there the game is competitive otherwise we wouldn't be trying to kill eacother/compete for POINTS and BASES. Role play, how about a better chat filter?

    I don't want to see people spewing ******** from their mouth, and the only way to get rid of it is to filter to OUTFIT ONLY which then suddenly I don't get tells, close range chat, region chat, leader chat. Yeah **** no.

    I put up a serious comment about chat functionality in the game and people troll it based on my choice of wording, go **** off somewhere else please. I want better chat options in this game so I don't have to deal with people like you.
  8. CrashB111

    No because there are VS and NC that need to know just how incorrect they are.