Ey m8s Would like to hear your opinion about a 1-2 xp bonus if your allies kills an enemy inside the scan range of the dart? Or should it be higher? I just feel that a small reward would get more ppl whos not in an outfit to use it....
I definetly think we need some kind of reward for using it. I find it's much harder to get experience points compared to the other classes in general. Hell, we only seem to get most of ours from killing people and we're far from the best at that job (besides long range sniping).
I´ve been thinking this too, however, 1-2 xp is too little, maybe 5-8 xp, since it´s really a great way to help your squad/team.
The recon dart is like an AOE q-spot, so it should give experience similar to the regular spot bonuses. I don't play Infiltrator but it would be useful for a squadmate of mine that does. All he uses the dart for now is to create a glowy distraction that we all stare at.
Yes. Though I'd prefer it to be somewhere between the amount you get for each tick of a repair and the amount you get for a Q-spot. I also wish the dart would paint stationary vehicles ie. sundies on the map :-|
Yeah, i went out of my way to upgrade this to help out. I'd love to get some reward for using it. I mean you figure engineers get 10xp per reload just for dropping an ammo box, as well as repair XP. Medics 3/4 kill xp for rezzing someone, and like 15xp per tick of healing. I think the recon tool is the ONLY support tool that doesn't provide some kind of XP for using it. Either XP per kills in it's range or even just a small XP reward (maybe 2-5xp) for each pulse it detects something would make it worthwhile.
XP gain here should be be like in BF3. You gain bonus xp if a target in range gets killed. or maybe you split this between detection xp and kill spotting xp. For example: 2 XP for spotting a target and 5 XP when when the spotted target was shot down by your faction. But the XP gain has to be limited like the ammo xp cut (dunno the exact numbers).
do remember tough that the scout radar should also get this bonus if this was ever implemented. However, this would simply result in people spamming these darts at spawn rooms.
why doesn't the dart paint targets anyway? I remember the confusion of first playing an INF and having all my assumptions being wrong. "hey, I have a tracking dart! i must be able to paint for my HA co-op buddies!" Nope. "Hey I'm a sniper, I should be one of the better anti infantry in the game". Nope "hey, I can go invisible! I hope I can knife guys to death!" Nope. "hey, this hacking thing seems neat" nope. so should be able to cert it to paint targets (even if you have to choose).