So... I've been thinking, as a sniper, it sometimes seems that your affect on the battle isn't very big. Sure, you got a ridiculous kill streak sniping, but, did you capture any points? Kill any sunderers? Overload an SCU? Snipers are generally only good at taking one guy at a time, and the affects aren't really known since a medic can revive him fast. What if people killed by a bolt action sniper rifle can't get revived (by medic)? Just an idea, but snipers would become more of an asset to the team. For example, you see a weakened max, and you kill it. He can't be revived then by a medic, and of course you could kill the medic when he tries to revive the max. Another example is when you just see a squad camping a point. Pick them off and they'll hav to respawn further away. Edit 2nd idea Secondary or primary weapon to call in Artillary strikes of rockets, point at the ground for 20 seconds and then watch. Like ghost from starcraft. What do you guys think?
I've been thinking about that... That, or maybe something less punishing. If you where killed by a headshot from a sniper, it shortens your revive timer, as in, you have less than the normal time for a medic to revive you. Or different ammo types. One that lengthen your respawn after a headshot or shortens the revive possibility, lenghten the revive action, etc. You know, disrupt the medics job. Anyway, just wanted to say I kind of like the concept that snipers could be better assets with headshots
a sniper can be very useful to a team, thing is said sniper going for k/d or helping the fight by softening up people for a friendly to walk in and easily clean their clock or are they reliably shooting a medic in the chest to force them back or die to reduce that ability of the front line to hold with less medic's on the scene. a sniper has a few options it's up to them to either take the easy way or sacrifice their k/d and devalue their position by hitting the enemy were they are weakest to make the base a easier take.
I like the idea of removing the ability to revive if killed by a Headshot, but I don't know if it wouldn't become too OP...
I like the idea,but it's not a good one. The Infiltrator can kill in one shot from a relatively safe distance and still get more chances if they miss,the downside is that they can't deal with medics jumping around (they basically have to target medics over other classes).Another class on the other hand is at great risk when killing an enemy at close to medium range,the medic however can't revive their teammate unless they deal with the other classes first. I think the shortening of the revive timer as mentioned above is a better alternative.
I would, in addtion, give all sniper rifles an increase in velocity of 50 (or even 100?) m/s. Since there is no momentum applied if you change directions as infantry ( only MAX units got this so far if remember right), it´s maybe not impossible, but quite hard to hit a zig-zagging target at 200-300m. You could choose a higher tiered rifle of course, but those have also higher reload and chamber times, which means that if you can´t hit the head or score 2 consecutive body shots, the medic will survive and inform everybody nearby of your presence. This would also define sniper rifles more in their role as long distance weapons, in relation to their semi-auto variants and scout rifles.
I love sniping and from my own experience on the other end of it being sniped is incredibly irritating. It is also a good area denial strategy which can affect a battle - but with no real way to measure that effect. I certainly avoid areas I know are covered by a sniper, for example. Don't forget recon darts either - they help your allies tactically as well as giving a shed-load of certs. I think the key, as someone said, is intelligent sniping - medics, engineers, enemies in commanding tactical positions and, of course, the tailors dummy-sniper gift, the guy behind the deployable turret. It would be good to be able to identify tactically important classes at a distance. What about the other stuff? planting mines, assassination and hacking. Takes real skill and some luck to avoid detection going in and you are a hunted fugitive (or dead) as soon as you've done something (then there is the accuracy thing if, like me, you could fire a pistol at the ground between your feet and still miss! but that's my problem) I'm not sure there is a case for more kit but for more judgement, except maybe a fast bug-out tool. Even just the ability for a short burst of speed would be nice, given how relatively easy it is for enemies to spot a cloaked infiltrator these days. It is also a shame you have to make that squishy noise when you uncloak. Keep it for cloaking by all means but it kind of spoils the surprise after you have snuck around for so long to get the drop on someone or wormed your way past the guards to get into a generator room or up behind a turret, and then have to stay put for a while to do your thing while people are going "did you just hear that?"
The average headshot rate is like.. 20%? it isn't going to be terribly op if you can't revive 2 players out of 10, and there should be some counter play against the necromancers, the revive timeout isn't.
I like that headshot kills should lengthen respawn timers and revive timers. But I might not be able to kill vehicles with an infiltrator directly, but the number of times I've hacked turrets and killed vehicles or hacked terminals, switched classes killed vehicles and switched back is far too many to count.
U can be effective as a sniper, for ur allies and squad. 1) recon darts. 2) U can take down special targets like medics and engi's, so they cant support their allies anymore so your allies can push up. 3) prevent enemys from spawning vehicles. 4) Take enemy snipers down. Your not as effective as a medic but u can still make a difference in a fight. But i think Smg infiltrator is also realy needed in a good squad for spotting enemys.
Generally, I meant for the first suggestion to give sniper infril a specifically a bit more power on the battlefield. Recon darts can only do so much...