Let me break this down to you: - Base turret has limited visibility, because it's in a tower it can't turn 360. Turret sitting in the middle of the road can turn anywhere it wants, you can't sneak up on it with C4 from inside the tower because there isn't a tower to use for cover. You have to take it out from range or get shot at. - Tanks have nothing to do with this discussion, every faction has tanks! - Liberators and ESF have nothing to do with this discusion, EVERY FACTION HAS THEM TOO JUST LIKE TANKS - No, you won't hit a turret 3-4 times in a row with decimator at 200+ m away, you're delusional if you think you can do that consistently. - Nobody said you can't deal with turrets on any faction, I said it's harder for TR.
The thing with anchored AP Prowlers and turrets though is they have a decent chance of actually killing someone in it, they take them down so fast, and it is (I think) impossible to keep one up with just 1 engi through their DPS. I guess a lot of it depends on how and where these turrets can be built.
I'd love this building system, but honestly, I'd be perfectly fine if the MANA turret had an alt fire that just dropped a shield big enough for 2-3 people to hide behind it. Even if it only stopped bullets, and people could walk through it.
woah woah woah.... you misunderstood the revamp and this needs clarification. Personal resources were always going to stay around, in pretty much the exact form they exist now. The change was an ADDITION to a base power requirement. Everytime you want to spend your nanites, the base or sunderer you're pulling it from would have to have the power to allow you to. That power would be resupplied from ANT runs, as well as regenerate slowly over time from lattice links. Personal nanites limits individual people, power was supposed to be the limit on large forces. Malron wrote them a 70page document outlining everything that needed to work together for completing this system.... it's sitting on a shelf gaining dust, if they didn't just throw it away. HOW they can continue to ignore this system is just beyond me.
wait wait wait wait... Are you complaining about the ability to hit TURRETS from long range????? Holy crap, use a defauly dumbfire, dial in the drop, and voila, you have the highest DPS possible for an infantryman against a turret
I thought the ants were to harvest nanites that would supply the bases and therefore participate in the ressource revamp and limit the vehicle spam and zerg. In turns making nanites valuable, open up some real gameplay depth where you would have to consider logistic for your army to be able to progress further. Plus of course raids on enemy supplying and such. Instead we can deployable turrets? Maybe it will turn out nicely but I'm not sure how that actually adds to the meta game.
That's exactly my fear. We wanted the last part of the resources revamp and we're instead getting new deployables. I mean. .. It's cool but not what we had in mind.
Well, that is silly. With that logic infantry aren't even in this discussion. Every empire has infantry...JUST LIKE TANKS. Having a conversation about things as if the rest of the game doesn't exist is just ignorant. ESF is OP if we are just talking about ESF and Infantry. Again good thing I never said that...you simply just made up a bunch of numbers to make your argument. Dumb fire aren't that hard to fire....I will have to get a chance to get in game and see just how far 200m really is but I would be willing to give it a shot. But again you just made up a number I never suggested and applied it to me to call me Delusional. I'm having a conversation and you are throwing around emotional insults that suggest an argument. However you are talking about extremes you don't balance games around extremes. This is just such a ridiculous discussion. The game consists of more than infantry and turrets, to discuss it as if those are the the only two things that come into play is ignorance. Since this almost never happens in game. I would say MOST fights end up with turrets dead well before infantry are in an actual realistic rage. It's been my experience that with in several minutes of a turret shooting it ends up very dead very soon from very many sources. No it's really not, you just don't use your empire specific RL. Use default ones or the dual fractures so you fire more rounds it isn't really any more difficult. I hit vehicles with my dual fracture at long distance with a little leading. The CoF does need a little help but it doesn't really make it harder. Turrets account for so few kills in game, on it's best day in the last 30 days rounding UP 14,000 kills across all empires(4-5k each) And an average of 3.8 KPU. That is such a silly low number that I would guess more people fall to their death in a day.
This is true...but never the less. Turrets are immobile and this is a very large penalty. Even if they give it as many HPs as a vanguard it is likely going to die before it's really done anything useful. Towers are the real bonus shelter from enemy fire is the boon. Unless the thing fires old HE Dalton rounds at the speed of a Zepher we prolly won't consider it OP. Remember....everyone was saying spitfires were going to be OP when they got announced.
I'm just curious, what is this "all" that I'm having on TR? Being weak at long range with RL and Max isn't compensated by anything.
Except TR don't have infantry or AV MAX that can match the range of their VS and NC counterparts. Don't you see, it's like saying "well we're equal in esf/liberator/tank and let's ignore the fact that you have weaker AV Max and Infantry which isn't compensated by literally anything and pretend it's all balanced!" Reason why I use long range as example, because it's tactically best thing to do for stationary turrets to place them on top of hills as standoff weapons. This is what they'll be used for by smart players that want to maximize their efficiency, I'm not just pulling a random range number. There are already a few turrets VERY well placed at few bases that can shoot things down from 2 bases away, if you can choose your placement, then those types of positions will be constantly used. I'm sorry if it came off like that, I said "If you think that, then you're delusional", and apparently you're willing to test it out. I know it's like that already, you're welcome to try and hit a stationary turret with decimator (or any other commonpool launcher) . Again making an assumption, but IF you mostly play VS then you never really had to try to make decimator work at those ranges, because you'd pull the right tool for it (Lancer). As TR, I don't have a choice!!! That's how I don't need to log into game and test it out, i've already been stuck in that situation MANY TIMES!. I already know. In pvp players will use whatever works, if you put in an extreme that works it will be constantly used and exploited. The reason why I speak of infantry and turrets is because everything else is equal (tanks/air), while AV Max and Infantry are not equal. Though weakness of TR AV Max and RL Infantry also applies to anti-vehicle.....creating even more imbalance.... Difference is that there is nothing in game that locks on turrets, but there are launchers that lock on vehicles (and those launchers are common pool) therefore anti-vehicle isn't really a huge weakness for TR, but for Turrets that can't be locked on YES it's a weakness! So, if I don't use my empire specific RL.... and commonpool don't really work at that range (test it out sometime, see for yourself) what does TR infantry use? As to maxes I already explained before, Fractures and especially Pounders have significant drop and are much more difficult to aim at 200-300m than Ravens and Vortexes. And yes, also CoF is worse. And damage per shot is worse (meaning you have to stay exposed longer). And Frac/Pounders are neither guided (like Ravens) nor do they have fast velocity + no drop (Like VS Max AV). So it's ALL AROUND WORSE. That's exactly my point!!!! There are few turrets now, they aren't very significant now. BUT THERE WILL BE MORE! A LOT MORE! You might not notice the problem too much right now, but it will become glaringly obvious once ANT turrets go live. All I'm suggesting to fix it is EITHER ONE (not all): - Make deployable turrets count as vehicles and be able to lock on with common pool RL - Tighter CoF for Striker so it can actually hit something 200m+ (or make it the only launcher that can lock on turrets 300m), maybe less drop/higher velocity for Pounders or Fractures (not both) so they can at least hit something at those ranges too (like other factions) - Possibly make deployable turrets much weaker than their base mounted counterparts
Sorry guys its a big scam here. Nothing is going into the game. No ants no turrets no content nothing. Its just a big scam don´t get fooled this game is content finished
Big plans we heard it all: Recource revamp - big posts big hurray gone Hossin interlink - big test pts hurray gone ES Buggys - big post big hype gone LMG Balance - big test big be on the pts gone Mission system - big bla bla bla got a marker on the map for the next base yeah New Max guns - small hype gone New Tank guns - big test pls test them on the PTS gone New ESF guns - big hype and then just not mention them again aso So I heard it all but i just don´t see it.
Actually when you look at the game, I would guess the long-range turrets have some of the lowest life expectancies compared to the short-ranged turrets. They are stationary turrets and the right angle to shoot them is easily found, while they have to fire at moving targets that can change their range, elevation and coverage. The most likely scenario is that these turrets aren't used in large, open spaces. They will quickly perish and make all the hard work of collecting and placing a waste. They will be placed in more secure locations, chokepoints and the like. Let a large group of enemies enter view and instantly have 2 AV turrets able to fire (if you couldn't place even more, but 2 is already powerful). Think adding a few turrets near Crossroads facing either Broken arch road or the other base I always forget the name from (not the Crown, the other one in between 2 tower bases). I know, bad example as that's one of the few large open spaces where these chokepoints would be useful. But think of many AMP stations where you can have several turrets cover a vehicle gateshield. Once (if) they get the shield down even having just two turrets there would be a great powerhouse in keeping the hostile tanks out, add one or two lightnings and/or MBT's and you are golden. The advantage is that the turrets will not overreach and will always be in a position to attack. On to the ANT's and their utilities: ANT's are likely not consumed upon building, that would be a complete waste of the system. If it did consume itself you should be able to upgrade it to a Colossus, otherwise it barely would pay off all the trouble you went through. ANT's should also be able to deconstruct any player-build turrets, friend or foe, for new resources. This way you can set down a perimiter and take it down again once you have to keep moving. This is a great way for the players to not be constantly harvesting resources to use an ANT, ANT's could potentially have an offensive side in bringing one to disassemble enemy fortifications (especially handy once we get bigger buildings, these are medium buildings after all), and most important of all this would give an enormous incentive not to leave your turrets behind. This is advantageous for the server that doesn't need to keep track of them and advantageous for the players that do not need to weapon-lock themselves destroying their own turrets whenever the frontline moves to prevent the possibility of one infiltrator having a field day hacking them and shooting everyone in the rear.
To add to what everyone else said -- TR has the best artillery in the game. Lockdown prowlers are literally the BEST at bombarding defensive positions. That is what the prowler is designed for. You do not have as good options with rocket launchers, but your armor options more than make up for it.