Sniper shotgun :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InexoraVC, May 20, 2020.

  1. InexoraVC

    I have been playing for many years and my main task now is not to get bored, so I try to use unusuall weapon+attachments combination.
    For example shotgun+slug ammo+4x scope. It is the great combo if you hit the head :) And it can be used at much greater distances than no-slug shotguns.
    For VS I use Thanatos but all the shotguns have afwul bullet drop and sway.

    Has anyone tried the same weird combos ? Share your user experience on live servers (not VR) !!! :)
    What shotgun do you recommend as the most accurate? Any faction specific or NS models (baron for example) are welcome !
  2. Danko

    Tried that some time ago, used it for a while until got tired of the slug missing when hip firing.
  3. Statboy

    Thanatos sniper shotty used to be very popular. Back when it still had 3x headshot multiplier. I remember swarms of my beloved VS light assault going over walls with Sniper Shotty. I can still taste the salt from the tears of the NC and TR slain. Eventually the headshot multiplier was nerfed (to 1.5x i think), and people started dropping turrets to hit us at the walls. And so the great Sniper Shotty was killed off. I'm pretty sure I got my first 160 kills with the Thanatos by doing this. Good times
    • Up x 1
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    If you're going to use a pump-action stick to the Gen 1 variants. No difference in damage for slugs and the Gen 1 shotties fire faster.

    VS slugs also used to have no bullet drop which was another reason Thanatos was so popular. Slugs probably got hit a little too hard with the nerf bat to be honest.