Sniper rifle tone down for skill.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Howler556, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Izanagi

  2. ScottGB

    Saw on guy while on an infiltrator. When ever he was not running he was spamming the crouch button.. yeah he knew i was around.
  3. Terrahero

    I think the one-shot headshots are fine, but the bulletdrop needs to be more significant. Even at quite a significant distance you barely have to aim above someones head to get the headshot. It doesnt take a lot of skill to sit in a covered overwatch and aiming at someone's (who isnt moving!) head. There are plenty of times you stand still as an infantry, lining up a shot, trying to get a lock, hiding in cover etcetc.

    So, again, damage is fine but it needs more bullet drop to make long-range snipes harder.
  4. A-KO

    Long range sniping is already difficult because you have to be within a certain range just to see people. When you're within that range, you are now a target. When you fire you show up on the map.

    Personally, if the max draw distance was increased you'd see legitimate bullet drop come into play for the truly long distance attacks, and honestly, I'd prefer it--given the 12x scope (or maybe even longer).

    The simple answer to snipers is to counter them with snipers. The amount of factors already working against them is huge:
    • Most effective at long range
    • Bullet drop does come into play at longer draw distances. I often times have to use the 2nd or 3rd (and sometimes 4th!) dot to get an accurate headshot. I gauge the distance by firing off one round to see where it drops. This has the terrible benefit of exposing my position, so I'm trying to get better at gauging this without dummy shots.
    • Moving targets become that much more difficult to hit. Most players are moving, most of the time.
    • Throw in added latency and players can look like they're Jumping" around, making even moving targets impossible to hit.
    • Not all areas are really good for sniping.
    • Don't stand still!
    • Snipers vary significantly in kills. Some areas you'll decimate a team, and other areas you'll go "why the hell didn't I get something with bombs and just blow **** up?"
    • No sniper in the game is 1 shotting you with a body shot. I'm not sure which game you're playing but I can tell you it's not happening here.
  5. ExquisitExamplE

    I'm glad we're on the same page.
  6. sharknice

    When you only have a few bars of health left getting shot in the body once will kill you. Your health doesn't fully heal after hiding in a corner for 10 seconds like in COD and Halo. Only your shield does.
  7. Noxx(ia)

    They're getting headshots. get used to it. none of the sniper rifles will kill on a body shot in one shot.
  8. Noctover

    You talk utter rubbish, non of the sniper rifles in the game are 1 shot kill to anything other than the head, some HA's with health certed can take a headshot even.

    If your being anhilated by Snipers all the time your one of the people who sits still assuming its clear giving us an easy shot to your head. Even if you just move a little bit, left and right, keeping to no pattern, sniping becomes more than twice as difficult.

    I can prove it quite easily, YOU go, pick an Infiltrator, and snipe, i bet you kill nothing.

    Snipers in this game are extremely easy to avoid, you just don't give them a shot.

    Getting a shot at range on a moving target in the head is either pure skill and lots of it, or pure luck, either way it wont happen often because there arnt many skilled snipers, and luck dosent strike twice often. If someone shoots you and hits you anywhere other than the head, its obvious, u get a nice big indicator saying where the shot came from, if your still in line-of-sight of that sniper by the time hes loaded for another shot, you deserve to die.
  9. TetrisIsUnrealistic

    Marked the part you should be ashamed for. Why are you shooting at the body?
  10. Hoki

    OP is incorrect on basically everything.
  11. Kur0ko

    troll kid who can't snipe to save his life
  12. MagisterCrow

    I find this whole thing highly amusing. Most of my friends refuse to play infiltrator because they find the sniper rifle too hard to use. As multiple people have mentioned, there is no instant kill rifle unless they hit you in the head. Which is tricky being a smaller target. Trickier when you factor in bullet drop, distance to target, and, oh, yeah, people having this annoying habit of moving. Me? I have a lot of practice sniping from other games. My buddies feared me in counter-strike years back for my ability to get headshots with a scout. I still find the bullet drop mechanic tricky to adjust to, and it might just be me (not being used to wide open fields like this), but targets always seem so darn far away.

    TL;DR: OP=Wrong
  13. Trysaeder

    Except with bolt action sniper rifles where all 9 are exactly the same in every stat. The LA80 has an extra 50m/s bullet speed for some reason though.