Sniping Montage "Paragon"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LITHCORP, Mar 9, 2016.


    • Up x 4
  2. Dirge

    Should have left out a lot of the single kills. Otherwise really good.

    *Waits for PC elitists*

    P.S. Too many filters, felt like skiddy vid.
  3. GreenGamer808

    90% of clips r gud. 9/10 muntage.
    U gotta 360 no scope some pleb lord, or get some of dem qaud kil feeds.
  4. Hambo

    Nice video. Have you ever seen me snipe? I once killed two people at a terminal before they found me and executed me. I was awesome back then.

  6. Eskel3

    You're a still a good sniper. I remember you picking off quite a few people the other night especially that warp gate fight.
  7. FateJH

    Urban Dictionary has it as "A variation of the word Script Kiddy."
  8. Hambo

    Lol omg man that was hilarious! We killed so many people - you and I. They should summon us to the Hague for war crimes.
  9. Dirge

    Actually it is a nickname for a well known PS4 player. Skiddy = Marksman.

    Marksman? Well he did say use filters, lol.