Smarter player indicator visibility logic using Line Of Sight ( LOS ) checks for non-squad/platoon a

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moooosa, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. moooosa

    Huge update. Lots of exciting changes. Thank you SOE.

    One thing stood out to me:

    "Smarter player indicator visibility logic using Line Of Sight ( LOS ) checks for non-squad/platoon allies to reduce HUD indicator clutter"

    This is crap. Please either revert or make it an OPTION. I need to be able to see where friendlies are. If I'm camping a cap point and suddenly hear footsteps I need to know whether I need to mow down the first thing that moves in front of my crosshairs (and I'm not always going to take my eyes off them to look at the minimap). If a generator is down or in the process, I need to be able to see what friendlies are on the way there in order to support/get supported appropriately.

    Planetside 2 is a game that revolves around teamwork. Planetside 2 is not only played with your squadmates (assuming you're in a squad). I never once considered player indicators a problem while playing. Please don't make me play blind from now on.

  2. Ronin Oni

    what it means is if you put your crosshairs near them, ie; before you can shoot them, the icon will popup.

    Hide the rest, it's all clutter.

    so many icons it's just a mess
  3. Dingus148

    It'll probably still have a 30 odd meter IFF radius. Don't worry too much, it should be an improvement.

    (And if it's not, I'll join you on the forums screaming for a workable system)
    • Up x 1
  4. moooosa

    Well I played for an hour or two before servers came down for the hotfix and I found it bothersome that I would sometimes have to point my crosshairs at a guy for like a half second before the indicator would show up (took a shot at friendlies a couple times). I'm still assuming we won't be able to see markers through walls from now on... I didn't notice because there happened to be too much epic action going on the whole time.