I have noticed that a lot of the members of my outfit (including the seasoned veterans) have very little sniping experience. I asked around a bit, and the answer to why is usually summed up as "BECAUSE COUNTERSNIPERS REK MY FACE!" or "I just don't really know all that much about it". So, I have taken it upon myself to head up some sniper training for my outfit, however, if interest is shown on Forumside (for the win!), I will open it up to the public. Things we will be going over: -Rifle and Optics Selection for Your Playstyle -Drop Compensation (and Leading techniques) on Moving and Stationary Targets -Time-to-Acquire on Moving and Stationary Targets -Cover and Cloak Utilization -Fire Timing and Mobility -Etc The time and date for this training is to-be-determined, so keep up with this thread to find that out! If you are a veteran, and have any words of advice for our new-to-bolting friends, then please, take the time to enlighten them. If you are a newcomer, or just new to sniping, then please take some time to click on the link in my signature to my Sniper's Guide and leave a little feedback. If you don't want to know anything about sniping, but like helping newcomers, then we could always use a few targets! So, my question to you is: Would you attend? We need some targets and contributors as well as attendees! -Stay Fr0sty
Great idea. I would gladly be a student and a teacher. (if time permitting) Im one of those in-between players, neither great or poor. All hail the Cloaker Master Race!
Well it's not like you can correct someone's elbow placement or something, lol. I don't see why make it a live, attendable event. You can pretty much lay down your thoughts and show some techniques in a video and then just show it to people.
' Normally, I'd be all over that logic. However, in this instance, I feel as though a live event would not only help new players get a 'feel' for what's going on, but also give us an excuse to have a little sub-community get together. Letting the newer snipers practice a bit in a controlled environment at the same time as talking to them about the subject might prove to be a more pleasant and immersive experience than just showing them a video. And hey, won't know 'till it's tried, right? -Stay Fr0sty
Why don't we just give people the books instead of sending them to school... It's not like what's said is any different... Aside from that, I'm a willing target that will be willing to countersnipe hehe
I've tried things like these before and it is very tedious but it is helpful to show people the basics and what not ingame rather than just some posts.
My Parsec agrees that you are a willing target . That yellow camo makes me happy! xD In seriousness: Thanks! I wouldn't expect any less from ya, Jawa. Keep being a Fr0sty fellow! -Stay Fr0sty
What day(s) were you planning on doing this? I'd be interested in helping with it providing it doesn't conflict with my work.
Date and time are still being planned for, trying to work around a few in-outfit schedules (and I have a competition coming up, so I've been spending a LOT of time at the range). I should have an answer for this over the next few days! -Stay Fr0sty
I would be down to learn! I'm always willing to pick up knowledge from people that are better than me
Biggest Lesson you want to pound into Newb Snipers is your Role in a Fight. Snipers are not there for the Farm, don't expect a huge SPM (though if you do it right, You won't walk away sorry). Sniper has 2 main Jobs. Countersniping. and Tactical Support. CounterSniping is a simple enough idea; Shoot the enemy snipers, keep them off your guys, and free up key stops that are being pinned down. Tactical Support is a little bit More complicated. Most of the time, It is going to involve pegging Medics and Engis that are supporting a Front like Push, But it is also about keeping Engis off their Turrets, Keeping Vech and Air Terminals down, and knocking out any Heavies that are laying down Launcher support. And of course, spotting as many people as you can. I.E. Your job as a Sniper is to Harasses the crap out of the enemy as much as possible, giving your team the Edge it needs to push forward. If this was a MMORPG, you'd think the Sniper would be a Rouge or Ranger, but Nope, you are the Hexer/Debuffer, the guy that may not do as much damage, but makes the other guys life a living heck.
Don't worry, my Snipers Guide covers fairly well what our intended role should be for teamplay (and once you get the hang of it, 60+KPH is very doable whilst still contributing to your team). Thanks for your input! -Stay Fr0sty
Hey MisterSlim, i was just thinking and realized you might need other players to play different classes. You know, to add more situations in the training. Keep up the good Fr0st-ing!
Just remember guys, if your intending on killing each other. Go on the test server or you run the risk of "stat padding" accusations. That or you know... just shoot a max in the head or the butt.
This may end up being a test server event, I've yet to decide on it. (We could use the Cutest Beaver on Auraxis to help out!) -Stay Fr0sty
I would love to attend this as despite my best efforts I am a pretty woeful sniper. Unfortunately I live across the pond in England so not sure if I would be able to make it. If so I am happy to act as a moving target as long as I pick up some tips. Great idea and thank you for making the offer.
Hope to see you there! If you'd ever like to know anything specific, then you're always welcome to shoot me (or any other veteran sniper, I can't think of any that would refuse to help) a PM. Also, if you're interested in learning the basics, check out the guide linked in my sig and leave some feedback! -Stay Fr0sty