Sniper Changes are RIDICULOUS. Good job SOE.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darsh, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    Go to page 9 and see how far 150m is. That is far enough that you should be winning battles with a bolt action.
  2. Negator

    reposted for hard of reading to see again
  3. Negator

    and here folks, is another completely uninformed player, who will reply to me with anger and emotion instead of educate himself about game mechanics.
  4. Poacher

    Yeah....sure. Getting plinked from the boonies with a 12X scope requires a lot of skill. Also, try standing still for a few moments and see what happens as the snipers lick their chops over a soon-to-be easy kill. Nearly EVERYONE in the game is in constant ADD spaz mode so they don't get head shot from these turds. Refund? LOL......keep dreaming cause' it's never gonna happen.:)
  5. Sobdude

    Goodbye sniper-*******! Game without you will be much better.
  6. biterwylie

    I will be asking for a refund on the sniper rifle I purchased.

    If they do not want snipers in the game, just remove sniper rifles from the game and have done with it.
  7. RobotNinja

    Awesome. Infiltrators complaining about how anyone certed into Nanoweave can negate one hit kill headshots so SOE proposes to give everyone automatic OHK protection at 150m and you don't even need to cert anything. Boy, I can't wait for that Infiltrator update when they make Infs even more useless.

    In Battlefield you can sink headshots with sniper rifles from 1000m Planetside 2 they want to make headshots irrelevant past 150m. Love it.

    Oh don't forget guys...there are some new sniper rifles coming to the cash shop!
  8. wolfva

    Ah! You say that NOW...but what will you be saying when they emasculate YOUR favorite play style? I get the feeling the tears of rage you'll be splashing on this forum will drown those of the Snipers.

    Guess what spanky, I know you think the world revolves around you, but it doesn't. Nor does the game. This is a MASS COMBAT game utilizing MANY different types of playstyles enmeshed in one whole. Anytime we lose that bit of diversity...even if it's something you personaly despise... the game is poorer for it.
  9. vincent-

    Cry more over the main topic considering you probably didn't even read though it.
  10. Shadowyc

    What they should do is completely annihilate the NC faction. They are merely sideshow freaks, the ones you pay money to see and laugh at. They should remove all Infiltrators because they are pointless, as well as SMGs as they are pathetic. They should remove pistols as only Infiltrators use them. MBTs and Lightnings should be removed as well, they are worthless compared to the almighty Harasser. Finally, Galaxies should be removed as they are only used for two things; delivering silly people to locations, and crashing out of the air into something.
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  11. soeguud

    SMG infiltrators abounds - the way SOE wanted it to be. A lagging CQB ***********.

    If you want solid and reasonably balanced gunplay, move over to CoD or BAttlefield 4. If you want scenery, designs and environments that only get uglier (vehicle cosmetics are shocking and I question the artist's design mentality) with each successive patch, stay on PLanetside. I only play this game for the numbers :(.
  12. hansgrosse

    I like how nobody on either side of the debate is ever willing to concede that there might possibly be a one in ten-trillion chance of their standpoint being wrong in any conceivable way. I also like how people will take the holier-than-thou stance and delude themselves into thinking that they are being the rational, reasonable party when in reality they're just slinging insults and nonsense like everyone else. It really does make arguing about things like this pointless.

    Fortunately, SOE is smart enough to realize how little merit the arguments posted in these threads generally hold and completely ignores you. It's not a total loss though; at least these threads are always good for a laugh!

    More on-topic: A shameless plug for semi-auto sniper rifles!
    ---Semi-auto sniper rifles fun and very, very underrated! It's usually killstreak central on the odd occasion that I roll infi and pull my Gauss SPR or SV98 out. I've found that the semi-autos are especially notable for netting consistent results at many different ranges, so they cater very well to players that like to minimize variables in combat. Besides, if someone who snipes as little as I do can excel with the things, then experienced snipers should be godly with a little practice.

    If you're dissatisfied with your old, worn-out bolt action, then don't delay! Make the switch today! ;)
  13. lilleAllan

    are you writing from the future? the patch. is not. live yet.
  14. RobotNinja

    OMG! Rite? Goodbye Snipers...Hello Rawketpodders, Spawncamping libs, spawncamping tanks, noobtubers, UBGLers, lolrassers, cheesefarmers and every other single weapon/vehicle in the entire game.
  15. Draf

    Yeah sniper changes are ridiculous. Why sniping weapon are still in the game ?
  16. Fabien

    Seriously folks - Sniping is and always will be part of FPS's. Nerfing them to such a state would be worse than removing them! Sniping is a long range thing, that's it, there's nothing more to it, remove the range and then it's no sniping anymore. Again, the OP is pointing out that the challenge to head shot someone at far distances considering the compensation done for bullet drop and travel time is sufficient enough to justify the kill - well deserved in fact.
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  17. biterwylie

    It is you that comes across as uninformed? I can engage targets with my Razor carbine or SAW with better ttk than a bolt action at 150 or less meters.
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  18. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I expect that the new sniper rifle is best suited for quickscoping.

    Somehow, some way, they'll make it even easier to quickscope if you purchase that rifle...probably by giving it a one hit kill to the body or something.

    Like their intelligence in proposing boost related implants that you could temporarily purchase for certifications or station cash, thus providing the FIRST step towards a pay to win business model?

    Yeah, no...

    They're people too, fully capable of making horrific mistakes.
  19. Darsh

    I know its a bit late to say this but I want to make sure ppl know that these changes are not yet in effect. They were simply announced as part of the next balancing phase. As of right now, you can still do OHK from over 150 meters. I posted this thread to voice MY STRONG OPINION on this upcoming change and to let SOE know that I'm not the only one who disagrees with this. Hopefully they will agree with the majority of players and reconsider this change to the BASR.

    The reality is this. Snipers have never been Overpowered. They do what they do well, but they are also extremely vulnerable in CQC. Yes, you can get some nice killstreaks with a Sniper rifle if you position yourself properly and if you are patient. But you can get equally amazing killstreaks with LAs and HAs if you play smart and don't think you're RAMBO... Sometimes.. being an idiot and going in like RAMBO will also give you good killstreaks.. In a game with THIS many players, its all about situational awareness.. Yes.. there can be a sniper 400 meters away getting ready to line up a shot at your head. Yes.. there might be a Lib gunship that pops around the corner of mountain.. or simply fires Dalton / Zepher shells from ceiling. Yes. you may turn a corner and run into a SCAT MAX , or any guy with a pump action shotgun.. or even a Land Mine.

    Just because something can kill you fast, doesn't mean its overpowered, because there are usually enough risk factors involved in using that weapon. Pump shotguns are strong in CQC.. but they make you extremely vulnerable in anyother situations. Its a tradeoff. PPL need to understand that tradeoff before they say that BASR needs to be nerfed. Countless ppl have mentioned this including myself. BASR are slow to fire. you have scope sway in a game you can't hold your breath for more than 4 seconds.. When you do fire if you don't get a Headshot, you have to reload and re-acquire your target, hold your breath again. By that time, your target is usually behind cover and has spotted you or has a good general idea where you are. Even if your target wasn't looking at you, you have to be aware that there may be enemy players 360 degrees anywhere around you and that all it takes, is for ONE player to have seen that huge tracer round to know where you are and come hunt you down in CQC.. where you become extremely vulnerable.

    I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinions.. and this is mine. Instead of nerfing something that never needed to be nerfed, SOE should be concentrating on balancing the ZOE MAX, the Harasser, and creating some decent META so players can return to this game.
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  20. PapaMojo

    Simpler take on the whole thing.

    How many players will return because they left due to "Snipers killing me from 200+m out"?

    How many players will leave because "My preferred playstyle has been gutted."

    I suspect you will see more people leave the game and go elsewhere then return or stay longer due to this change being implemented.