Smedly comments on Implant changes: "sorry but we are actually trying to make money"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chipay, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Chipay


    Well, there you have it folks. The reduction of drop rates on the Implants/Chargers was an intentional change with the objective to make people pay (more) for implants and energy.
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  2. MotionBlured

    Oh the whorer!

    Seriously, who cares? I didn't buy implants before, I won't buy them now, but kudos to you OP, for trying to stir the pot. How dare they try and make money!
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  3. LT_Latency

    Well i guess they are getting pretty desperate and have started the milk the hard core player phase of the game. The drop rate is a joke. I don't even have my implants running most of the time and mine are still going down.

    Overwatch PLZ be good
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  4. Chipay

    How am I trying to stir the pot? A lot of people were asking if these changes were intentional or not both on these forums and Reddit. Smedly explained this about 20h ago and nobody linked to it yet.
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  5. f0d


    not getting money for those from me, id rather spend it on cosmetics and other stuff
    i can do without implants anyways - i have been saving my charges the last few months and i have around 350 or so of them so if i want to use them i can but i think i will just save more
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  6. BlueSkies

    The drop rate change was in the patch notes... (iirc)

    Also, who the hell would pay for implants? Its not like you actually need them.
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  7. TriumphantJelly

    Fine, make money. My beef is with how NONE OF IT makes it's way back into funding the game. Seriously, you'd think that Sony don't pay the devs and that they make a living from meagre SC sales with the speed of meaningful content.
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  8. Chipay

    It was, but it never specified that the implementation of a higher Tier implant would result in less drops. I think most people read it as an increase in drop rate and were rather confused to find out that it was in fact decreased.
  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    dont get me wrong, I WANT TO GIVE THEM MY MONEY!

    but for MEANINGFUL content like new infantry/vehicle weapons, cool cosmetics and character customization. implants dont mean crap to me
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  10. BetterFasterStronger

    I don't know if you know it. But we live in a capitalistic society, and SOE is a company.
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  11. LT_Latency

    Lots of people don't like P2W, They can try and make money but they won't get MY money like this which is too bad I liked this game. You should at least be able to keep teir 1 or 2 running without running out now that they have tier 4

    If companies learns the can make money like this....They start leaning on it like a crutch for easy cash for everything.
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  12. BetterFasterStronger

    Ok ? Nobody is forcing you to buy anything?
  13. Trebb

    Ugh. First off I subscribe mostly to support the game and SOE. That said, no matter what 'freemium' game I play, I have never spent one cent on temporary things. And implant energy is about as temporary as it gets.

    I only use the T3 Sensor shield, and only on specific builds. I have no actual feedback that it really works, people seem to know I'm there even when I take care to not sprint or jump.

    Just one big Meh for the implant system as a whole. I understand the need to farm $$$, but to nerf things (spotted enemy life bars, make battle-shaky cam worse), then create implants to 'unnerf' the changes, is shady.
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  14. f0d

    i dont mind giving them money but the implant system isnt the way they will get it from me
    new vehicles/vehicle weapons/infantry weapons/cosmetics etc etc will get loads of money from me
    implants and chargers?
  15. LT_Latency

    This is how the pay to win system works.
    The paying users pays big money so they can do this to the free users. You need both types of users for the system to work. They slowly worked this in. They launched it with lots of energy so everyone would get used to it and not complain then they took away the energy and made the drops more powerful and rarer(tier 4).

    It is a slop most Free2play games start going down when new players are harder to find and it usually gets worse
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  16. \m/SLAYER\m/

    well, i dont use it
  17. MotionBlured

    There's maybe a handful of games where this is true. PS2 isn't one of them.
  18. Jolanar

    In all honesty, they make a fair point. The intention of implants in the first place was to provide a door for supplementary income. Let's face it, implant drops were initially incredibly common. I think it is nice that you have to grind your way up to those teir 4s or you could always take the short cut by paying for packs.

    Now granted I do believe that paying members should receive drops more frequently than f2p users (after all you are paying for a better gaming experience) but this does not translate into pay to win. Free members still have the ability to get these items or they can choose to pay for them like any paying user might do.

    Where the line tends to get blurry is when you get hands and feet benefits over players that don't use implants because they can't afford to keep them charged. EMP/suppression protection is really quite overpowered as an implant.
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  19. BetterFasterStronger

    I agree, but they said several times they certainley don't want a pay-2-win game. Let's hope they don't break those words.
  20. Doc Jim

    The only reason I ever bought implants with SC was to get my SC balance back down to zero so that I would never get the urge to top it up again in order to buy more mediocre content. As for the reduced drop rate of the chargers, I think that's fine. IMHO even the most basic implant should require the player to "craft" chargers now and then if he wants to run them 100% of the time.