snipers need compensation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by W01fe, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. W01fe

    I spent how much money to get a good long range bolt action sniper, outfitted it with 12x scope, specifically to try and long range shot.

    I took a break from the game (real life commitments)

    came back, saw change :(

    serious compensation is needed.

    at 150m many non sniper related infantry guns can get faster kill times then a bolt action, at that range or slightly farther. This COMPLETLY negates the effectiveness of the bolt action rifle, or nearly, it may in fact completly render it useless, depends on if non bolt action sipers can oneshot within that 150 meters with a silencer. if yes, then bolt action is completly useless and here are the "compensation" that a sniper needs.

    cloak not de-activating on shots/lasting longer---i am, in order to OHK enemies, well within threat range of even infantry a pure AI class, with lowest health, and hardest to hit accurately weapon...this is just silly.

    Reduce effective range of majority of infantry non sniper weapons. make there effective range 100-125 meters, so they have to get closer to engage us.

    make that 150m stopgap a soft change as opposed toa hard one. in other words, every meter beyond 150m drops your damage, but doesnt automatically half it.

    give us effective anti vehicle measures from same range, real AV needed

    cash comensation, let us change out are hard earned certs and hardspent cash to refit our infiltrator or a entirely different class.

    Do any combination of these changes for actual compensation to making the sniper, and by a larger margin, the bolt action, completly useless.

    for perspective i also specialized in HA, getting the saw with a good scope and single firing with it. suddenly he is a vastly better sniper then a infiltrator...and that is sad.
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  2. gigastar

    Two things;
    1. As per the Terms of Service, you have no right to claim any sort of refund if the items you bought were altered.
    2. The proposed changes are proposals only, and as such are still subject to change before coming into effect, and still subject to change even after that.
    Also, if you read the actual patch notes today instead of ramming your thumbs up your nose you would realise that theese changes have not gone live at all.
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  3. MFP_TK_01

    The fact that you just happen to come back on the day that the change is made makes me think that you are an alt account that's been put into use to create more of these threads.
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  4. Flapatax

    When you shoot pull down on the mouse.
  5. W01fe

    thats frankly offensive. i have not, just apparently astonishing bad luck. rather i had compiled a list of free to play games over time that suit my tastes and different "wants" of the moment.


    fps=planetside 2
    actionrpg=path of exile
    strategy=duel of champions

    so i decided i wanted more ps2, nothing more :(
  6. W01fe

    ok, so edit your line of thinking to snipers need compensation to snipers need compensation if this change is implemented. done and done.
  7. Flapatax

    Well that goes beyond selective reading.

    Like wow.

    Much bad.
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  8. W01fe

    doesnt change that if these updates are implemented as is, compensation is needed. in the meantime ill go play HA with my SAW once my game finishes updated and out KDR and better support my squads then my INFI could hope.
  9. Jbrain

    sniping is too easy.. God forbid you have some drawbacks.. like.. every other single class except snipers... who get to choose their fights, go invisible..and have one of the easiest ways to kill.. what more do you want... remember that when you snipe someone they rarely have any way to retaliate.. snipers seem to forget that though..
  10. Teegeeack

    So which non-sniper infantry weapons are good at killing targets 150 metres away?
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  11. gigastar

    Seriously? Did you even read my bolded, orange text?

    If theese changes go live, you will not, thats NOT be able to claim a refund.

    And the threads you have been reading are "discussing" a balancing proposal.
  12. MFP_TK_01

    What he's trying to say is that when you made the purchase you agreed to the terms and service of said product. One of those terms states that at any time SOE is allowed to make changes or alter the digital product in any way and that you are OK with that. It also states that you understand and agree that SOE does not offer refunds.

    You did read the terms of service before you made a purchase right?
  13. whitupiggu

    No other infantry weapon can OHK someone 150m away so I have no idea what you are talking about. You, along with damn near every other sniper crying, actually have no idea how far 150m is.
  14. Flapatax

    That's like 3 feet, right? Most of us are Americans.
  15. Gundem


    Much bad

    Very entitled

    Many tears

    No Logic

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  16. KAHR-Alpha

    Your compensation is the massive buff within 150 m.

    Things get changed after a while, deal with it. If I were to get a refund for all my stuff that got modified over the months, I'd be able to buy all the existing camos.
  17. W01fe

    sorry maybe things have changed drastically since ive been gone.

    but when i played hitting a target from far away in the head with a bolt action was harder then blowing something up within 100 meters. maybe im weird tho. it wasnt even close for me in terms of difficulty.

    and drawbacks? other snipers, anything that can get to me quickly (vehicles), lowest health in the game, rounds tails pretty much point you out after you shoot. no real anti vehicle measures at all.

    not too mention time to retaliate? man things must have changed, last i played kill times were fast enough it was more about who shot first rather then who shot well.

    sniping is frankly, for me, harder then anything in normal infantry range. in any fps game ive ever played.
  18. W01fe

    then dont refund! just implement some of the other changes. compensation doesnt mean soley monetary.
  19. Flapatax

    Have you ever lost a game in gym? Is that actually possible for your generation, for that matter?
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  20. W01fe

    yes, and not sure what that has to do with anything. im 27 anyways. lets not change the subject tho i feel you were trying to imply things.