Smedly comments on Implant changes: "sorry but we are actually trying to make money"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chipay, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. z1967

    vehicle armors pls

    PS armors pls

    weapon reskins pls (as in you can get a cosmetic to reskin the weapon's model, not a different weapon with the same stats as another weapon. like a skorpion styled reskin for the T4 AMP).
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  2. BlueSkies

    To all the people rage quitting the game over implants... LOL


    Only really obvious difference is on VS... who strangely had 100% camo coverage with an art director that played VS... hrm....
  3. VaIhall

    I have seen maybe 2 cheaters in my time and only once. Cheating is not an issue.
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  4. Atheosim

    Legacy weapons and armor models now!
  5. Schwak

    Implants would have been a better system if they had just reduced universal screen shake and flinch in game so we could use something other then battle hardened, but of course SOE is too ******** to realize that.
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  6. Schwak

    There is a low profile cheater on emerald right now that has been irritating me for the past couple days. Hes using an aim assist hack under the disguise of a br70 1kdr bad player in a low tier zerg outfit. You look at his page and you immediately think, oh he just got lucky. Go to his killboard and its like 70% headshots with a carbine. A few of my outfit members confirmed my belliefs when they told me he had killed them in suspicious headshot circumstances (4 tapped by a mercenary from 60m+ and so on). I guess the only part that is nice is that you can not easy outgun him but it's duable since he doesn't realize he should be strafing while he shoots. A cheater that stands still, nothing better.
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  7. NoctD

    Connery's generally a pretty clean server - Emerald, and its predecessor Mattherson, quite a different story. But I've found plenty enough stat padders (spawn someone and kill them repeatedly type) on Connery, they just aren't using the fancier cheats.
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  8. Donaldson Jones

    It's well -made and fast.

    The condition things come in generally speaking work properly, being over or under powered is not a bug, it's an adjustment. The Valk came in and worked, the new knives came in and worked, implants came in and worked. There will always be bugs but generally SOE and PS2 devs do a good job of screening their code. There are ALWAYS side effects with code this complex using a CPU model that does things at gigahertz speeds, video processing in frames per second and net speeds and bandwidths that vary WILDLY and that is just three of the many variables that have to be streamlined. I think the fact that most of us see the same thing most of the time is good code especially over the kind of battle scales that can occur in this game.

    Planetside is cheap to a free only player but the quality of that experience is completely driven by the bottom line and that bottom line is what things the community loves (voice packs) and things they hate (ZOE Maxs) . Most people like implants enough to pay 3 dollars a month for them maybe that small boost is enough especially if you stop your timer by hanging in the redeploy screen and pick your targets carefully.

    Honestly I buy my membership one year at a time so that's 10 bucks a month I get 5 dollars back each month as merchandise. SC I buy when I see stuff I like camo's helmets, voice packs..etc. I probably average about an additional 10 dollars a month in stuff. So they lowered the drop on implants they used price and performance data and made a hypothesis, if you don't like it don't buy implants or don't use them it's your CHOICE.

    If you think content is slow coming to Planetside 2 Diablo 3 for awhile.
  9. Doc Jim

    I really can't imagine people spending SC on ultra chargers or random implant packs just because chargers drop less often.
    One way for them to make more money would be to increase the cert prices on weapons.

    Currently the decent weapons cost 1k certs or 700sc.
    With a boost active I can make 1k certs in a weekend and I wouldn't be surprised by someone getting that done in a day.
    Kitting the weapons out is a different matter, vehicle weapons can only be improved with certs. Some amount of SC or 330 certs for infantry weapons and several thousand certs for vehicle weapons (I never understood this difference).
    If the cert prices for purchasing the weapons were raised from 1k to 1.5k or even 2k certs, more players would be inclined to purchase weapons with SC instead of certs.
  10. Mythologicus

    I've never used implants. I forget about them.

    I don't have it set to automatically use chargers, because I'm a conservative dickhole. I try to remember to use explosive detection when I grab a ground vehicle, but I forget. If I'm worried about mines I spam spot on the ground and try to use thermals to help out.

    As infantry or air I just don't give a damn. Air I might use the implant that displays distance to target, but I'm too lazy. Do I feel like I'm missing out? No. Do I feel like the people who are running their tier whatever implants have a major advantage over me? No. Perhaps as implants/chargers become rarer the difference between those who do run them and those who don't will become more apparent, but then hey, I'm an even better player than I realised because as someone who has never run them infantryside, I just don't notice.

    As a random note, I do a lot of tanking with someone who charges EOD III religiously every time he buys a tank. This doesn't stop him from driving over mines. Are your implants actually helping you?
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  11. FateJH

    It's simple, really. Cosmetics were never intended to offer a positive or negative effect on visibility or faction identification. Calling it "camo" is just a thematic rendition. (Also, everyone always hopes this is leading up to some sort of Vehicle hacking.) That's their reasoning - it was never intended to do the task you have prescribed of it.
  12. gigastar

    I cant help but point out that nobody should have been spending time or money on PS2 anyway for as long as the resource revamp remains in development hell.

    Actually, why are people more up in arms over this instead of the endless delays of our promised metagame?

    Also, can someone calculate what the SC drain on someone would be to sustain a T4 implant for 2, 4 and 6 hours a day for 30 days? If this is SOEs idea of milking players i would like to know just how much money they thought theyre actually going to get.
  13. Devrailis

    Why, me too. Glad to see you agree.
  14. Tyrant103

    Understandable, this game just got out of beta and has a lower player base than what it started with.

    Is this huge money campaign here to make up for all the players they have driven away or for little they have left?
  15. MrNature72

    Sh*t, with all the gripes I have about Planetside 2 (and I could write an essay on them), it's still one of my favorite games. The best part? It's still going strong.

    What they need is a new lead designer. Or h*ll, let someone have a shot. That's what I've been trying to do with all these posts. I want to get the community to band together and actually make a difference in the game.
  16. GoyoElGringo

    First off, this borders on P2W. If a steady flow of chargers can't be attained from normal play, then the person who buys them will have implants 100% of the time, while the free players will not.

    Secondly, why are people who pay a $15 a month premium for a subscription not being given chargers? So they pay for a sub, but the sub doesn't even cover the only P2W part of the game? Give people with subscriptions the old drop rate. If you're going to be so shady in the name of making money, at least reward the people who pay you a monthly fee. If that 500sc a month is going toward chargers, then we may as well just spend the whole $15 on chargers and whatever else we want and forget the sub.
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    Meh, glad I started a new character so I'm used to playing w/o regen 1 which was the only thing I used before. With the excessive drop rate we had you could play with your fav tier 1 implants forever w/o having to care about running out of energy/implants. Kind of a shady tactic to lull peeps into a sense of security there just to change everything over night; to take advantage of the fact that some people have gotten so used to playing with say reduced camera shake or some kind of automated self heal that the game feels bad if you play w/o it. But let's be honest guys, we all knew that there was gonna be a hook somewhere
  18. f0d

    its not well made at all
    as an example i also play firefall which is also a fpsmmo and there isnt anywhere near as many bugs in that game as there is in ps2
    also you mention that the valk knifes etc etc wasnt bugged while that is true the patches that introduced them also broke a ton of other things - like alerts for example
    in fact i havnt played any game with as many bugs and performance issues as ps2 and i have played a LOAD of games, if there wasnt any issues with bugs or performance or glitches then smedley wouldnt have said he is stopping all development in ps2 to fix the issues that have been around for so long

    its not cheap
    when you have to buy implants and ultra chargers to be competitive with others, if you dont then you are playing at a disadvantage - it wasnt so bad when the drop rate meant you could have them on more than off but now you can barely have implants on at all

    its not fast - i dont know about diablo as i dont play it but the content in this game is S-L-O-W compared to just about every other game i have played
  19. Milspec

    Err, sorry, but I watched SOE starve PS1 to death when it was one of the most advanced FPS games in the world. Because EQ1 was the cash cow then, and apparently SOE ccould only handle one of those at a time. Because they were early on the big FPS explosion, they had the chance to take a huge chunk of the COD / BF market into Planetside if they'd just had the drive to do it. Instead they just milked whatever money they could from the declining game and called themselves "successful".
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  20. Xasapis

    Funnily enough it's not worth buying camos any more with the new coverage. Especially if you wear composite or similar armor. From my 50+ camos, less than 5 don't look horrible.

    The original coverage, the one that T-Ray changed, was the worst of all factions. It may have become too good, but now we are back on the stark opposite side, to the point of not worth spending any money on camos.