This is just detracting from gameplay and downright annoying seriously. The constant stream of babble over yell chat, especially from enemies. I want to hear yell chat, I do, because region chat does not work and people have to use yell for call outs since the chat is basically broken. But why... why in a competitive environment do we have two teams constantly bickering and trolling. This adds no value to the game, unless a spammy chatroom is what you are looking for. Really what does /yell spam from enemy factions add to the game in terms of value? I can understand tells, I have private conversations at times with people from other factions but its downright annoying because these people are borderline harassing everyone through text non-stop every god damn fight. I can't ignore these people entirely can I?
There needs to be some sort of area-wide, faction-only chat. I know that's not the subject of the thread, but it's slightly related. /region has been bugged forever and will work maybe 1/10 times, it's ridiculous.
Cross-faction banter adds another dimension of immersion, similar to the Alliance/Horde rivalry in WoW. It's fun to role play as sworn enemies battling to the death. Stop being so uptight and enjoy yourself, it's a video game. If you really want a competitive environment, join a clan that uses teamspeak.
I want better chat options. Oh and for the trolls out there the game is competitive otherwise we wouldn't be trying to kill eacother/compete for POINTS and BASES. Role play, how about a better chat filter? I don't want to see people spewing ******** from their mouth, and the only way to get rid of it is to filter to OUTFIT ONLY which then suddenly I don't get tells, close range chat, region chat, leader chat. Yeah **** no. I put up a serious comment about chat functionality in the game and people troll it based on my choice of wording, go **** off somewhere else please. I want better chat options in this game so I don't have to deal with people like you.