[BUG] Smoke grenades not working on "low"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sharmanti, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Sharmanti

    Yes I decided to mark this as a "bug".

    Just took a look at what smoke grenades look on low settings.

    What happens is that on medium-high, the smoke is thick and hides the soldiers. On low it's like someone is trying to extinguish your grandmas burnt steak. It's ridicoulus. It's like 3 "poofs" of smoke and you can litteraly see everything. Jesus, it's more of an advantage for the low-setting players than the high-setting that threw the smoke?!
  2. Chiss

    Yeah, i was going to get smoke grenades, until i saw what it looks like on LOW.

    I'm not really willing to gamble my life on someone having HIGH settings, most people wont.
  3. BuzWeaverPS2

    For now I've gone with the Shotgun attachment and I'd have to say I've been very happy with that decision. Until smoke or grenade damage is re-tweaked I'll hold off getting them.