I've never thought about it. The assault rifle is such a good weapon that it just never occurred to me. I guess as a personal defence weapon, rather than an offensive weapon, some of the SMGs would be good. But I like my medium and long range combat too much.
Yeah,much players said me that ARs overshines over SMGs,but im more towards to cqc. Thats the cause that im going to pick the TAR.
Also i will pick the Hunter QCX with darklight and explosivebolts bolts,for counter infiltrators,MAXes and with medics C4s,destroy vehicles. Kids please,dont stole me those ideas,i know that u are my fans,but im not going to sign autographs now!!!
My medic playstyle usually revolves around sitting behind an allied frontline and picking off targets behind cover, breaking my own cover only to run up and revive before returning to cover. This calls for an accurate long range weapon which SMGs simply aren't. It's all personal play style. For a more COMBAT oriented COMBAT Medic, sure. SMG during a tower fight or something.
Yeah,thats the cause i want a cqc AR,because SMG is good for cqc but people say that is better an AR and since im more to go first to battle,i want a cqc AR and the best is TAR. But i dont worry too much,im waiting for the Xbox One versión,and that can take about a year or more. -.-
SMGs are the best hipfire weapons in the game with the best initial hipfire CoF and sustained hipfire accuracy (50% lower CoF bloom). Though, I don't like TR SMGs and wouldn't recommend them for Medic. For other empires they're worth a shot, imho, especially if you like using hipfire and abusing mobility.
I used an smg most of the time while getting my medic arux also got me the smg. Only downside I now have to go back and do the AR.
SMG is always a good option when fighting at close quarter. As Medic I prefer the TAR: great hipfire accuracy, hi RPM, good damage. And it's more versatile than a SMG.
SMG are great for combat medic because of the quick equip-time : you'll suffer less from being engaged in CQC while having your medical applicator in the hands. There is also the NS7 PDW that is no that bad at longer range. But if there are long range combat or battle from base to base, you'll have to switch weapon for a medium/long range AR or a battle rifle.
Unless you're looking to unlock a CQ weapon for all non-MAX classes in one purchase, I'd say it's not worth it. There's a superior assault rifle option in every faction.
Maybe SABR-13 is a good option for long range combat,still its good for close quarters (or that is what it says on the wiki) But i prefer cqc ARs.
SABR is lurrrvly wherever you use it. But yeah, TAR/TRV are CQ monsters. Just don't get caught reloading the TRV
Yes, I meant I really like the SABR. You can use it in close quarters certainly, but it's far less forgiving. TAR is a good choice.
Well if i can be good both at close and long distances,then the choice is clear But ill pick the TAR or maybe the T1S Cycler due his underbarrel smoke launcher,people says that is a good mix with thermal aim sights.
TORQ 9 is pretty good as well and it is flexible. It works well at medium range although it is more of a close range weapon. Its attachment options are CQC related (laser sight and SPA) and I use these. I switch to the SABR for long range (and with compensator, advanced foregrip and 3.4x sight it works at really long range).
I'd often thought of the TORQ-9 as a sort of SMG on steroids. Guess 'cause of the damage profile/RoF. Great weapon though, agreed.