[Suggestion] So about the Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aloysyus, May 23, 2014.

  1. Aloysyus

    So does it make the Harasser balanced that there are a few ppl who manage to organize Harasser crew that are a threat? I don't feel threatened at all by the Harasser, they get me from time to time when i am already in big trouble or when there's more than one coming for me - mostly i even take out 2 harassares coming for my tank at once. i don't know how many times i have to repeat it: Yes, it is possible to make the Harasser function for some things but you need good players, you need a fair amount of certs and it is all still ways easier and way more powerful in every other vehicle except the flash. You and others repeatedly stating that you have a little bit of fun in a Harasser does not mean anything about it being balanced. For every Harasser driver who states he is doing fine i can give you a huge amount of tankers, pilots, Lib crew and whatnot who can farm all day. I should put the word balance on a hotkey.
  2. oberchingus

    I think I've completely missed the point about this entire thread, so I'm gonna go back to watch_dogs.
  3. KoS-1

    The harasser is viable, just maybe, some are not able to make it viable. That's fine, move on then. It's not a balance problem.

    Balance??? I don't cry about balance when I have air ripping me a new one, lock-ons galore and whatever else is flung at my harasser. I deal with it and try to figure it out. I promise you, people see my name, fling everything and the kitchen sink at us.

    Why do people beat the drum of balance? There is no such thing as balance, if so, we all would have the same guns, same vehicles, the same everything except the person behind the keyboard. All forms of combat would be segregated, no cross-over between infantry, ground and air vehicles. So on and so forth.

    The buggy is fine now, as fine as it can be since the big nerf at the end of last year. Would it be great to have some more positive adjustments? Yes.

    The problem is, people don't want to take the time and learn to deal with what is given to them currently. They rather complain about balance or what not. When one should be spending time figuring out and certing out the toy one wants to play with.

    You said yourself, came back and tried to do what you use to do in a buggy. Well, that isn't going to cut it into today's harasser. It took me and my gunner month or two after the nerf to get back into pre-nerf fighting shape.

    So please don't cry about balance after one day running around. Maybe after a month or so, then shout to the world. Again, like I said in another post, get out there and go, go, go! Make it work for you. Each have their own style, learn to use it with the current harasser. Pro-tip, if one has to disengage every 3secs. Might want to reevaluate tactics.

    One more thing, since the nerf, the quality and quantity of harassers have diminished tremendously. A narrow sampling of what you encounter doesn't make it a reality. I'm not sure what server you are on. Just maybe your harasser community is bad. It doesn't mean every server's are bad. Or even things are not balanced!!
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  4. KoS-1

    The harasser doesn't work for me.

    Excuses, rational.

    It's not balanced!!! The B-word!!!
  5. oberchingus

    Actually, they should balance the harasser so it doesn't flip! Get it? Balance............:)
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  6. dstock

    Take all my fun away, why don't you.
  7. oberchingus


    btw - doesn't mean I won't flip us. I'll be flipping us to oblivion and back again. The other day I flipped a vanguard on flat ground. Forgot how / where.
  8. Alabammer

    dammit, you owe me some dry cleaning for the drink I just spit up on myself while laughing
  9. Aloysyus

    Of course i did not only try it one day. Well... anyways. I take this as your opinion, still disagree and try to hear some other guy's opinion who is able to talk to me without calling me a whiner and whatnot.
  10. KoS-1

    It's not a opinion. It's fact!! Harassers are viable!!

    The opinion is...how one makes it viable for themselves.
  11. KoS-1

    My use of cry...took as whine. In the context I'm using is....
    "to demand resolution or strongly indicate a particular disposition: The rise in crime cried out for greater police protection."

  12. eatcow0

    The 'fact' of harassers being viable is your opinion still. I used to use the harasser a lot, which was why I dumped 21,0000 certs into it; because I had fun with it. The only time I pull it now is nostalgia or harasser races. The new maneuvering they implemented made it handle worse imo. It is still in a state of when you pull it facepalming and asking the nerf gods why. Only time I really see them is ppa/fury/marauder infantry farming and watch them explode after the first pass usually. The saron nerf made its impact worse for vs.
  13. KoS-1

    Wrong. Again I stand by what I said. They are viable still...it's how they are used now vs. then.

    Viable, fact. How used, opinion. Understand the difference?

    How many examples? Here is an example of a harasser being viable as a AA platform. Here, third post....https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/harasser-shenanigans.186487/
  14. Aloysyus

    You really should hear yourself with all your lecturing, stating your opinion as fact and whatnot. Pretty arrogant. There are some things you can do with a Harasser but it still does not in any way debilitate the point i've made about balancing.

    Tried Harassing again today... seriously, the new handling made it indeed even worse. I flipped around like an idiot what took the last amount of survivability from me in many situations. "Oh, there's a tank... i can#t believe we are still alive... DAMMIT IT FLIPS! ... FIRE SURPRESS... damn we need to repair... %%&$§§ 'rasser flips again... wrecked!"
  15. dstock

    I have all my fun in a Harasser, and would consider my play 'doing fine.' Sometimes, I even farm all day at it.

    Harassers are like ESFs, currently. If you did it before, spent certs and practiced your skills, you're still doing well. If you're just trying to get into it now, you're probably getting frustrated. I'm sure there will be plenty of CompArmor carry-ons talking about how they used to do great, and can't anymore. The game has changed, adapt or do something else.
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  16. eatcow0

    Full scrapper is almost a joke now, it handles like full racer did before this update rofl
  17. Aloysyus

    I have to disagree here. I am a pilot, too and i still do way better than in a Harasser. Plus the issues are completely different. ESFs are not weak by any means. It is the opposite: They have easy-mode weapons who are way too strong. The problem is the balance amongst ESFs and the frustration of good pilots that it is just too stupid getting taken out by weapons who are so dumb that they refuse to use them.

    "The game has changed", that is true. It has changed to easy-mode weapons more and more, a buff to the most effective farming machine called the Liberator and a nerf to the only real fun vehicle called the Harasser. What is frustrating me here is seeing all the buffs to make the air game and whatnot easier for low skilled players but making the Harasser almost unaccessible.

    So about the changes: I am perfectly fine with changes. It is just the thing that the Harasser had a certain amount of things you can do with it. I liked to hunt down tanks with it and spent more than 15k certs and 200h lifetime in it. It was a meta-game i enjoyed, it was fun. The fact than you and a few (!) others have fun testing other possibilities does not change my feelings about that it is not able to do the things i enjoy anymore.

    What would ESF pilots say if they were not able to kill Liberators anymore without a big amount of luck? What would a flash driver say if they nerf cloak to 2 seconds? What would a Max fan say if they nerf Max suit health by 50% and every rocket in the face kills you? Maybe they will all change to Liberators, Tanks and shotguns because this game is so well-balanced...
  18. Sagabyte

    The Harasser used to be versatile, but now sucks.

    SOE forgot that there are times when tanks appear and all you have are AI guns that do nothing against armor. Their decision to make the Marauder, Canister, and other things completely ineffective against armor was a poor decision made by them. I can see that they were trying to emphasize the roles of the guns, but it just doesn't work.

    Give them at least 10% armor damage or something.
  19. KoS-1

    Do you understand the definition of viable? You don't it seems.

    I've been clear about opinion vs. fact. How one makes the buggy viable, is an opinion. Whether or not it's viable as a platform, again, it's a fact. It's viable, it's up to the people using to make it so.

    It's not going to be the killing chariot of the gods anymore. Get over it, adjust to the new reality. It's not a walk in the park anymore. It doesn't mean it can't kill ****. It can.

    Not everyone is going to earn/given a trophy or a A grade. Some are going to be better or do better from hard work. That applies to the buggy now. It's not a hammer meet nail, it's a slow, steady and careful approach to the problem at hand.

    Again what balance? They operate like a tank? What? They operate like per-nerf? Is that balance? Which it seems you are implying. Balance, we can bark to moon about it, it won't matter. Our opinion on the subject falls on deaf ears to SoE.

    Which, in the end, what options do we have? Stop playing? Or start figuring out the new "balance" and make it work within the world at hand?

    You keep admitting you can't make it viable for yourself. Again, which is fine, to each it's own. But to say, absolutely they aren't, isn't truthful. How many in game examples would you like me to provide? Which sources? Want to ride along with others who are making it viable? I can put you with crews who make the buggy/buggies work or a viable element on the battlefield.

    If you are having problems wrecking, maybe change frames? Adjust your driving style? Whatever it maybe.

    In the end, if you call it arrogant, lecturing, etc. I call it, not suffering fools lightly. Maybe open one's mind to the option that there is another way.
  20. Aloysyus

    Well, thing is that you still ignore my point that is about balance, comparing it to the other vehicles, admitting that there are option but this vehicle is still to weak. to sum it up, no more discussing in circles.